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0.0.6 • Public • Published

Hydrogen React Native WebView SDK

Hydrogen React Native SDK allows you to accept payment using Hydrogen Pay


Register for a merchant account on Hydrogen Merchant Dashboard to get started.

npm install --save hydrogenpay-react-native-webview
npm install react-native-webview
yarn add hydrogenpay-react-native-webview
yarn add react-native-webview


If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, create an issue here or send your inquiry to support@hydrogenpay.com


You should already have your api key, If not, go to https://dashboard.hydrogenpay.com.

Usage 1 - Auto Start

import React, { useRef } from 'react';

import { TouchableOpacity, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { HydrogenCheckout } from 'hydrogenpay-react-native-webview';

export default function App() {
  const hydrogenPayRef = useRef(null);

  const onClose = (response) => {

  const onSuccess = (response) => {

    // Perform Some Actions Here

    //Close Modal after successful payment

    //delay close Payment
    // setTimeout(() => hydrogenPayRef?.current?.closePayment(), 2000);

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        amount={500} // REQUIRED
        email="test@mail.com" // REQUIRED
        customerName="John Doe" // REQUIRED
        meta="ewr34we4w" // OPTIONAL
        apiKey="PK_TEST_cca53e0b3bc7847aff94502b8a585f84" // REQUIRED
        description="Test description" // OPTIONAL
        currency="NGN" // REQUIRED
        onClose={(e) => onClose(e)} // OPTIONAL
        onSuccess={(e) => onSuccess(e)} // OPTIONAL
        ref={hydrogenPayRef} // REQUIRED
        autoStart={true} // OPTIONAL

Usage 2 - Using Ref

import React, { useRef } from 'react';

import { TouchableOpacity, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { HydrogenCheckout } from 'hydrogenpay-react-native-webview';

export default function App() {
  const hydrogenPayRef = useRef(null);

  const startPayment = () => {

  const onClose = (response) => {

  const onSuccess = (response) => {

    // Perform Some Actions Here

    //Close Modal after successful payment

    //delay close Payment
    // setTimeout(() => hydrogenPayRef?.current?.closePayment(), 2000);

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        amount={500} // REQUIRED
        email="test@mail.com" // REQUIRED
        customerName="John Doe" // REQUIRED
        meta="ewr34we4w" // OPTIONAL
        apiKey="PK_TEST_cca53e0b3bc7847aff94502b8a585f84" // REQUIRED
        description="Test description" // OPTIONAL
        currency="NGN" // REQUIRED
        onClose={(e) => onClose(e)} // OPTIONAL
        onSuccess={(e) => onSuccess(e)} // OPTIONAL
        ref={hydrogenPayRef} // REQUIRED
        onPress={() => startPayment()}
          marginLeft: 50,
          marginRight: 50,
          backgroundColor: '#FCE300',
          justifyContent: 'center',
          alignItems: 'center',
          padding: 12,
          marginTop: 10,
          borderRadius: 5,
        <Text>Use Start Payment Ref</Text>

Usage 3 - Using Payment Button

import React, { useRef } from 'react';

import { TouchableOpacity, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import { HydrogenCheckout } from 'hydrogenpay-react-native-webview';

export default function App() {
  const hydrogenPayRef = useRef(null);

  const onClose = (response) => {

  const onSuccess = (response) => {

    // Perform Some Actions Here

    //Close Modal after successful payment

    //delay close Payment
    // setTimeout(() => hydrogenPayRef?.current?.closePayment(), 2000);

  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        amount={500} // REQUIRED
        email="test@mail.com" // REQUIRED
        customerName="John Doe" // REQUIRED
        meta="ewr34we4w" // OPTIONAL
        apiKey="PK_TEST_cca53e0b3bc7847aff94502b8a585f84" // REQUIRED
        description="Test description" // OPTIONAL
        currency="NGN" // REQUIRED
        onClose={(e) => onClose(e)} // OPTIONAL
        onSuccess={(e) => onSuccess(e)} // OPTIONAL
        ref={hydrogenPayRef} // REQUIRED
        payButton={true} // OPTIONAL
        buttonText="Hydrogen Pay Button" //OPTIONAL
        buttonStyle={{}} // OPTIONAL
        buttontextStyles={{}} // OPTIONAL


Name Type Required Desc
currency String Required The currency for the transaction e.g NGN, USD
email String Required The email of the user to be charged
description String Optional The transaction description
customerName String Required The fullname of the user to be charged
amount Number Required The transaction amount
apiKey String Required Your LIVE or TEST apiKey or see above step to get yours
onSuccess Function Optional Callback when transaction is successful
onClose Function Optional Callback when transaction is closed of cancel
ref Object Required SDK payment Ref
payButton Boolean Optional Show Payment Button
buttonText String Optional Button Text. Default: Hydrogen Pay
buttonStyle Object Optional Button style
buttontextStyles Object Optional Button text style
isRecurring boolean Optional Recurring Payment
frequency String Optional Recurring Payment frequency
autoStart Boolean Optional Automatically start the sdk


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