An image cropper web component which allows users to crop a rectangle or a 4-point polygon. Perspective transformation is performed using Dynamsoft Document Normalizer for polygon. It supports editing multiple objects in one image.
Online demos:
In your HTML, add the component:
Pass an image element and a predefined region for the cropper:
let cropper = document.querySelector("image-cropper");
cropper.img = document.getElementById("original");
cropper.rect = {x:50,y:50,width:200,height:200}; // or quadrilateral: cropper.quad = {points:[{x:50,y:50},{x:250,y:50},{x:250,y:250},{x:50,y:250}]};
It has several methods related to detecting document borders, getting the coordinates, getting the cropped image and updating the view.
"detect": (source: string | HTMLImageElement | Blob | HTMLCanvasElement) => Promise<DetectedQuadResult[]>;
"getAllSelections": (convertTo?:"rect"|"quad") => Promise<(Quad|Rect)[]>;
"getCroppedImage": (options:CropOptions) => Promise<string>;
"getPoints": () => Promise<[Point, Point, Point, Point]>;
"getQuad": () => Promise<Quad>;
"getRect": () => Promise<Rect>;
"resetStates": () => Promise<void>;
"fitWidth": () => Promise<void>;
"fitActualSize": () => Promise<void>;
"fitWindow": () => Promise<void>;
"goToTop": () => Promise<void>;
"hidefooter"?: string; // hide the default footer with cancel and confirm buttons
"img"?: HTMLImageElement;
"license"?: string; // license for Dynamsoft Document Normalizer
"quad"?: Quad;
"rect"?: Rect;
"inactiveSelections": (Quad|Rect)[] // other selections which are not active
"draggingmode"?: "x-only"|"y-only"; //limit the direction for dragging
export interface DetectedQuadResult{
location: Quad;
confidenceAsDocumentBoundary: number;
export interface Quad{
export interface Point{
export interface Rect{
export interface CropOptions {
* use an external image source
"onCanceled"?: (event: ImageCropperCustomEvent<void>) => void;
"onConfirmed"?: (event: ImageCropperCustomEvent<void>) => void;
"onSelectionClicked"?: (event: ImageCropperCustomEvent<number>) => void;
"onImageLoaded"?: (event: ImageCropperCustomEvent<void>) => void;
You can customize the style of the selection with the following CSS:
--active-color: orange;
--inactive-color: orange;
--active-stroke: 5;
--inactive-stroke: 4;
PS: If you need to use Dynamsoft Document Normalizer, please include it in your HTML's head:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
You can use the wheel to zoom the image and pan the image with the mouse.
Pinch and zoom are also supported on touch devices.
Put a script tag similar to this
<script type="module"> import { defineCustomElements } from ''; defineCustomElements(); </script>
in the head of your index.html
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc
npm install image-cropper-component --save
Put a script tag similar to this
<script type="module"> import { defineCustomElements } from 'node_modules/image-cropper-component/dist/esm/loader.js'; defineCustomElements(); </script>
in the head of your index.html
Then you can use the element anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc