
1.4.0 • Public • Published

Robot Project Initiator

An npm CLI tool for initializing RobotFramework-based automation test projects swiftly and efficiently.


npm i -g initiate-test

Quick Start

initiate-test <project-name> <project-type>
  • Replace with your preferred name.
  • Replace with one of the following choices: [app, web, api]

Advanced Setup


Answer a few questions:

  • Project name
  • Project type (app, web, or api)
  • Author name
  • Environments (e.g., env1 env2, env3, separated by spaces)
  • Credentials needed? (yes/no)

Creating Test Suites

Post-initiation, generate multiple suite files within the tests directory effortlessly. Execute one of these commands:

initiate-test --suite 01_users_test --suite 02_productions_test --suite 03_collections_test


initiate-test --suite "01_users_test 02_productions_test 03_collections_test"
  • -s serves as a shorthand for --suite.

The command generates suite files in the tests directory, each initialized with template content. is updated to include these suites and their respective tags.

Automated Testing Plan Importer

Seamlessly import a testing plan, converting it into suites and test cases within each suite:

initiate-test --plan path/of/plan/file.xlsx
  • -p is a shorthand for --plan.
  • Supported file formats: xlsx, csv, tsv.

Plan Structure Example

TC-01 Login With Invalid Username Should Fail Invalid Login
TC-02 Signup Without Username Should Fail Invalid Signup
TC-03 Login With Valid Credintial Should Success Valid Login
  • Notice that header of table should be UPPERCASE.
  • Suite values could be path like "./tests/login/invalid login". The path and file will be created togather.

Updating the README File

To incorporate new suites, tags, and additional elements manually, utilize the command initiate-test -u or initiate-test --update. This command efficiently updates the README, seamlessly adding all recently included directories, suites, and tags. It also integrates essential information such as author details, email, repository, and project name, ensuring a comprehensive update to the documentation.

Built Common Keywords

This section includes various keyword sets categorized by project type: API, App, and Web. Each set contains keywords performing specific actions or validations tailored for respective project types.

API Project Keywords

The API project keywords cover a range of functionalities from making HTTP requests with various configurations to validating responses and text patterns.

Keyword Name Description
Create Headers Creates headers for requests
Delete With Body Performs a DELETE request with a body
Delete With Body And Invalid Token Performs a DELETE request with a body and an invalid token
Delete With Body And No Headers Performs a DELETE request with a body and no headers
Delete With Params Performs a DELETE request with parameters
Delete With Params And Invalid Token Performs a DELETE request with parameters and an invalid token
Delete With Params And No Headers Performs a DELETE request with parameters and no headers
Delete Without Params Performs a DELETE request without parameters
Expect 500 Exception Response Validates a 500 status code exception response
Get Variable Type Retrieves the type of a variable
Post Request With Invalid Token Validates a POST request with an invalid token
Post Request Without Body Validates a POST request without a body
Post Request Without Token Validates a POST request without a token
Post With Body Performs a POST request with a body
Post With Body And Invalid Token Performs a POST request with a body and an invalid token
Post With Body And No Headers Performs a POST request with a body and no headers
Post With Body Then Validate Validates a POST request with a body
Post With Params Performs a POST request with parameters
Post With Params Then Validate Validates a POST request with parameters
Post Without Body Performs a POST request without a body
Post Without Body And Invalid Token Performs a POST request without a body and an invalid token
Post Without Body And No Headers Performs a POST request without a body and no headers
Post Without Body Then Validate Validates a POST request without a body
Put With Body Performs a PUT request with a body
Put With Body And Invalid Token Performs a PUT request with a body and an invalid token
Put With Body And No Headers Performs a PUT request with a body and no headers
Query Data And Validate Validates queried data
Query With Body Performs a query with a body
Query With Body And Invalid Token Performs a query with a body and an invalid token
Query With Body And No Headers Performs a query with a body and no headers
Query With Body Then Validate Validates a query with a body
Query With Params Performs a query with parameters
Query With Params And Invalid Token Performs a query with parameters and an invalid token
Query With Params And No Headers Performs a query with parameters and no headers
Query With Params Then Validate Validates a query with parameters
Query Without Params Performs a query without parameters
Query Without Params And Invalid Token Query without parameters with an invalid token
Query Without Params And No Headers Query without parameters and no headers
Response Should Be 400 Validates a response with a status code 400
Response Should Be Success Validates a successful response
Response Should Be Unauthorized 401 Validates a response with a status code 401
Startup The Automation Test Initializes test automation
Text Should Be Arabic Validates text to be in Arabic characters
Text Should Be English Validates text to be in English characters

App Project Keywords

Keywords in the App project encompass interactions with mobile applications, such as swiping gestures, element verification, waiting for progress bars, and text validation.

Keyword Name Description
Click Coordinates Clicks on the specified coordinates within an element
Get Variable Type Retrieves the type of a variable
Open The App Opens the application with specified parameters
Pick Random Element Selects a random element from a set of elements
Scroll Down Until Get Element Scrolls down until a specified element is found
Scroll Up Until Get Element Scrolls up until a specified element is found
Swipe Down Performs a swipe gesture downwards
Swipe Left To Right Performs a swipe gesture from left to right
Swipe Right To Left Performs a swipe gesture from right to left
Swipe Up Performs a swipe gesture upwards
Text Should Be Arabic Validates text to be in Arabic characters
Text Should Be English Validates text to be in English characters
Verify ${page_title} Page Is Loaded Verifies if a specified page is loaded
Waiting For Progress Bar Waits until the progress bar element is visible
Waiting For Progress Bar Disappear Waits until the progress bar element disappears

Web Project Keywords

Keywords for web projects facilitate actions like navigating to web pages, handling sessions, scrolling until specific elements become visible or invisible, verifying elements' classes, and more.

Keyword Name Description
Click Coordinates Clicks on specific coordinates within an element
Convert Time to Seconds Converts time format (HH:MM:SS) to total seconds
Create List of Text from Elements Gathers text from elements and creates a list
Create Screenshots Directory Creates a directory for storing screenshots
Element Should Be Invisible In The Viewport Checks if an element is not visible in the viewport
Element Should Be Visible In The Viewport Checks if an element is visible in the viewport
Ensure Element Does Not Have Class Ensures that an element does not have a specified class
Ensure Element Has Class Ensures that an element has a specified class
Get Child Webelements Retrieves child elements of a specified element
Get Parent Webelement Retrieves the parent element of a specified element
Get Variable Type Retrieves the type of a variable
Go To Website URL Navigates to a specified website URL
Log Warning If Test Failed Logs a warning message if a test fails
Open a New Session Unless Found One Opens a new session or proceeds if a session already exists
Open Browser To Login Page Opens the browser and navigates to the login page
Pick Random Element Selects a random element
Run Login Process Executes the login process
Scroll Until Element Invisible Scrolls until a specified element becomes invisible on the screen
Scroll Until Element Visible Scrolls until a specified element becomes visible on the screen
Start Test Up Initiates the test process, including login and verification steps
Start again from beginning Restarts the process based on specific conditions
Text Should Be Arabic Validates text to be in Arabic characters
Text Should Be English Validates text to be in English characters
Wait Until Element Not Found on Screen Waits until a specified element is not found on the screen

These keywords are designed to streamline automation efforts across different project types and can be updated or enhanced to accommodate specific project requirements.

Future Release

Expect a feature to generate test cases, eliminating the need for manual creation. Stay tuned for updates and enhancements.

Dependencies (6)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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    • beesh