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1.1.6 • Public • Published

Ionic Angular Utilities

The library contains some Ionic and Angular utilities usable in a own project.


The project contains following libraries:

  • Ionic Angular Utilities

Ionic Angular Utilities

The libraries includes some common facilities tipically used during an app development. They will be described in following paragraphs.


Debounce click

The debounce click directive lets to bind click events to components using a rxjs debounce time operator. In this way multiple sequential clicks on components are prevented and triggered as a single click.

To use it on a component or tag, provide the debounceClick identifier.

Description Time to debounce specified as milliseconds
Type number
Default 500
Name Description
debounceClick Emitted on debounce click
Example usage

First import DebounceClickDirective into the module declarations of the page or componenent where the centralizer will be used.


<div debounceClick debounceTime="800" (debounceClick)="onDebounceClickCallback($event)">
    Debounced click div


Debounce button

It wraps an ion-button component with a different click behaviour, based on debounce click directive. The button doesn't trigger a callback immediately on user click. The click happens after a debounce time. During this time a scale animation on button is rendered.

Description The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark"
Type string | undefined
Description A class to assign to the component, to globally style it
Type string
Description Time to debounce specified in milliseconds
Type number | undefined
Description If true, the user cannot interact with the button.
Type boolean
Default false
Description Set to "clear" for a transparent button, to "outline" for a transparent button with a border, or to "solid".
Type "clear" | "default" | "outline" | "solid" | undefined
Description The button shape.
Type "round" | undefined
Name Description
debounceClick Emitted on debounce click
CSS Custom Properties
Name Description
--button-padding-start Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and right padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--button-padding-end Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and left padding if direction is right-to-left of the button
--margin-bottom Bottom margin of the button
--margin-left Left margin of the button
--margin-right Right margin of the button
--margin-top Top margin of the button
--width The width of the button
--min-width The minimum width of the button
Example usage

First import BrowserAnimationsModule into the app module of the project (its a module of @angular/platform-browser/animations package). Then import DebounceButtonModule into the module imports of the page or componenent where the centralizer will be used.

Finally insert the component into you html source:

<debounce-button cssClass="globalClass" debounce="700" (debounceClick)="debounceClickCallback($event)">
    Button content


It let the developer to centralize tags and other components horizontally and vertically. It needs a container with a specified css position; centralizer content is centralized into this container.

Example usage

First import CentralizerModule into the module imports of the page or componenent where the centralizer will be used.

Then component can be used as a stand-alone component with an own content:

<div class="containerWithDefinedPosition">
        <div class="tagToCentralize">

Or use the component as directive style:

<div centralizer class="centralizerContainerWithDefinedPosition">
    <div class="tagToCentralize">

Error Container

Its a container that shows and error message and optionally a retry button with a own callback. It's provided for that situations in which an api call should be relanched by user after a previous error. It's used in ws-data and ws-data-list components (see below).

Description The error message to show
Type string | undefined
Description The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark"
Type string | undefined
Description Set to "clear" for a transparent button, to "outline" for a transparent button with a border, or to "solid".
Type "clear" | "outline" | "solid" | undefined
Description The button content label. If setted, the retry button will be shown
Type string | undefined
Description The button shape.
Type "round" | undefined
Name Description
reload Emitted on retry button click
CSS Custom Properties
Name Description
--align Inner components align
--padding-left Left padding of the component
--padding-right Right padding of the component
--padding-top Top padding of the component
--padding-bottom Bottom padding of the component
--width The width of the component
--message-align Inner message align
--message-font-size Inner message font size
--message-font-weight Inner message font weight
--message-color Inner message color
--message-margin-bottom Inner message margin bottom
--button-width Inner button width
--button-height Inner button height
Example usage

First import ErrorContainerModule into the module imports of the page or componenent where the error container will be used.


<error-container message="An error occured" retryButtonLabel="Retry">

The container admits also a custom definition of its inner parts. It's useful in cases of other error-container sorrounding components.


A loading custom component with some spinner types usable only specifing their name.

Description The spinner type name
Type "rotatingSquare" | "chasingDot" | "doubleBouncingDot" | "stretchingBars" | "chasingSquares" | "scalingDot" | "doubleRotatingDot" | "threeBouncingDots" | "rotatingDotCircle" | "fadingSquare" | "simpleSpinner" | "foldingSquare" | undefined
Description If setted to true the spinner will be sorrounded from an ion-content container.
Type boolean | undefined
CSS Custom Properties
Name Description
--content-background Sorround ion-content background
--content-z-index Sorround ion-content z-index
--size Spinner size
--elment-color Spinner color
--element-size Inner spinner single component size. For example, on "chasingDot"spinner, it defines the size of each single dot
--element-margin Inner spinner single element margin. In some spinners like "stretchingBars", it defines a lateral margin among single inner elements
Example usage

First import SpinnerModule into the module imports of the page or componenent where the spinner will be used.


<spinner name="chasingDot">

The container admits also a custom definition of its inner parts. It's useful in cases of other error-container sorrounding components.

Ws Data

It let the developer to visualize data that will be available in the future (such as web service data available only after a call over http). It wraps previous described spinner and error-container components to show a loading spinner during waiting data state, and to show an error message when an error occurs during data retrieve. It uses rxjs Observables to trace these loading and error states. It's a good practice to bind these states to a Redux substate.

Description The component configuration options
Type WsDataOptions
Description Error state tracing rxjs Observable
Type Observable<any>
Description The error message to show when the data retrieve ends unsuccessfully
Type string | undefined
Description The color to use from your application's color palette. It defines retry button color. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark"
Type string | undefined
Description Set to "clear" for a transparent retry button, to "outline" for a transparent retry button with a border, or to "solid".
Type "clear" | "outline" | "solid" | undefined
Description The retry button label
Type string | undefined
Description The button shape.
Type "round" | undefined
Description Loading state tracing rxjs Observable
Type Observable<boolean>
Description It defines if the loading spinner should have an own container or not
Type boolean | undefined
Description The spinner type name
Type "rotatingSquare" | "chasingDot" | "doubleBouncingDot" | "stretchingBars" | "chasingSquares" | "scalingDot" | "doubleRotatingDot" | "threeBouncingDots" | "rotatingDotCircle" | "fadingSquare" | "simpleSpinner" | "foldingSquare" | undefined
Name Description
retry Emitted on error container retry button click
CSS Custom Properties
Name Description
--spinner-content-background Loading spinner container background
--spinner-z-index Loading spinner container z index
--spinner-size Loading spinner size
--spinner-element-color Loading spinner color
--spinner-element-size Loading spinner inner element size
--spinner-element-margin Loading spinner inner element margin (used only on some spinner types)
--error-container-width The width of the error-container component
--error-container-align error-container inner components align
--error-container-padding-left Left padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-right Right padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-top Top padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-bottom Bottom padding of the error-container
--error-container-message-align error-container inner message align
--error-container-message-font-size error-container inner message font size
--error-container-message-font-weight error-container inner message font weight
--error-container-message-color error-container inner message color
--error-container-message-margin-bottom error-container inner message margin bottom
--error-container-button-width error-container inner button width
--error-container-button-height error-container inner button height
Example usage

Please refer to Ionic Angular Template repository as example for ws-data component usage.

Ws Data List

Really similar to previous Ws Data component, it let the developer to visualize array data that will be available in the future (such as web service data available only after a call over http). It wraps previous described spinner and error-container components to show a loading spinner during waiting data state, and to show an error message when an error occurs during data retrieve. It uses rxjs Observables to trace these loading, error and data available states. It's a good practice to bind these states to a Redux substate.

Description The component configuration options
Type WsDataListOptions

The interface extends WsDataOptions and all its data are available on ws-data-list component too. In addition it expose also these parameters:

Description When available it holds data retrieved
Type Observable<any>
Description Data available state tracing
Type boolean | Observable<boolean>
Description Array item template to use for each one when data will be available
Type any
Description A message to show when data retrieved is an empty list
Type string
Name Description
retry Emitted on error container retry button click
CSS Custom Properties
Name Description
--spinner-content-background Loading spinner container background
--spinner-z-index Loading spinner container z index
--spinner-size Loading spinner size
--spinner-element-color Loading spinner color
--spinner-element-size Loading spinner inner element size
--spinner-element-margin Loading spinner inner element margin (used only on some spinner types)
--error-container-width The width of the error-container component
--error-container-align error-container inner components align
--error-container-padding-left Left padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-right Right padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-top Top padding of the error-container
--error-container-padding-bottom Bottom padding of the error-container
--error-container-message-align error-container inner message align
--error-container-message-font-size error-container inner message font size
--error-container-message-font-weight error-container inner message font weight
--error-container-message-color error-container inner message color
--error-container-message-margin-bottom error-container inner message margin bottom
--error-container-button-width error-container inner button width
--error-container-button-height error-container inner button height
Example usage

Please refer to Ionic Angular Template repository as example for ws-data-list component usage.


The library defines some global styles utilities into styles directory that can be imported from scss files of a project. There are some classes and facility mixins relative to fonts, layout, and responsiveness topics, and also a source scss with some ionic override rules.

To import them in a Ionic project .scss file, simply add an @import statement:

@import '~ionic-angular-utilities/lib/styles/override-ionic';
@import '~ionic-angular-utilities/lib/styles/mixins';
@import '~ionic-angular-utilities/lib/styles/responsive';

Please refer to Ionic Angular Template repository for a complete integration and global styling.

Ionic Native mocks

During a Ionic app development with ionic serve web execution all specific to platform Cordova plugins are unavailable. So, to ease the development with this type of dev execution, all @ionic-native wrappers of Cordova plugins should be mocked, to simulate the plugin behaviour. The repository includes some of these wrapper mocks importable into the app module of the application. Some of them are configurable with some values to use when they can't be retrieved from a web environment.

To import a simple mock without parameter such as the @ionic-native/http mock wrappaer (normally based on cordova-plugin-advanced-http) in the app module providers add a line like:

import { HTTP } from '@ionic-native/http/ngx';
import{ getHTTP } from 'ionic-angular-utilities';
    providers: [
        { provide: HTTP, useClass: getHTTP() },

To configure a mock provider, you can provide mock desired mock values into library import in the app module in this way (example based on @ionic-native/device wrapper):

import { Device } from '@ionic-native/device/ngx';
import{ getDevice, IonicAngularUtilitiesModule } from 'ionic-angular-utilities';
    imports: [
            ionicMock: {
                device: {
                    cordova: 'not available',
                    isVirtual: false,
                    manufacturer: 'not available',
                    model: 'not available',
                    platform: 'web',
                    serial: 'not available',
                    uuid: 'not available',
                    version: 'not available'
    providers: [
        { provide: Device, useClass: getDevice() },

Linking and packaging instructions

These few lines explain how to link, or publish or export as archive the ionic-angular-utilities code, after a ionic-angular-libraries main project build.

Link the library (only for dev purpose)

From the main ionic-angular-libraries directory go with a terminal into dist/ionic-angular-utilities and link globally the library with related npm command: cd dist/ionic-angular-utilities npm link

(package.json has a shortcut to build and link all internal libraries. From the main library project directory, run the command: npm run build-link)

Now inside your project, you can simply link it with the command: npm link ionic-angular-utilities

In your code you can now import its modules at the same way of a normal npm package installation:

import { ... } from 'ionic-angular-utilities';

To use this linking method, into your project angular.json file, you ave to set a preserveSymlinks flag following this structure:

"projects": { "app": { "architect": { "build": { "options": { "preserveSymlinks": true,

Note that in your package.json nothing was added. The link process is for test purpose only.


To unlink the app use the npm unlink command:

  • inside your project do npm unlink ionic-angular-utilities
  • then inside the library dist/ionic-angular-utilities folder do npm unlink

Pack and export the library as an archive

From the main ionic-angular-libraries directory go with a terminal into dist/ionic-angular-utilities and pack the library with related npm command: cd dist/ionic-angular-utilities npm pack

(package.json has a shortcut to build and pack all internal libraries. From the main library project directory, run the command: npm run build-pack)

Into the same direcotory an ionic-angular-utilities tgz file was created (the name contains also the current version of the library taken from its package.json). Put this archive in any folder of your computer (also in the main directory of your project).

Inside your project install it as a normal dependency, but providing its relative or absolute path: npm install /path/to/archive.

Dependencies (15)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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    • kitcarson88