
1.2.1 • Public • Published

IRCCloud Client for Node.js

This is a client module for IRCCloud. It allows you to operate an IRC bot via IRCCloud. You will need at least a free IRCCloud account to use this module. All normal IRCCloud limits apply if you haven't upgraded your account.

This isn't quite complete just yet, so some things might be missing or the documentation might be a bit unclear at times.


All post-connection methods take an optional callback. If provided, this will be called with a single object argument when the method has been successfully executed by IRCCloud. This object will always have a boolean success property.

connect(email, password[, reconnectAllConnections])

  • email - Your account's email address
  • password - Your account's password
  • reconnectAllConnections - Optional. Pass true here to automatically reconnect all connections that have a status of disconnected once we connect to IRCCloud. Default false.

Start the process of logging in and connecting to IRCCloud. You will get a connect event once connected, and loaded once data is fully loaded.

If you have a free account which is subject to being diconnected from IRC after 2 hours of inactivity, you could pass true to reconnectAllConnections to automatically reconnect to IRC once your bot starts back up. If you use this functionality, the reconnect process will be initiated after loaded is emitted.


Disconnect an established connection.


  • getHostnames - true if you want to return hostnames (e.g. "") instead of network names (e.g. "freenode")

Returns an array containing the names or hostnames of all connections on your account. Should only be used after loaded is emitted.

This method does not consult the network; it merely pulls data from memory therefore it returns the data immediately.


  • networkName - Either the name of the network (e.g. "freenode") or the hostname you connected to (e.g. ""), case-insensitive

Gets a connection object and returns it, if it exists. Returns null if no matching connection is found on your account.

This method does not consult the network; it merely pulls data from memory therefore it returns the data immediately.

createConnection(options[, callback])

  • options - An object containing all or some of these properties:
    • hostname - Required. The hostname of the server (either a domain name or an IP address)
    • nick - Required. Your desired nickname on this network.
    • port - Optional. The port number to connect to. Defaults to 6667.
    • ssl - Optional. true to use SSL, false or omitted to not.
    • realName - Optional. Your "real name" on the network, or empty if omitted.
    • channels - Optional. An array of channel names to auto-join on connection. Omit to not auto-join anything.
    • joinCommands - Optional. An array of commands to automatically execute on connection.
    • nickservPassword - Optional. Your NickServ password, if applicable.
    • serverPassword - Optional. The password to use to connect to the server, if applicable. You need a paid account for this.
  • callback - Optional. In addition to the default success property, the response object also has cid which is the new connection's ID.

Creates a new IRC connection and connects to that server. You need a paid account to have more than 2 (in addition to

reconnectConnection(connection[, callback])

  • connection - Either a connection ID or an object with a cid property (e.g. a connection object)
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Re-connects to an existing connection which has previously been disconnected.

disconnectConnection(connection[, msg][, callback])

  • connection - Either a connection ID or an object with a cid property (e.g. a connection object)
  • msg - Optional. A quit message.
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Disconnects and quits an IRC connection. The connection object will remain in your account which you can reconnect later or delete.

deleteConnection(connection[, callback])

  • connection - Either a connection ID or an object with a cid property (e.g. a connection object)
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Deletes a connection. This connection must be disconnected first.

getBuffer(networkName, bufferName) {

  • networkName - Either the name of the network (e.g. "freenode") or the hostname you connected to (e.g. ""), case-insensitive
  • bufferName - The name of the buffer you're looking for (e.g. "#channel" or "somenick"), case-insensitive

Finds a buffer, if it exists, and returns its object. If not, returns null.

This method does not consult the network; it merely pulls data from memory therefore it returns the data immediately.

setArchived(buffer, archived[, callback])

  • buffer - A buffer object (or an object containing cid and bid properties)
  • archived - true if you want to archive it, or false if you want to unarchive it
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Archives or unarchives a buffer. If you're archiving a buffer for a channel you're in, this will part that channel.

deleteBuffer(buffer[, callback])

  • buffer - A buffer object (or an object containing cid and bid properties)
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Deletes a buffer. If it's a buffer for a channel you're currently in, this will part it before deleting it.

join(connection, channel[, key][, callback])

  • connection - A connection object (or an object containing a cid property)
  • channel - A string containing the name of the channel to join
  • key - Optional. If you need a key to join this channel, provide it here as a string.
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Join a channel. Listen for channelInit to know when you've successfully joined.

part(connection, channel[, msg][, callback])

  • connection - A connection object (or an object containing a cid property)
  • channel - A string containing the name of the channel you want to leave
  • msg - Optional. A part message to display to the rest of the channel
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Leave a channel. Listen for youPart to know when you've successfully parted.

message(connection, recipient, message[, callback])

  • connection - A connection object (or an object containing a cid property)
  • recipient - A string containing the name of the channel (or nick of the recipient if it's a PM) you're sending this message to
  • message - The message text
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Send a message to a recipient (either a channel or a nick to send a PM).

action(connection, recipient, message[, callback])

  • connection - A connection object (or an object containing a cid property)
  • recipient - A string containing the name of the channel (or nick of the recipient if it's a PM) you're sending this message to
  • message - The message text
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Identical to the message method except prefixes the message with /me .

topic(buffer, text[, callback])

  • buffer - An object representing the buffer whose topic you want to change. Must have cid (connection ID) and bid (buffer ID) properties
  • text - The new topic
  • callback - Optional. Just the normal method callback.

Sets a channel's topic, provided you have permission to do so.

paste(options[, callback])

  • options - An object with the following properties:
    • contents - Required. The contents of your paste
    • name - Optional. A filename for your paste
    • extension - Optional. A file extension for your paste
  • callback - Optional. Normal method callback. Properties of interest:
    • url - The URL where your paste can be viewed. This is what you should send over IRC.
    • id - The ID for your paste
    • size - Paste size in bytes
    • lines - Number of lines in paste

Create a pastebin.



  • err - An Error object

Emitted when an error occurs either during connection (e.g. bad email or password) or if there's some kind of error that drops our connection. This is always fatal to the connection.


Emitted after a WebSocket connection is successfully established to IRCCloud, but before any data is loaded.


  • code - A WebSocket status code
  • reason - A reason string for the disconnection (may be empty)
  • initiatedByUs - true if this disconnect was intentionally initiated by us, or false if it was the result of an error or the server closing the connection

Emitted when the WebSocket connection is lost. At the present moment, this module will not automatically reconnect.


Emitted after all connections and buffers have been fully loaded from IRCCloud after connection.


  • details - An object containing your IRCCloud account's details

Emitted shortly after connection to IRCCloud with your account's details. This is (partially) documented here.


  • connection - An object containing the connection's details.

Emitted when a new connection is created either by your session or by another session logged into your account.

A "connection" is a connection to a specific IRC server. Each connection has its own nick and set of channels, even if it's connected to the same server as another connection. Free accounts can only have two connections at a time.

The connection object is (partially) documented here. Note that this module also adds a buffers property which is an object containing the buffers which are owned by this connection (see below).


  • buffer - An object containing the buffer's details.

Emitted when a new buffer is created. This might be a result of your joining a new channel, as a result of your creating a new connection (e.g. the console/status buffer), as a result of someone new PMing you, or something else.

A "buffer" is a "chat window". Buffers show up as tabs in the sidebar of the IRCCloud client. There are three types of buffers:

  • console - Each connection has exactly one console buffer, which is where notices and server messages are routed.
  • channel - Each channel you're in has its own buffer.
  • conversation - Each user who has privately messaged you (or who you've privately messaged) has their own buffer. These can be renamed if the other party changes their nick.

Channel buffers have a users property which is an array of users who we know to be in the channel. Channel buffers also have an initialized property which is false if you're not currently in the channel, or true if you are.


  • connection - A connection object
  • newStatus - The connection's new status
  • failInfo - An object containing the connection's new fail info (may be empty object)

Emitted when a connection changes state. Possible states are:

  • queued
  • connecting
  • connected
  • connected_joining
  • connected_ready
  • quitting
  • disconnected
  • waiting_to_retry
  • ip_retry - Indicates that one IP failed but the host resolved to more, so IRCCloud will try another one soon

failInfo will be defined when the state unexpectedly changes to disconnected. Possible keys and values for failInfo are:

  • type - Indicates what type of disconnect this was
    • connecting_restricted - Your subscription level restricted this connection
    • socket_closed - The network connection went away
    • connecting_failed - IRCCloud couldn't establish a connection in the first place
    • killed - You were booted off IRC (killed) by an IRCOp
  • reason - A more specific failure reason
    • pool_lost - Connection pool failed
    • no_pool - No available connection pools
    • enetdown - Network down
    • etimedout - Connection timed out
    • timeout - Connection timed out
    • ehostunreach - Host unreachable
    • econnrefused - IRC server refused the connection
    • nxdomain - Invalid hostname (domain doesn't exist)
    • ssl_certificate_error - SSL certificate error
    • ssl_error - Generic SSL error
    • crash - Connection crashed
  • timestamp - A Date object for when the disconnect happened
  • retry_timeout - Number if seconds after which IRCCloud will try again
  • attempts - How many times IRCCloud has already tried to connect
  • give_up - Only defined, and true, if IRCCloud has attempted many times and has now given up


  • oldConnection - Connection object containing old connection data
  • newConnection - Connection object containing new connection data

Emitted when a connection's options are changed by you.


  • connection - A connection object

Emitted when a connection is permanently deleted. It must have already been disconnected.


  • buffer - A buffer object

Emitted when you successfully join a new channel and load its details. At this point you can safely chat to the channel, and you can retrieve all data about the channel.


  • buffer - A buffer object

Emitted when a buffer is successfully archived (hidden from view). Archived buffers are not deleted, and can be unarchived at any time. Note that if a channel is archived while you're in it, you are automatically parted from it.


  • buffer - A buffer object

Emitted when a buffer is unarchived. This doesn't automatically rejoin the channel if it's a channel buffer.


  • buffer - A buffer object

Emitted when a buffer is deleted. This is not reversible and all history from the buffer is permanently deleted.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • changes - An object with two properties:
    • add - An array of objects for modes which were added, each with two properties:
      • mode - The mode letter which was added
      • param - The parameter for the mode, if applicable, or empty string if not
    • remove - An array of objects identical to add for modes which were removed
  • newMode - A string of mode characters representing the channel's up-to-date mode
  • actor - A user object for the person who changed the mode

Emitted when a channel's mode is changed.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • user - A user object for the person whose mode was changed
  • changes - Same as changes in mode
  • newMode - Same as newMode in mode
  • actor - A user object for the person who changed the mode

Emitted when another user's channel mode is changed. For example, when a user is voiced or opped.


  • connection - A connection object
  • changes - Same as changes in mode
  • newMode - Same as newMode in mode

Emitted when your connection-wide user mode changes.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • actor - A user object for the person who changed the mode
  • text - The new topic, as a string
  • time - A Date object representing the time and date when this mode was set (should be just now)

Emitted when a channel's topic changes.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • user - A user object for the person who joined

Emitted when someone joins one of your channels.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • user - A user object for the person who left
  • msg - The user's part message (may be empty)

Emitted when someone leaves one of your channels voluntarily.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • msg - Your part message (may be empty)

Emitted when you leave one of your channels voluntarily (or perhaps not, as some networks allow channel ops to force-part a user instead of kicking them, e.g. to defeat auto-rejoin mechanisms).


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • user - A user object for the person who was kicked
  • msg - The kick reason (may be empty)
  • actor - A user object for the person who did the kicking

Emitted when someone is kicked out of one of your channels.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • msg - The kick reason (may be empty)
  • actor - A user object for the person who kicked you

Emitted when you are kicked out of a channel.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • user - A user object for the person who quit
  • msg - The quit message (may be empty)

Emitted once per buffer when a user quits the IRC server for each buffer you see that user in, potentially including a conversation type buffer (a PM).


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the person who sent the message
  • msg - The message text
  • highlight - true if this message highlighted you based on your highlight rules, or false if not

Emitted when someone sends a message to either a channel you're in or to you directly.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the person who sent the message
  • msg - The message text (not including their nick)
  • highlight - true if this message highlighted you based on your highlight rules, or false if not

Emitted when someone sends an action-message (/me) to either a channel you're in or to you directly.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the person who sent the message
  • msg - The message text

Emitted for either message or action when you're highlighted only.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the person who sent the notice
  • msg - The notice text
  • target - If this notice was sent to a channel, this is the channel name

Emitted when someone sends a notice to either a channel you're in or to you directly.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the sender of the message (you!)
  • msg - The message text

Same as message, except for messages we sent ourselves (potentially on another client session).


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the sender of the message (you!)
  • msg - The message text (not including your nick)

Same as action, except for messages we sent ourselves (potentially on another client session).


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • sender - A user object for the sender of the message (you!)
  • msg - The notice text

Same as notice, except for messages we sent ourselves (potentially on another client session).


  • buffer - A buffer object (the connection's console buffer)
  • channel - The name of the channel to which you were denied
  • msg - The error message

Emitted when you try to do something that requires channel operator (or similar) access, which you don't have.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • oldNick - The old nick of the user who changed their nick
  • newNick - The new nick to which the user changed

Emitted once per buffer you share with this user when someone changes their nick.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • oldNick - Your old nick
  • newNick - Your new nick

Emitted when you change your own nick (or it's changed forcefully by the server).


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • newName - The new name of the buffer

Emitted when a conversation buffer is renamed because the other party changed their nick.


  • buffer - A buffer object
  • command - The command that was unknown

Emitted when you try to run an unknown /command on a server. The provided buffer is the buffer in which the command was run.

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