Angular IRC Core services v3.
This library is an IRC client for Angular/typescript, uses websocket or kiwiircgateway for connections. Most of the events are handled in two ways, one is using Observer pattern via static handlers classes, and another is using angular services.
This library works fine with Inspircd and Anope (not tested this version in atheme).
This service is for handle global server connections and commands, can connect/disconnect/reconnect, send sample commands as join, leave, set, etc.
constructor(private readonly notySrv: NoticesService, private readonly serverSrv: ServerService) {
const srvData = new ServerData();
srvData.ircServer = '';
srvData.ircPort = 443;
srvData.user.nick = this.nick2;
srvData.user.altNick = this.nick2+'_';
srvData.user.user = this.nick2;
srvData.user.password = this.password;
srvData.user.identify = true;
srvData.withWebSocket = true;
srvData.withSSL = true;
serverSrv.connect(server: ServerData);
this.notySrv.notifications.subscribe(d => {
if(d.type == 'endMotd') {
serverSrv.join(srvData.serverID, '#channel');
serverSrv.setNick(srvData.serverID, 'NewNick');
public connect(server: ServerData): void
Connect to a server using ServerData object.
public sendWhox(serverID: string, channel: string): void
Send Who command to channel
public join(serverID: string, channel: string): void
Join to a channel, you can pass the channel with and without # for example .join('sid', '#main') .join('sid', 'main'). But if you want to join to a channel starting with two #, you need to write both numerals: .join('sid', '##espanol')
public leave(serverID: string, channel: string): void
Leave channel same format that join (you can pass the channel with and without # for example .leave('sid', '#main') .leave('sid', 'main'))
public setNick(serverID: string, nick: string): void
Change nick, is important you use this function and not send raw command /nick, because this function set the nick internally to detect if the people is chatting with us and other validations.
public identify(serverID: string, password: string): void
Alias for /ns identify command to login with current nick.
public serverPass(serverID: string, user: string, password: string): void
Alias for /PASS This is used to send /PASS command with password for bouncers.
public disconnect(serverID: string): void
Disconnect from the server
public reconnect(serverID: string): void
This reconnect to serverID, and not break any previous subscriptions, I mean, if you are subscripted to events even with deep websocket event emitters for example this.coreSrv.getServerData('SERVID').websocket.onStatusChanged().subscribe(status=>{}) the subscriptions will continue to work after calling reconnect.
public getServerById(id: string): ServerData
Get the ServerData by server id
public requestChannelList(serverID: string): void
Alias for /list command
public getServerByIrcServer(ircServer: string): ServerData | undefined
Search ServerData by irc server host, for example
public sendToServer(serverID: string, raw: string): void
Send raw command to serverID, for example you can use .sendToServer('SERVID', 'PART #channel') Don't use this command to change your nick, please use .setNick()
public sendPrivMSG(serverID: string, nick: string, message: string): void
Send private message to nick This command adds the message to private service messages list.
public sendChannelMSG(serverID: string, channel: string, message: string): void
Send message to channel, is not necessary to add # in channel name. This command adds the message to channel service messages list.
public sendTo(serverID: string, chanOrNick: string, message: string): void
Send message to channel or privmessage, in this case you need to add # in channels
public getCurrentNick(serverID: string): string
Get the current nick, this change for example when global op use /sanick in you.
public static getServerData(id: string): ServerData
This is for globally find ServerData of serverID without inject the service instance.
This service is used to handle global server notices, as MOTD, and responses of commands, it save capability list and global notices message list.
public getCaps(serverID: string): string[]
Get capability list of serverID (response of /CAP).
public getNotices(serverID: string): {msg: string, isNotice: boolean}[]
Get list of notices messages received in serverID, this list is a reference, when new message is comming, is it added using push. You can use the response of this command in ngFor for example, and is automatically updated when new messages is added. The isNotice boolean indicated that the message received is using exactly code: 'NOTICE' not another code number.
This service is used to handle /LIST command response (list of all channels in the server), it has a list of channels.
public getList(serverID: string): ChannelListData[]
This get a list of channels, is a reference, then when new channels are added this list is expanded, when a channel is removed, this list decrease. You can use this list in ngFor.
This service save the global data of users, as ip, nick, realName, usermodes (for example G for ignore privates), isAway, etc. Catches the response of who, and similar commands to full the information about a nick
public getUser(serverID: string, nick: SimplyUser): UserData
Get the user data of nick in a server:
class UserData { public fullNick: FullNick = new FullNick(); public server?: string; public netOp: boolean = false; public realName?: string; public modes?: string[]; // user modes public ssl: boolean = false; public registeredNick?: string; public isAway: boolean = false; public idle?: number; public lastLogin?: number; public account?: string; public chanModes: {[channelID: string]: string[]} = {}; }
This service is designed to handle channels, the messages, users in channel, notifications, etc.
constructor(private readonly channelsSrv: ChannelsService) {
channelsSrv.getChannel('SRVID', new Channel('Channel'));
We recommends you use new Channel(myChannel) to pass the channel parameter in order to sanitize formats
public getChannel(serverID: string, channel: Channel): Channel
Get the channel and the data:
class Channel { public name: string; public hashedName: string; public users: UserData[] = []; public topic?: string; public channelModes: string[] = []; public messages: Message[] = []; }
public getChannelList(serverID: string): Channel[]
Get all channels opened in a server
public enableAutoSave(): void
Enable autosave of messages in indexedDB, and if you call this function before to connect, then when is connected to a server, this try to load old messages from indexedDB using serverID (for this reason, we recommends to you to use hashed server host as serverID in order to coincide the hashes in diferent sessions for the same server host, for example:
serverID = hash('')
)By default, this feature is disabled.
public disableAutoSave(): void
This service is designed to handle private messages, and list of privs.
public getChat(serverID: string, chatName: string): PrivChat
Get a private chat between you and another user. chatName is the name of the another user of server.
class PrivChat { public name?: string; public target?: UserData; public messages: Message[] = []; }
public removePriv(serverID: string, chatName: string): boolean
Remove a chat from the chat list, and return true or folse if exists and removed or not exists.
public getChats(serverID: string): PrivChat[]
Get the list of private chats.
public enableAutoSave(): void
Enable autosave of messages in indexedDB, and if you call this function before to connect, then when is connected to a server, this try to load old messages from indexedDB using serverID (for this reason, we recommends to you to use hashed server host as serverID in order to coincide the hashes in diferent sessions for the same server host, for example:
serverID = hash('')
)By default, this feature is disabled.
public disableAutoSave(): void
All of the services has notification event emitter, in order to subscribe to events of type of the service, you can simply use some like this:
constructor(private readonly noticesSrv: NoticesService) {
notiesSrv.notifications.subscribe(e => {
if(e.type == 'nick-changed') {
// do some stuff here.
The event emitter has this structure:
raw: RawMessage,
type: string,
parsedObject?: any
Type: 'motd'
Trigger: code 375, the first line of MOTD
Type: 'endMotd'
Trigger: code 376, the last line of MOTD
Type: 'require-pass'
Trigger: code 464, usually sended by BNC to request /PASS command.
Type: 'nick-in-use'
ParsedObject: {}
Trigger: code 433, when you try to set a nick in use.
Type: 'nick-changed'
ParsedObject: Nicks
originalNick: SimplyUser,
newNick: <string>
Trigger: code NICK, when any user change it nick
Type: 'notice'
Trigger: code NOTICE, when a message with "NOTICE" received (not triggered if it is a external notice to channel)
Type: 'whois-start'
Trigger: code 311, first message in response of whois command.
Type: 'uknown'
Trigger: all messages with a not known code. (like 666)
The event emitter has this structure:
raw: RawMessage,
type: string,
parsedObject?: any
Type: 'message'
ParsedObject: (projects/ircore/src/lib/domain/message.ts)
Trigger: PRIVMS to target starting with # received.
Type: 'user-mode'
ParsedObject: ModeParsed
user: SimplyUser{nick, mode: UModes}
channel: Channel{name, hashedName}
add: Boolean (mode added or removed)
mode: The mode code (for example "v")
Trigger: /mode command targetting user
Type: 'chan-mode'
ParsedObject: ModeParsed
channel: Channel{name, hashedName}
mode: The mode code (for example "m")
Trigger: /mode command targetting channel
Type: 'channel-moderated'
ParsedObject: // TODO: get the channel
Trigger: code 404, when you try to chat in a moderated channel
Type: 'topic'
ParsedObject: {channel: Channel, topic: string}
Trigger: code TOPIC, when a channel changes it topic.
Type: 'banned'
ParsedObject: // TODO: get the channel
Trigger: when you are banned from a channel.
Type: 'channels'
parsedObject: Channel[]
Trigger: code 319, channels opened.
Type: 'names'
parsedObject: string[]
Trigger: code 353 command /names response.
Type: 'kick'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, operator: string, userKicked: SimplyUser}
Trigger: code KICK, when a user is kicked from chanel (can be you).
Type: 'new-channel'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, userJoined: SimplyUser}
Trigger: code JOIN, when you are joined to channel, (by you using /join, or by an operator using /sajoin)
Type: 'join'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, userJoined: SimplyUser}
Trigger: code JOIN, when a user (not you) join to a channel.
Type: 'close-channel'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, userParted: SimplyUser}
Trigger: code PART, when you parted a channel.
Type: 'leave'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, userParted: SimplyUser, message: string}
Trigger: code PART, when a user (not you) leave a channel
Type: 'notice'
parsedObject: {channel: Channel, author: string, content: string}
Trigger: when a channel received external message as NOTICE.
The event emitter has this structure:
raw?: RawMessage,
type: string,
parsedObject?: any
Type: 'message'
Trigger: when a privmsg is received.
Type: 'sside-ignored'
ParsedObject: {author: string, message: string}
Trigger: code 716, when you send message to a user that ignores you.
Type: 'non-existant'
ParsedObject: {author: string, message: string}
Trigger: code 401, when you send message to a nick that doesn't exists.
Type: 'away'
ParsedObject: {author: string, message: string}
Trigger: code 301, when you send a message to a user that is in away mode.
Type: 'gmode'
ParsedObject: {author: string}
Trigger: code 718, when you receive a message in +g mode (you need to accept that user in order to receive messages): 718 Tulkalex Tulkaz ~Harkito@net-j7j.cur.32.45.IP :is messaging you, and you have user mode +g set.
Use /ACCEPT +Tulkaz to allow.
Type: 'new-priv'
ParsedObject: {chatName: string, serverID: string}
Trigger: when you received a message of another user for first time.
Structure of emitter: {serverID: string, type: string, parsedObject: any}
Type: 'start-list'
ParsedObject: {}
Trigger: when first line of command /LIST is received
Type: 'end-list'
ParsedObject: <ChannelListData[]> you have here the list of channels reference (same than .getList(serverID))
ChannelListData {
public channelName?: string;
public channelHash?: string;
public description?: string;
public members?: number;
public modes?: string;
Trigger: when last line of command /LIST is received