UPDATE 2.x.x: Node-style callbacks are deprecated, but can still be found in versions 1.x.x
Module for interfacing with iSignThis as a payment service provider (PSP)
Module constructor
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
settings |
Object | Required | An object of settings required or supported by the module. |
Field | Type | Default | Description |
clientCertificate |
Buffer | Required | Client certificate used for communication |
clientKey |
Buffer | Required | Client private key used for communication |
merchantId |
String | Required | iSignThis merchant identifier |
log |
Object | console-log-level instance |
Bunyan-compatible logger |
baseUrl |
String | "" |
Base URL (without trailing slash) to iSignThis to use instead of default |
acquirerId |
String | "node-isignthis-psp" |
Default acquirer to use if none specified when creating a payment |
var fs = ;var ISignThis = ; var iSignThis = clientCertificate: fs clientKey: fs merchantId: "my_merchant" acquirerId: "clearhaus";
Payment object
This section describes the object that is returned on success from createPayment
and getPayment
Field | Type | Description |
id |
String | PSP-specific identifier for this payment |
acquirerId |
String | Acquirer used for this payment? (options.acquirerId as passed to the constructor) |
state |
String | State of the payment. Is one of the following strings:
event |
String | The event field describes an event, a system action that has been triggered either automatically or by an operator. |
expiryTime |
Date | Time when payment expires in ISO-8601 format |
redirectUrl |
String | URL where the payment is processed by the user. |
transactions |
Object | Information about the transaction(s) related to the payment |
→id |
String | Acquirer-specific identifier for this transaction. |
→amount |
Integer | Amount (denominated in sub-unit of →currency ) of this transaction |
→currency |
String | Currency denominating amount |
→identity |
Object | Information about the KYC/SCA identity returned with the transaction. If no identity is returned, value will be null |
→ |
String | Identity ID |
→identity.url |
String | URL to get provider specific identity information |
raw |
Object | The payment object from the PSP. The contents of this object will differ between different PSPs, and should be treated as an opaque blob. |
card |
Object | Information about the card |
→token |
String | The credit card token to use for a preauthorized card payment |
→last4 |
String | The last four digits of the credit card number |
→bin |
String | The credit card bin |
→brand |
String | The credit card brand |
→expiryDate |
String | The credit card expiry date (e.g. 1217 for Dec, 2017) |
→recurringId |
String | ID to use for recurring payments. |
: Create payment
Initiate a payment
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
workflow |
String | Required | Workflow identifier given by iSignThis. |
acquirerId |
String | acquirerId from constructor |
What acquirer should be used for this payment? |
returnUrl |
String (URL fragment) | Required | URL to redirect end-user to after a successful payment. Note: The PSP transaction ID will be appended to the URL, so it should be something like |
amount |
Integer | Required | Amount (denominated in sub-unit of currency ) to create a payment for. |
currency |
String | Required | Currency code denominating amount . |
client |
Object | Required | Object with information about the client initiating the payment. Only the ip field is required. |
initRecurring |
Boolean | (Optional) | If payment is the first in a series of recurring payments. |
→ip |
String | Required | IP address of client |
→name |
String | null |
Full name of client |
→dob |
String | null |
Date of birth of client |
→country |
String | null |
Country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-2) of country of citizenship of client |
→email |
String (Email address) | null |
Email address of client |
→address |
String | null |
Physical street address of client |
account |
Object | Required | Object with information about the account (e.g. the internal user or equivalent) |
→id |
String | Required | Unique identifier for this account (e.g. internal user ID or equivalent) |
→secret |
String | null |
Secret used by iSignThis |
→name |
String | null |
Full name of account owner |
transaction |
Object | {} |
Information about the transaction(s) related to the payment |
→id |
String | null |
Internal reference |
→reference |
String | null |
Internal reference for the transaction(s) |
The function return a Promise which resolves in a payment object.
var options = workflow: 'CORE' acquirerId: 'clearhaus' returnUrl: '' amount: 5000 currency: 'USD' // 50.00 USD client: ip: '' userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531...' account: id: 'user-12345' ; return PSP ;});
: Process recurring payment
Process a recurring payment using a recurringId from a succeded payment with initRecurring: true
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
workflow |
String | Required | Workflow identifier given by iSignThis. |
acquirerId |
String | acquirerId from constructor |
What acquirer should be used for this payment? |
recurringId |
String | Required | If payment is the first in a series of recurring payments. |
client |
Object | Required | Object with information about the client initiating the payment. Only the ip field is required. |
→ip |
String | Required | IP address of client |
→name |
String | null |
Full name of client |
→dob |
String | null |
Date of birth of client |
→country |
String | null |
Country code (ISO-3166-1 alpha-2) of country of citizenship of client |
→email |
String (Email address) | null |
Email address of client |
→address |
String | null |
Physical street address of client |
account |
Object | Required | Object with information about the account (e.g. the internal user or equivalent) |
→id |
String | Required | Unique identifier for this account (e.g. internal user ID or equivalent) |
→secret |
String | null |
Secret used by iSignThis |
→name |
String | null |
Full name of account owner |
transaction |
Object | {} |
Information about the transaction(s) related to the payment |
→id |
String | null |
Internal reference |
→reference |
String | null |
Internal reference for the transaction(s) |
The function return a Promise which resolves in a payment object.
const options = acquirerId: 'clearhaus' recurringId: 'recurring-id-string' client: ip: '' userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531...' account: id: 'user-12345' ; return PSP ;});
: Read payment
Get updated information about an existing payment
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
paymentId |
String | Required | ID of payment to query. Comes from the id property of the payment object. |
The function return a Promise which resolves in a payment object.
const paymentId = '12345678-4321-2345-6543-456787656789';return PSP ;});
: Validate callback
Validate a callback sent from iSignThis.
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
request |
Object | Required | Whole request object with headers and body. |
Returns true if callback is valid
const request = headers: 'content-type': 'application/json' accept: 'application/json' host: '' authorization: 'Bearer token_value' 'content-length': '1297' connection: 'close' body: {}; // Result is either true or falseconst result = ;
: Read payment
Get updated information about an existing payment
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
requestBody |
Object | Required | Body of the request object. In this case its a payment object from iSignThis. |
This function returns a payment object.
const requestBody = id: "c97f0bfc-c1ac-46c3-96d8-6605a63d380d" uid: "c97f0bfc-c1ac-46c3-96d8-6605a63d380d" secret: "f8fd310d-3755-4e63-ae98-ab3629ef245d" mode: "registration" original_message: merchant_id: merchantId transaction_id: transactionId reference: transactionReference expires_at: "2016-03-06T13:36:59.196Z" transactions: acquirer_id: acquirerId bank_id: "2774d451-5499-41a6-a37e-6a90f2b8673c" response_code: "20000" success: true amount: "0.70" currency: "DKK" message_class: "authorization-and-capture" status_code: "20000" acquirer_id: acquirerId bank_id: "73f63c0b-7c59-416f-89e5-17dcc38b64ac" response_code: "20000" success: true amount: "0.30" currency: "DKK" message_class: "authorization-and-capture" status_code: "20000" state: "PENDING" compound_state: "PENDING.AWAIT_SECRET" // result is a payment objectconst payment = PSP;