
0.4.1 • Public • Published


itty-session is a cookie-based session middleware for itty-router on Cloudflare Workers.

This is not an official library and is not affiliated with Kevin R. Whitley.

Why ?

Cookie-based sessions are currently the most secure way to create sessions for your web app.

No, JWTs are not the solution.

Specifically, the defaults set for itty-session are httpOnly, secure, sameSite: strict, which is the most secure according to OWASP's cheat sheets (see links above).

I'll elaborate later. Right now, let's get down to brass tacks.


Install itty-session via your favourite package manager. You know the drill.

npm install itty-session
pnpm install itty-session
yarn add itty-session


Itty-session requires a database to store session data.

Currently the only database supported is Cloudflare's D1.

By default, itty-session will use the SESSIONS database and the sessions table.

Expected wrangler.toml example configuration (with a second database):

d1_databases = [
    { binding = "DB", database_name = "my-database", database_id = "ABCD-0123-4567-8901-ABCD-EFGH" },
    { binding = "SESSIONS", database_name = "my-sessions", database_id = "ABCD-0123-4567-8901-ABCD-EFGH" },

If you're using a different database, you can specify it via the dbName option, but make sure it matches the binding name in your wrangler.toml file. A table named sessions is also required and will not automatically be created. Make sure it matches the table name in your wrangler.toml file.

Table configuration for sessions:

CREATE TABLE "sessions" (
	"data"	TEXT,
	"expiry"	INTEGER

You can use Wrangler to create the table for you. Example: npx wrangler d1 execute karaoke-sessions --local --file=./sessions.sql (or --remote to push to remote D1 instance)


The following example is for cloudflare workers using itty-router as a base.

import { AutoRouter, cors, withContent } from 'itty-router';
import { createSessionsMiddleware } from 'itty-session';
import D1Provider from 'itty-session/providers/d1';

const { sessionPreflight, sessionify } = createSessionsMiddleware({
  logging: true,
  Provider: D1Provider,
  providerOptions: {
    dbName: 'SESSIONS',
    tableName: 'sessions',

const router = AutoRouter({
  before: [sessionPreflight],
  finally: [sessionify],
});'/login', withContent, async (request) => {
  const { content } = request;
  // placeholder for real auth, please don't do this!
  if (!content?.username !== 'test' || !content?.password !== 'test') {
    return {
      success: false,
      message: 'invalid credentials',
  // creds are correct
  request.session.username = 'test';
  request.session.isLoggedIn = true;

  return {
    success: true,
    message: 'logged in',
    user: {
      username: user.username,
      isLoggedIn: true,

router.get('/logout', async (request) => {

  return {
    success: true,
    message: 'logged out',

export default router;

Future Changes

As I continue developing this, a few items to take care of:

  • More examples, including a basic non-cloudflare one
  • Docs on specific methods and options
  • Cookie settings (with defaults)
  • Providers for persistence outside D1/Cloudflare (mongo, mysql, bla bla bla)
  • More options?
  • Got any suggestions? Feel free to open an issue


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