
1.3.0 • Public • Published

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jack is git log with actions.

It allows you call git log like normal, then act on that log in virtually any way you'd like. There are a lot of built-in commands (like pressing space to call git show on the current commit), but you can assign a custom command to almost any key, and jack will call it and pass along the info you need.


git log is much faster and more flexible than most Git GUI apps, but I got tired of always calling git log, then copying the commit hash, then calling git show on that hash. I wanted an experience like "Quick Look" on macOS - one key press to see what you need, another to go back.

After I built that, I wanted to be able to do more, so I added custom commands.


npm i -g jack-cli

jack currently requires node version 4+.


Viewing a Git log

Just use jack instead of git log! Since jack calls git log and passes in all the arguments, you don't have to learn a new syntax.

jack --grep 'some commit message pattern'
jack 00ca1d8efd20^..head
jack -n 100

You can then perform actions on the log using the keys below.

Built-in Key Commands

Modifier Keys:

  • C = Control key
  • S = Shift key


Key Description
q, C-c Exit jack
esc Return to the default view
? Show/hide help dialog
S-, / < Open the configuration file


Key Description
Space, Enter View a commit's contents (toggle)
j/k, down/up (list view) Navigate between commits
0-9 (list view) Set a movement interval (like Vim)
j/k, down/up (commit view) scroll down or up
left/right (commit view) View previous/next commit


Key Description
/ Focus search bar. Press enter to begin search.
n Jump to next search result
N Jump to previous search result


Key Description
x Mark a commit as a range anchor
o Open changed files in default editor
m Copy commit message to clipboard
y Copy commit SHA to clipboard
r Refresh the list


On first startup, jack will create a .jack.json file in your home directory. jack will read configuration options from this file.

You can change which JSON file is read by setting the JACK_CLI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable.

Configuration options

These options can be configured in the .jack.json file:


Type: String[]

Default: []

Description: When evaluating which lines contain commit hashes, jack will skip lines that match any of the Regex strings in the array.


    "blacklistPatterns": ["exception1", "exception2"]


Type: Command[]

Default: []

Description: An array of custom key commands to be registered to jack. These can correspond to any shell command. jack will replace any tokens found in the command string with information about the current commit. See The Command object for more information.


    "commands": [
            "command": "git -p diff [%SHA_RANGE%] --patch --stat-width=1000",
            "description": "View total diff",
            "foreground": true,
            "key": "d"
            "command": "git -p diff [%SHA_RANGE%] --name-only | less",
            "description": "View changed file names",
            "foreground": true,
            "key": "l"
            "command": "git revert [%SHA_SINGLE_OR_RANGE%]",
            "description": "Revert commit",
            "key": "S-r",
            "onErrorCommand": "git cherry-pick --abort",
            "refreshOnComplete": true


Type: String

Default: ""

Description: A command to call when one of the copy text actions is used. The text to copy will be written to the standard input of the command. By default, jack attempts to use pbcopy if on macOS or xsel --input if on Linux.


Type: String

Default: "--patch-with-stat --stat-width 1000 --color"

Description: A string of command-line options and flags that are passed to git show when the spacebar is pressed on a commit.


Type: Number

Default: 5000

Description: The duration in milliseconds that notifications will stay on the screen.


Type: Number

Default: 300000

Description: The maximum number of lines to index if useSearchIndex is true. If Node runs out of memory, decrease this number. If you need to search more results, increase this number. This option is ignored if useSearchIndex is set to false.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Whether or not to show line numbers.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: By default, the escape key will return to the default list view. Setting this to true will return to the old behavior of quitting the application.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Whether or not to use the search indexer for searching. Using the indexer will allow dearches to be much faster, but may cause the program to run out of memory if the log is too large. If this option is set to true, you can limit the size of the search index using the searchIndexLimit option.

The Command object

You can register custom key commands with jack using the commands property, which is an array of Command objects. A command can correspond to any shell command.

A Command object will look something like this:

    "command": "git -p diff [%SHA_RANGE%] --patch --stat-width=1000",
    "description": "View total diff",
    "foreground": true,
    "key": "d"

The Command object takes the following properties:

command (Required)

Type: String

Description: The shell command to be called on keypress. This string can contain tokens that will be replaced with information from the current commit.

description (Required)

Type: String

Description: A description of the command to display in the help text, and whenever the command is invoked.

foreground (Optional)

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Whether or not the process will spawn in the foreground. By default, commands will run in the background and notify you when they have completed. If this property is true, jack will try to spawn it as a foreground process. Please note that if the command does not run in a pager or an editor like less or vim, the process will complete and immediately return you to jack. You can work around this by piping to less or another pager in the command.

key (Required)

Type: String

Description: The key combination used to invoke the command from jack. This can either be a single lowercase letter, or prefixed with "C-" for a "control" modifer key, or "S-" for a "shift" modifier key. Some key combinations are reserved by jack.

The given value must validate with this reglar expression:

const KEY_REGEX = /^([CS]-)?[a-z]$/;

It also must not be one of jack's reserved keys:

const RESERVED_KEYS = [...'bfjkmnoqrxy?'.split(''), 'C-c', 'S-n'];

onErrorCommand (Optional)

Type: String

Default: null

Description: A command to run if there is an error with the main command. This is not usually necessary, but can be useful for cleaning up after a command that leaves garbage if it fails, such as a git cherry-pick or git rebase.

refreshOnComplete (Optional)

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Description: Whether or not to refresh the log after the command has completed. This is useful for operations that change the log like git rebase or git cherry-pick.

Placeholder tokens

jack defines several placeholder tokens that may be used in the command property of a Command object. These will be substituted with information from the currently selected commit.

The placeholder tokens are delimited by [% and %]. (NOTE: if you are already using this feature from an older version, make sure that your delimiters do not include spaces. So instead of [% SHA_RANGE %], it should be [%SHA_RANGE%])

Example usage:

"git -p diff [%SHA_RANGE%] --patch --stat-width=1000"


Will be replaced by the commit message of the currently selected commit


Will always be replaced by a revision range, even if there is no marked commit. Commands such as git diff or git difftool require this to show the changes for just a single commit.

Example replacement values:

  • Single Commit: 4a22d67^..4a22d67
  • With Marked Commit: 9103ae0^..4a22d67


Will be replaced by either a single commit SHA or a revision range if there is a marked commit.

Example replacement values:

  • Single Commit: 4a22d67
  • With Marked Commit: 9103ae0^..4a22d67


Will be replaced by the currently selected commit SHA.

Example replacement values:

  • Single Commit: 4a22d67
  • With Marked Commit: 4a22d67

Environment variables



If you would like to use jack with different configuration files for different shell user logins, you can point to a custom json file by setting the JACK_CLI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable. If the file doesn't exist, jack will create it when it first starts up.


Why does the foreground option for my custom command not work?

If the foreground property is set to true in one of your custom Command objects, you may run into one or more issues:

  1. The process will just quit immediately and return you to the list.
  2. The output will look garbled.

To fix these issues, you may need to configure your pager. For example, if your pager is less, try setting one of these environment variable:

export LESS=-r
export LESS=-R

Unfortunately this is not a guaranteed fix, and jack does not work properly in all terminals right now. If you come across a problem, please file an issue at jack-cli/issues.

iTerm drag and drop is potentially dangerous while using jack

If you are using iTerm, you may want to consider turning off selection drag-and-drop while using jack. If you accidentally select text and drag and drop it into an active jack process, jack will interpret every single character in the selected text as a keystroke. If you have custom commands registered that can make changes of any kind, they may accidentally be triggered.

To turn this off in iTerm, go to:

Preferences > Advanced > "To drag images or select text, you must hold ⌘. This prevents accidental drags."

Set this value to "Yes".

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  • drew.brokke