
0.0.1 • Public • Published

javlin-pure (pronounced "javelin pure")

Just Another Vector Library In Node - Pure

Pure, stateless, modular vector manipulation functions written in Javascript. Designed for Node.js.

Key Attributes

Vector Types are Simple Arrays

All vectors are simple arrays of numbers. The vector "dimension" is just the length of the array (number of elements). "n-dimensional" means the function can act on vectors (arrays) of any length.

Pure functions

All vector functions are pure functions - they return a new array as the result instead of mutating an existing array.


All vector functions are stateless - they are not methods of a class instance prototype

Module pattern

Each function resides in its own individual file and is designed to run in Node.js. They can be run in a browser using Browserify. Dependencies are included with 'require()' and each function is exported via "module.exports"

Unit Testing

Full unit testing suite implemented using Tape (TAP output) for node, npm and Testling. Easily configurable for Travis-ci. Includes "pretty-print" tests using tap-spec for Windows and Linux.


The following are the API descriptions. The file name is the API (function) name followed by ".js"

add(vec1, vec2)

Adds two n-dimensional vectors, returning the result in a new vector

var vec = add([1, 2], [3, 4]); // vec === [4, 6]

sub(vec1, vec2)

Subtracts two n-dimensional vectors (subtracts vec2 from vec1), returning the result in a new vector

var vec = sub([1, 2], [3, -4]); // vec === [-2, 6]

scale(vec, scalar)

Scales an n-dimensional vector by scalar (just a number), returning the result in a new vector

var vec = scale([1, 2], 3); // vec === [3, 6]

dot(vec1, vec2)

Computes the dot (inner) product of two n-dimensional vectors

var value = dot([1, 2], [3, 4]); // value === 11


Computes the magnitude (length) of an n-dimensional vector

var value = mag([3, 4]); // value === 5


Normalizes an n-dimensional vector (returns vector of magnitude 1, or unit vector, retaining direction)

var vec = norm([3, 4]); // vec === [.6, .8]

proj(vec1, vec2)

Returns the projection of n-dimensional vector vec1 along vec2

var vec = proj([3, 4, 5], [6, 8, 0]); // vec === [3, 4, 0]


Returns the angle in radians from 0 to PI of an n-dimensional vector. Angle is 0 along the positive x axis and positive counterclockwise. NOTE: This function does not retain angle sign information

var value = angleN([5, 5, 0, 0, 0]); // value === 0.785


Returns the angle in radians from -PI to PI of a 2-dimensional vector. Angle is 0 along the positive x axis and positive counterclockwise. This is a simple wrapper for Math.atan2(y, x)

var value = angle2d([3, 4]); // value === 0.927

fromPolar2d(mag, angle)

Given a magnitude and angle in radians positive counterclockwise from the x axis returns a 2-dimensional vector

var vec = fromPolar2d(5, 0.927); // vec === [3, 4] (very close approximations)


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