
0.1.7 • Public • Published
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             \________| \______  /_______  /                   
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      \/        \/    \/           \/             \/            \/ 


Jade, CoffeeScript, Stylus middleware for Express.js


Use npm to install jcs-middleware:

npm install jcs-middleware


In Express app.js

app.use('/', require('jsc-middleware')(options));
app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

WARNING: jcs middleware MUST go BEFORE static middleware, because it does not render output directly and output to express, instead it depends on static middleware to render the compiled js/css/html files.


Global options:

 debug          Output debugging information.
 compress       Uglify the output, all of them.
 force          Force compile every time.
 staticRoot     The root directory of the static files.

Coffee-script options:

 coffeeSrc      Source directory used to find .coffee files.
 coffeeDst      Destination directory where the .js files are stored.
 bare           Compile JavaScript without the top-level function safty
 encodeSrc      Encode CoffeeScript source file as base64 comment in
                compiled JavaScript.

Stylus options:

 stylusSrc      Source directory used to find .styl files.
 stylusDst      Destination directory where the .css files are stored.

Less options:

 lessSrc        Source directory used to find .less files.
 lessDst        Destination directory where the .css files are stored.
 lessPaths      Search paths for @import directives

Jade options:

 jadeSrc        Source directory used to find .jade files.
 jadeDst        Destination directory where the .js files are stored.
 jadeStatics    Hash map used to generate jade pages.

Ejs options:

 ejsSrc        Source directory used to find .ejs files.
 ejsDst        Destination directory where the .js files are stored.
 ejsStatics    Hash map used to generate ejs pages.

If any of the xxxSrc options is ommit, that feature will be turned off.

File Path

Say you have a express website at


Which is located in your server's directory:


In this app, you store all the static files in public directory, which means, all access to


goes to


Then, you have folder for stylus source files,


and you want put the generated css files be put into directory:


So that anyone can access those css files from url


In this scenario:

  • urlBase is /yourapp
  • staticRoot is /path/to/yourapp/public
  • stylusSrc is /path/to/yourapp/stylus
  • stylusDst is /path/to/yourapp/public/css

for example:

+-- path
   +-- to
      +-- yourapp
         +-- public (staticRoot)
         |  +-- ...
         |  +-- css (stylusDst)
         |     +-- ...
         |     +-- XXX.css   <--------+
         |                            |
         +-- stylus (stylusSrc)       | compile to
            +-- ...                   |
            +-- XXX.styl      --------+

The same with coffee and jade options.

Order of Languages

If source paths of different languages are pointing to the same directory, the following order will be used:

  • stylus > less
  • jade > ejs


NOTE: Templates that will be generated are out dated, and will be updated soon.

jcs-middleware also comes with a command line tool to generate web application from template; just like express-generator.

To use this generator, you may need to install a copy of jcs-middleware globally:

npm install -g jcs-middleware


Usage: jcs [options] [dir]


  -h, --help             output usage information
  -V, --version          output the version number
  -f, --force            Force copy template files.
  -n, --name             The name of the web application, default is
                         folder name.
  -t, --template <path>  The template directory, can be ommitted. 


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)


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