
0.0.3 • Public • Published


Jetson is a ECMA6 compatible superset of JSON

Additions to JSON:

  • Single line comments // this is a comment
  • Multiline comments /* test */
  • Template strings from ECMA6
    • Template strings are only used for multiline support, interpolation is not supported currently


  • Performance; currently checks need to be done for handling bigger documents
  • Consider producing the same AST parse output as Esprima
  • Other language support
  • Further testing

Making the repository

To use the code running make build in the source directory will produce the ECMAScript 5 compatible code.

To run the codes tests use make test

To load the documentation run make doc where the output will be in the documentation/ directory.

Why another JSON format when there are so many!

JSON is a great format, in fact I struggle to remember the last time I heard SOAP or WSDL. However I made this for storing documents that may be transferred over a network or language.

I created Jetson as a possible alternative for YAML in the in progress version of TAP

Why not Hjson, that's brand new also?

I discovered Hjson as I was nearly finishing this project however the goals are different as Christian Heilmann pointed out.

Hjson is concentrating on being an easy to use config, for which I would be using TOML or just an ini file.

Jetson is a format that is focused on still being as interchangable as JSON and also works in the latest ECMA6 compatible browsers. Simplicity is key with Jetson so performance tweaks can be added later; already parts of Jetson are much more performant.

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  • jonathankingston