
1.1.6 • Public • Published


Adds support for some ftp server checksum commands to JSFtp

Some FTP servers provide commands that allow the client to retrieve a checksum for a file on the server. This can make operations like sync-ing much faster and more reliable since you don't need to rely on attributes like the file size and modified time to determine if the file has changed. Plus, the size reported by several ftp server commands can just be approximations, and the modified time can change even if the contents of the file have not changed so those methods can be error-prone.

This module adds methods to JSFtp to access some of those checksum commands and parse the results. Currently supported checksum commands: MD5, XMD5, XCRC, XSHA, XSHA1, XSHA256, XSHA512.


JSFtp Homepage

List of Non-standard Cryptographic Hash...

Be sure to check that the Ftp server supports the desired checksum algorithm before trying to use it.

The checksums supported here are non-standard so ymmv. Feel free to report an issue if one of the included checksum algorithms doesn't work as expected with your ftp server. Be sure to verify that the server supports that algorithm first. If you do open an issue, please include the full server response.

All checksums are returned as hex-encoded strings with the A-F converted to upper case.

Usage Example with Feature Detection

const jsftp = require("jsftp");

var Ftp = new jsftp({
  host: "myserver.com",
  port: 3331, // defaults to 21
  user: "user", // defaults to "anonymous"
  pass: "1234" // defaults to "@anonymous"

Ftp.on("connect", () => {
  // we need to explicitly call getFeatures in this example since xmd5
  // would be the first command to be executed after connecting
  Ftp.getFeatures(err => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      if (Ftp.hasFeat("xmd5")) {  // command "xmd5" case doesn't matter here
        Ftp.xmd5("myfile.txt", (err, checksum) => {
          if (err) {
          } else {
            // Prints something like
            // 7F1EE68D2344001A050752B669242182

  // Ftp.destroy() when you're finished

Added Methods

Ftp.md5(pathname, callback)

With the md5 method you can retrieve the MD5 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the MD5 command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the MD5 response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Known server support seems to be based on: FTP MD5 Draft Spec - Expired

Ftp.md5('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 7F1EE68D2344001A050752B669242182
Ftp.xmd5(pathname, callback)

With the xmd5 method you can retrieve the MD5 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XMD5 command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XMD5 response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xmd5('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 7F1EE68D2344001A050752B669242182
Ftp.xcrc(pathname, callback)

With the xcrc method you can retrieve the CRC checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XCRC command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XCRC response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xcrc('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // B0A3981C
Ftp.xsha(pathname, callback)

With the xsha method you can retrieve the SHA1 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XSHA command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XSHA response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xsha('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 85C7C35F151659B612C67ED74C4760A78D89F4C8
Ftp.xsha1(pathname, callback)

With the xsha1 method you can retrieve the SHA1 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XSHA1 command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XSHA1 response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xsha1('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 85C7C35F151659B612C67ED74C4760A78D89F4C8
Ftp.xsha256(pathname, callback)

With the xsha256 method you can retrieve the SHA256 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XSHA256 command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XSHA256 response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xsha256('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 06FB0EF81B1DC52CB18E1884211F18E1E2423A5B7B00978BD4DF4D97DCB9FF3C
Ftp.xsha512(pathname, callback)

With the xsha512 method you can retrieve the SHA512 checksum for a file on the server that accepts the XSHA512 command. The method accepts a callback with the signature err, checksum, in which err is the error response coming from the server (usually a 4xx or 5xx error code), or an error indicating the XSHA512 response couldn't be parsed, and checksum is a string containing the checksum.

Ftp.xsha512('myfile.txt', (err, checksum) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // Prints something like
    // 44C4541AB7A3E73F29BAEBE5EE80B522D67204EA7BABEB7E7DC243FF87A363FC2F352A9AFC8ECAAB8F364DBDFB58B42E22AAC744CD8226A61FE01C801EAC385B

Known Ftp Server Support*

ProFtp+mod_digest Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JScape MFT - Y Y - - - -
Serv-U FTP - Y Y - Y Y Y
Y jsftp-checksum has been successfully tested against this server
N The tested ftp server advertises algorithm support, but jsftp-checksum cannot parse it correctly
- The tested ftp server (as configured) does not support the algorithm

* Other Ftp servers may be supported, please report success/failure

** Ftp server support may vary due to version/configuration differences

Other Checksum Commands

There are other checksum commands in the wild (and in this list). If you need support for a different one, please open an issue and I'll see if I can add it. Or, add it yourself and submit a pull request :)

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