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Middleware to decode incoming request in Express


npm install jwt-express-decode

Configuring options


The params object must be given as the first argument or an error will be passed along next(error)

  1. params.secret = Your JWT token secret.
  2. params.header = the property on the header of the incoming where the JWT can be found.

Not Required

  1. params.req = this property name will be attached to the request and set to the decoded token, will be set to req.token if no value is passed in.
  2. Whitelist = array of request url's that will not need JWT protection. It's important to remember that when using Express mounting, Express will strip away the pre fixed mounted url before the url is inside the middleware. So app.use('/api', doSomething()). Inside of the doSomething() middleware, req.url will not include /api. So if we sent a request to /api/users/all the url inside doSomething will be /users/all.
exports.doSomething = function(req, res, next){
  req.url === // '/users/all'  

This is important to remember when including a whitelist of url's. You have to make sure you don't include the mounted prefix on the url's you're wanting to whitelist. So in this case, we would not include the /api prefix to the url's in the array, because we will use app.use('/api', decode(params, ['/users/new'])

Now in your server config

var express   = require('express'),
      decode  = require('jwt-express-decode'),
      app     = express();
var params = {
  secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET,
  header: 'token',
  req: 'token'
// white list request that we don't want to lock down with JWT like new user
// signup
var whitelist = ['/user/new', 'user/verify']
app.use('/api', decode(params, whitelist));


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