TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.7 • Public • Published



When alt key is involved in to key combination, the value of e.key becomes strange. For example, hitting ⌥ + A, you'll get å as e.key value. The e.code value is more accurate in this case: KeyA, but a bit lengthy.

While registering a keyboard shorcut event, devolopers want something like this:

import kc from "keycombo-parse"

document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
	if (kc("⇧ ⌥ ⌘ + C", e)) {
		// shortcut activated

The key combination string: ⇧ ⌥ ⌘ + C, is quite succinct, but might be hard to type for those not using a text expander such as espanso. In this package we also support key combo string in plain text: shift alt meta + C.

How to use

After installation with pnpm add keycombo-parse, you could import it to browser client-side JavaScript code:

// using the default export
import isKeyComboMatch from "keycombo-parse"

document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
	if (isKeyComboMatch("⇧ ⌥ ⌘ + H", e)) {

const showHelp() => console.log("Displaying help dialog...")

or get the standardized keycombo string:

import { standardKeyCombo } from "keycombo-parse"

standardKeyCombo(" cmd shift option + k") // log output: ⇧ ⌥ ⌘ + K

if you want have a shortcut that requires hitting content key twice, define it this way:

import isKeyComboMatch from "keycombo-parse"

document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
	if (isKeyComboMatch("⌘ + C", e)) {
	} else if (isKeyComboMatch("⌘ + CC", e)) {

const copyName = () => console.log("Copying icon name...")
const copySVG = () => console.log("Copying icon SVG...")


A few things to note:

  • We use space as separator, so spaces are necessary
  • We recognize alt, option, or , all supported!
  • We avoid differentiating modifier keys on the right side, so ShiftLeft and ShiftRight are treated as the same
  • Case-insensitive, so Alt and alt are both acceptable
  • It's recommended that key combination always end with a non-modifier key, for example: ⌘ + C, ⌘ + 1, or ⌘ + [
  • A single non-modifer key are supported only when user not typing into a text field
  • A single modifer key: shift, alt, meta, ctrl are also supported
  • Function keys are not supported

Idea behind this package

e.code and its alternatives

When naming the key combo string, you can use the complete key code name, for example: Shift Meta + KeyC, or the more concise couterpart: ⇧ ⌘ + C.

content key: number

  • Digit0: 0, )
  • Digit1: 1, !
  • Digit2: 2, @
  • Digit3: 3, #
  • Digit4: 4, $
  • Digit5: 5, %
  • Digit6: 6, ^
  • Digit7: 7, &
  • Digit8: 8, *
  • Digit9: 9, (

content key: alphabet

  • KeyQ: Q, q
  • KeyW: W, w
  • KeyE: E, e
  • KeyR: R, r
  • KeyT: T, t
  • KeyY: Y, y
  • KeyU: U, u
  • KeyI: I, i
  • KeyO: O, o
  • KeyP: P, p
  • KeyA: A, a
  • KeyS: S, s
  • KeyD: D, d
  • KeyF: F, f
  • KeyG: G, g
  • KeyH: H, h
  • KeyJ: J, j
  • KeyK: K, k
  • KeyL: L, l
  • KeyZ: Z, z
  • KeyX: X, x
  • KeyC: C, c
  • KeyV: V, v
  • KeyB: B, b
  • KeyN: N, n
  • KeyM: M, m

content key: placeholder

  • Space: space,
  • Enter: enter, ,,, return
  • Tab: tab,

content key: special charactor

  • BracketLeft: [, {
  • BracketRight: }, ]
  • Minus: -, _
  • Equal: +, =
  • Semicolon: ;, :
  • Comma: ,, <
  • Period: ., >
  • Quote: ', "
  • Backquote: ~, ` (can't display normally in markdown code format)
  • Backslash: \, |
  • Slash: /, ?

content key: functional

  • Escape: esc, escape
  • Backspace: , backspace, delete, del
  • CapsLock: caps, cap, capslock,
  • ArrowUp: arrowup, up,
  • ArrowDown: arrowdown, down,
  • ArrowLeft: arrowleft, left,
  • ArrowRight: arrowright, right,

modifer key

  • AltLeft: alt, option,
  • ShiftLeft: shift,
  • ControlLeft: control, ctrl,
  • MetaLeft: command, cmd, , meta


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