TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.0 • Public • Published



Dependencies Required

  1. Recommended Node verison to be v22 or higher
  2. tsconfig.json required compilerOptions
  "compilerOptions": {
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node16",
  1. dotenv npm package installed

How to Use

You have access to two different decorators/wrappers called @kRun and @kStep.

.env Secrets

KIMTRACE_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<Will be provided when you onboard with Kimtrace>'
KIMTRACE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<Will be provided when you onboard with Kimtrace>'
KIMTRACE_REGION = '<Will be provided when you onboard with Kimtrace - but currently only supports us-east-1>'
KIMTRACE_SQS_URL = '<Will be provided when you onboard with Kimtrace>'
KIMTRACE_CLIENT_ID = '<Will be provided when you onboard with Kimtrace>'
## [OPTIONAL] emergency configuration, "true" will disable Kimtrace, and "false" or null will enable it. Useful when a Kimtrace regression is causing an outage on your service. 


This decorator is used to initialize Kimtrace, record the initial input and final output of the run, and start the process of recording the subsequent call stacks.

All @kStep invocations are expected to have been preceeded by a @kRun invocation.

The decorator variant is@kRun, and function variant is either @kRunWrapper or @kRunWrappedCall.

  • @kRunWrapper is used when you want to wrap a function and call it later
  • @kRunWrappedCall is used when you want to wrap a function and call it immediately

Here are some additional properties you can configure using @kRun:

  • runId: Sets the run id of the execution, used to identify in the Kimtrace webapp
  • runName: Sets the name of the overall run, used to identify in the Kimtrace webapp
  • emitOnlyOnFailure: If true, the run will only be emitted if the run fails due to a thrown error. If false or null, the run will be emitted regardless of status.
  • tags: An array of property names (string) that will be used to tag the run based on the non-object output from the run's input. If the value is an object, it will be ignored.

Example 1:

if the input is {a: 1, b: 2} and you specify `tags: ["a"]`, it will tag the run with "1"

Example 2:

if the input is {a: {num: 1}, b: 2} and you specify `tags: ["a", "b"]`, it will tag the run with "2"
  • redactors: An array of strings that will be used to redact the input and output of the run in the Kimtrace webapp

Example 1: Redacting the input of a nested step based on redactors: ["firstNum"]:

      "stepName": "StepWrapper.asyncAdd",
      "stepStatus": "success",
      "stepInput": "[{\"firstNum\":\"[REDACTED]\",\"secondNum\":88}]",
      "stepOutput": "122",
      "stepStartTime": "2025-01-03T03:03:10.113Z",
      "stepEndTime": "2025-01-03T03:03:10.113Z",
      "calledFromId": "4359adfa-fd8a-408f-a376-e6814fee078c",
      "id": "75143726-2671-4818-8d82-0b36da012c19"


This decorator is used to represent each step in the kRun call stack. If you decorate a class method with this decorator, it record the input and output of that method.

The equivalent of @kStep is @kStepWrapper or kStepWrappedCall.

This only has an additional property of stepName which has the same functionality as explained previously.


Setting up a @kRun

class Main {
    public static async run() {
        return await FirstNestedClass.runDefault({howManyToAdd: 3});

class FirstNestedClass {
    @kRun({runName: "Set.runName"})
    public static async runDefault(params:  {howManyToAdd: number}) {
        // ... code here

Setting up a @kRunWrapper

class Main {
    public static async run() {
        return wrappedCall = kRunWrapper({runName: "Set.runName"}, FirstNestedClass.runDefault);
        return await wrappedCall({howManyToAdd: 3});

class FirstNestedClass {
    public static async runDefault(params:  {howManyToAdd: number}) {
        // ... code here

Setting up a @kRunWrappedCall

async function run() {
    return await kRunWrappedCall(
        {runName: "Set.runName"}, 
        {howManyToAdd: 3}

async function runDefault(params:  {howManyToAdd: number}) {
    // ... code here

Setting up a @kStep

class Main {
    public static async run() {
        return await kRunWrappedCall(
            {runName: "Set.runName"}, 
            {howManyToAdd: 3}

class FirstNestedClass {
    public static async runDefault(params:  {howManyToAdd: number}) {
        return DependencyClass.add({firstNum: 1, secondNum: 2});

class DependencyClass {
    @kStep({stepName: "Set.stepName"})
    public static add(params:  {firstNum: number, secondNum: number}) {
        // ... code here

Configuring a @kRun

async function run() {
    return await kRunWrappedCall({
        runId: "Set.runId", 
        runName: "Set.runName", 
        tags: ["howManyToAdd"], 
        redactors: ["firstNum"],
        emitOnlyOnFailure: true
    }, runDefault, {
        howManyToAdd: 3

async function runDefault(params:  {howManyToAdd: number}) {
    // ... code here


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