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2.4.0 • Public • Published

Knex Spatial Plugin

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A Knex plugin for easy operations on geometric & geospatial data in Postgres.

Featuring a fluent, expressive and natural API design.

⚠️ Warning: This plugin is still in early development. Sql injection prevention being validated. Please report any issues you find. ⚠️

Get Started

npm install knex-spatial-plugin
# OR
yarn add knex-spatial-plugin

Once installed, add the plugin to your Knex instance:

import Knex from 'knex';
import KnexSpatialPlugin from 'knex-spatial-plugin';

export const db = Knex(config);

// Simply call the plugin with your Knex instance



Add a computed column, distance (in meters) based on the given lat & lon values.

Uses the ST_Distance function.

Note: Intelligently handles undefined lat & lon values by returning the query without modification.

import { db } from './knex';

export function findNearbyLocations({ lat, lon }) {
  // Get locations within 10Km of input location, **including** the distance in the results
  return db('locations')
    .select('id', 'name')
    .selectDistance('location', { lat, lon })
select "id",
  ST_Distance ("location", ST_Point (-104.128, 39.87)) / 1609.344 AS "distance"
from "locations"
where "distance" < 10000
order by "distance" asc
id  name    distance
1   Denver  0
2   Boulder 38.5

whereDistance & whereDistanceWithin

id  name    distance
1   Denver  0
2   Boulder 38.5

Uses the ST_Distance & ST_DWithin function.

Note: Intelligently handles undefined lat & lon values by returning the query without modification.

export function findNearbyLocations({ lat, lon }) {
  // Get locations within 10Km of input location, without including the distance in the results
  return db('locations')
    .select('id', 'name')
    .whereDistanceWithin('location', { lat, lon, radius: 10000 });


  .selectArea('country_border', 'area_in_meters');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Area("country_border") AS "area_in_meters"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name area_in_meters
England 130,279,000,000
Ireland 70,278,000,000
South Africa 1,221,037,630,000
United States 9,147,420,000,000
  .selectArea('country_border', 'area_in_km2', 'kilometers');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Area("country_border") / 1000 AS "area_in_km2"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name area_in_km2
England 130,279,000
Ireland 70,278,000
South Africa 1,221,037,630
United States 9,147,420,000
  .selectArea('country_border', 'area_in_miles', 'miles')
  .orderBy('area_in_miles', 'desc');

// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Area("country_border") / 1609.344 AS "area_in_miles"
// FROM "world_countries"
// ORDER BY "area_in_miles" DESC;
country_name area_in_miles
United States 5,650,000
South Africa 754,000
England 80,700.8
Ireland 43,500.5


  .selectCentroid('country_border', 'centroid');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Centroid("country_border") AS "centroid"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name centroid
England POINT(-1.474054 52.795479)
Ireland POINT(-8.137935 53.175503)
South Africa POINT(25.083901 -29.000341)
United States POINT(-112.599438 45.705628)


  .selectConvexHull('country_border', 'convex_hull');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_ConvexHull("country_border") AS "convex_hull"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name convex_hull
England POLYGON((-5.270157 50.056137,-5.270157 55.811741,1.762726 55.811741,1.762726 50.056137,-5.270157 50.056137))
Ireland POLYGON((-10.4786 51.4457,-10.4786 55.3878,-5.3319 55.3878,-5.3319 51.4457,-10.4786 51.4457))
South Africa POLYGON((16.344976 -34.819168,16.344976 -22.125026,32.895474 -22.125026,32.895474 -34.819168,16.344976 -34.819168))
United States POLYGON((-124.731422 24.955967,-124.731422 49.371735,-66.969849 49.371735,-66.969849 24.955967,-124.731422 24.955967))


    { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, radius: '10mi' },
  .where({ country_name: 'United States' });
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Difference("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-104.128, 39.87)'::geography, 10 * 1609.344)) AS "difference"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE "country_name" = 'United States';
country_name difference
United States MULTIPOLYGON(((-124.731422 24.955967,-124.731422 49.371735,-66.969849 49.371735,-66.969849 24.955967,-124.731422 24.955967)))


    { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, radius: '10mi' },
  .where({ country_name: 'United States' });
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Intersection("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-104.128, 39.87)'::geography, 10 * 1609.344)) AS "intersection"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE "country_name" = 'United States';
country_name intersection
United States MULTIPOLYGON(((-124.731422 24.955967,-124.731422 49.371735,-66.969849 49.371735,-66.969849 24.955967,-124.731422 24.955967)))


  .selectEnvelope('country_border', 'envelope');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Envelope("country_border") AS "envelope"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name envelope
England POLYGON((-5.270157 50.056137,-5.270157 55.811741,1.762726 55.811741,1.762726 50.056137,-5.270157 50.056137))
Ireland POLYGON((-10.4786 51.4457,-10.4786 55.3878,-5.3319 55.3878,-5.3319 51.4457,-10.4786 51.4457))
South Africa POLYGON((16.344976 -34.819168,16.344976 -22.125026,32.895474 -22.125026,32.895474 -34.819168,16.344976 -34.819168))
United States POLYGON((-124.731422 24.955967,-124.731422 49.371735,-66.969849 49.371735,-66.969849 24.955967,-124.731422 24.955967))


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_miles', 'miles');
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1609.344 AS "border_in_miles"
// FROM "world_countries";
country_name border_in_miles
England 2,795
Ireland 2,000
South Africa 4,000
United States 13,000


    { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, radius: '10mi' },
  .where({ country_name: 'United States' });
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_SymDifference("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-104.128, 39.87)'::geography, 10 * 1609.344)) AS "sym_difference"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE "country_name" = 'United States';
country_name sym_difference
United States MULTIPOLYGON(((-124.731422 24.955967,-124.731422 49.371735,-66.969849 49.371735,-66.969849 24.955967,-124.731422 24.955967)))


      { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 },
      { lat: 39.17, lon: -104.92 },
      { lat: 39.25, lon: -105.01 },
      { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 },
  .where({ country_name: 'England' });
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Union("country_border") AS "union"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE "country_name" = 'England';


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_miles', 'miles');
  .whereContains('country_border', { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1609.344 AS "border_in_miles"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Contains("country_border", ST_Point(-104.128, 39.87));
country_name border_in_miles
United States 13,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereContainsProperly('country_border', { lat: -1.474054, lon: 52.795479, radius: '1km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_ContainsProperly("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-1.474054, 52.795479)'::geography, 1000));
country_name border_in_km
England 2,795


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereCovers('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Covers("country_border", ST_Point(-104.128, 39.87));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereCoveredBy('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_CoveredBy("country_border", ST_Point(-104.128, 39.87));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereCrosses('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Crosses("country_border", ST_Point(-104.128, 39.87));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereDisjoint('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Disjoint("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
country_name border_in_km
England 2,795
Ireland 2,000
United States 13,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereEquals('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Equals("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereIntersects('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Intersects("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereOverlaps('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Overlaps("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


    { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' },
// SELECT "country_name",
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Relate("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
South Africa


  .selectLength('country_border', 'border_in_km', 'kilometers');
  .whereTouches('country_border', { lat: -26.2041, lon: 28.0473, radius: '10km' })
// SELECT "country_name",
//   ST_Length("country_border") / 1000 AS "border_in_km"
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Touches("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 10000));
country_name border_in_km
South Africa 4,000


db('world_countries').select('country_name').whereWithin('country_border', {
  lat: -26.2041,
  lon: 28.0473,
  radius: '100km',
// SELECT "country_name",
// FROM "world_countries"
// WHERE ST_Within("country_border", ST_Buffer('Point(-26.2041, 28.0473)'::geography, 100 * 1000));
South Africa

Expressive Shape API

Knex-Spatial makes it easy to define shapes using plain JS objects.

All methods that accept a shape argument can be passed a JS object, and it will be converted to the correct SQL syntax.

If you want to stand-alone convert a shape to SQL, you can do so using the helper method convertShapeToSql. (Note: Advanced use-case.)

convertShapeToSql Usage

import { convertShapeToSql } from 'knex-spatial-plugin';

convertShapeToSql({ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 });
// => 'POINT(-104.128 39.87)'::geography

Shape Object Syntax Examples

{ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, srid: 4326 }
// => 'SRID=4326;POINT(-104.128 39.87)'::geography
{ x: 39.87, y: -104.128 }
// => 'POINT(-104.128 39.87)'::geometry
{ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, radius: 1000 }
// => ST_Buffer('POINT(-104.128 39.87)'::geography, 1000)
{ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128, radius: '1.5 mile' }
// => ST_Buffer('POINT(-104.128 39.87)'::geography, 1.5 * 1609.344)
[{ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 }, { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 }]
// => 'LINESTRING(-104.128 39.87, -104.128 39.87)'::geography
[{ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 }, { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 }, { lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 }]
// => 'POLYGON((-104.128 39.87, -104.128 39.87, -104.128 39.87))'::geography

Geography Shapes in JSON

Note: For geometry shapes, use the x & y properties instead of lat & lon (as with geography.)

  • POINT: { lat: number, lon: number }
  • CIRCLE: { lat: number, lon: number, radius: number }
  • LINE: [{ lat: number, lon: number }, ...] (2+ points, cannot begin & end with the same point)
  • POLYGON: [{ lat: number, lon: number }, ...] (first & last point must be the same)
  • MULTIPOLYGON: [ [{ lat: number, lon: number }, ...], ...] (array of polygons)
  • MULTILINE: [ [{ lat: number, lon: number }, ...], ...] (array of lines)

SQL Function Syntax Builder API

Knex-Spatial provides a powerful SQL syntax builder API. It's designed to keep ORM code as simple & similar to SQL as possible.


  • Supports any form of SQL Function.
  • Supports aggregate functions like Count(), Min(), and Sum().
    • builder('COUNT').arg('id').wrap('min') => min(COUNT('id'))
  • Auto-magically converts natural language measurements into the correct unit.
    • Works for both input values (Desired unit -> Base unit) and for output expressions (Base unit -> Desired unit.)
    • 5 miles => 8046.72 (meters)
    • builder('ST_Length').arg('a_line_string').unit('acres') => ST_Length('a_line_string') / 4046.86
  • Auto-magically converts JS objects into WKT (Well-Known Text) strings. {x: 1, y: 2} => POINT(1 2)


import { sqlFunctionBuilder } from 'knex-spatial-plugin';

const sqlFn = sqlFunctionBuilder(db);

  .arg({ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 })
// => ST_Distance("point", 'Point(-104.128 39.87)'::geography) AS "distance"

  .arg({ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 })
  .arg('5 miles')
  .toString(); // Alias for .build()
// => ST_DWithin("polygon_column", 'Point(-104.128 39.87)'::geography, 5 * 1609.344)

Knex Query Builder Example

Use the sqlFunctionBuilder's native Knex.Raw support to easily build complex SQL expressions:

      .arg({ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 })
      .arg({ lat: 39.87, lon: -104.128 })
      .arg('65 miles')
// SELECT "name",
//   ST_Distance("location", 'Point(-104.128 39.87)'::geography) / 1609.344 AS "distance"
// FROM "locations"
// WHERE ST_DWithin("location", 'Point(-104.128 39.87)'::geography, 5 * 1609.344)
// ORDER BY "distance" ASC
name distance
Denver 0
Boulder 38.5
Colorado Springs 60.5
// SELECT "name",
//   ST_Y("location") AS "latY",
//   ST_X("location") AS "lonX"
// FROM "locations";
name latY lonX
Denver 39.87 -104.128
Las Vegas 36.17 -115.14
Johannesburg -26.2041 28.0473
Dublin 53.3498 -6.2603
London 51.5074 -0.1278
D.C. 38.9072 -77.0369

See the tests for more examples.



  • [ ] Add Schema Builder methods
  • [ ] Convert 'legacy' syntax builder code to use sqlFunctionBuilder.
  • [x] Add tests
  • [x] Add more methods.
  • [x] Add more docs
  • [x] Add more examples
  • [x] Intuitive Shape Builder (tried using knex-postgis, verbose like SQL syntax.)
  • [ ] Add 'transformer' wrapper fn support for ST_AsText, ST_AsGeoJSON, ST_AsEWKT. (Include ST_AsBinary?)
  • [ ] Add global config for default select wrapper (ST_AsText, ST_AsGeoJSON, ST_AsEWKT.)
  • [ ] Add global config to treat undefined values as null or throw error.
  • [ ] Add smarts for 2d & 3d unit support.

Dev Notes

This project evolved from a narrowly scoped helper - with these initial goals:

  • Find nearby things, sort by distance.
  • Follow Knex' API design as closely as possible (builder AKA chainable methods)
  • Use natural language for measurements (e.g. 5 miles instead of 8046.72 meters)

After some initial positive feedback, I got asked to support all the PostGIS methods. There were 2 divergent paths I could take:

  1. Focus on flexible & fluent support for "common" cases.
    • For example, a buffered version of a shape column: .selectBuffer('area', '0.1km')
    • Add computed distance to SELECT: .selectDistance('location', { lat, lon })
    • Filter by distance WHERE: .whereDistanceWithin('location', { lat, lon, radius: '10km' })
    • Cons: This limits nested or fancy expression patterns.
  2. Build one standalone module meant to plug wherever knex raw is supported - somewhat like knex-postgis' design.
    • Then afterward add .select*() and .where*() style-helpers.
    • A funny thing happened on the way to building #1, I realized I needed a SQL function builder anyway.

Turns out my attempt at a shortcut - by building a SQL fragment/template-based approach - was a little shortsighted. I ended up building an SQL builder anyway. Might include knex-postgis after all... TBD.

| So, why didn't you build on top of knex-postgis?

I may still do so.

For now, I prioritized a fluent API over 1:1 SQL syntax support.

I really enjoy Knex' API design, and I wanted to extend it in such a way that - dare I say - improved on native SQL OGC syntax. (It appears knex-postgis primary goal is supporting SQL syntax faithfully 1:1, which they do fabulously.)

I looked into extending their API so you could chain things in a possibly friendlier way. It felt like I was compromising their API design goals.

// To generate: ST_AsText(ST_Centroid('geom'))
// knex-postgis API is very close to the SQL it represents 1:1
  // However, I'd prefer a more 'fluent' API extended into knex.
  .selectCentroid('geom', 'ST_AsText');
// Perhaps using `functionBuilder` like so:
// Compare the knex-postgis example:
let q = db
  .select('id', st.asText(st.centroid('geom')).as('centroid'))
q = db
   .selectCentroid('geom', 'asText')

// => SELECT "id", ST_AsText(ST_Centroid("geom")) AS "centroid" FROM "geometries"
st.geomFromText('Point(0 0)', 4326);

Unit Helpers

As for the helpers around units, some notes:

  • Yes, I am aware units is a far more complicated topic than this. I don't personally care about historical or nautical units, I just want to be able to use natural language for common measurements. (PRs welcome of course.)
  • I had trouble using the most popular units conversion library on NPM. One thing I was initially trying to handle was European denoted numbers, like 1.234.567,12 km (swapped comma & decimal points.) I decided locale support was out of scope - at least until v3.


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