TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.1.1 • Public • Published


kraken-api-browser is a browser port of the server-side kraken API kraken-api.

Use npm i kraken-api-browser to install it.

It's a es6 module file, which means you can directly import it into your web page

<script type="module" src="/node_modules/kraken-api-browser/build.js"></script>

(see Browser Usage for more details)

You can also import it in a es6 module project, and in a TypeScript project (typings included)

import { KrakenClient } from 'kraken-api-browser';


const kraken = new KrakenClient();
async function main () {
  const { result } = await kraken.api('Ticker', { pair: 'XBTEUR' });

Browser Usage

<script src="/node_modules/kraken-api-browser/build.js" type="module"></script>
  const kraken = new KrakenClient();


<script type="module">
  import { KrakenClient } from '/node_modules/kraken-api-browser/build.js';
  const kraken = new KrakenClient();

(note: if you are using a server that resolves es module paths on requests you know what's up)

TypeScript Usage

If you are using TypeScript you can easily see the methods available with auto-suggestion feature in your IDE.

Availabe public methods

'Time' | 'Assets' | 'AssetPairs' | 'Ticker' | 'Depth' | 'Trades' | 'Spread' | 'OHLC'

(note: You can also use the publicMethod function to narrow down the list of available public methods because right now the private methods won't work, read the disclaimer below)


I contacted the Kraken support to ask them to allow cors requests when using private methods such as Balance but they couldn't help me... When requesting a private method Kraken API requires a bunch of security codes such as the API keys and other things to be sent in the header of that https request. On a server side it works just fine but browsers such as Google Chrome send a pre-flight OPTIONS request before the POST one ( when modifying the header of sensitive requests.
For this reason the private methods in this framework are for the time being not working
One way for Kraken to fix this issue would be to accept OPTIONS requests from trusted origins (if not all origins) but they didn't.


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