Krosmaga website parser
npm i krosmap --save
const krosmap = require('krosmap')
const json = await krosmap.fetchUser('OTK-Val')
console.log(json) // Data may be missing
stable methods
fetchUser( username ) // fetch all data of user
fetchUserGlobal( username ) // fetch global position
fetchUserSeason( username, season="last" ) // fetch season position
fetchGlobal() // fetch global top 100
fetchSeason( season="last" ) // fetch season top 100
fetchUserProfile( username ) // fetch profile only
other properties //=>
krosmap.images.season //=>
fetchUser( string: username ): Promise( Object )
When you fetch a user with fetchUser method, you get a JSON object containing information on their Ankama profile as well as their position in the global ranking and their position in the seasonal ranking of the last season.
The fetchUser method simply calls three other Krosmap methods: fetchUserProfile, fethUserGlobal and fetchUserSeason.
return {
profile: {
username: 'OTK-Val',
avatar: '',
description: "\nOTK-Val n'a pas encore rédigé de description personnalisée"
global: { position: 722, win: 1558, lose: 1167, elo: 1553 },
lastSeason: { position: 3409, win: 3, lose: 1, rank: 9 }
Krosmap being a data parser tool from Krosmaga website, there is a non-zero chance that some of its data will not reach you. So consider testing each direct property of the JSON data.
return {
profile: false, // usually due to error 429 (try again later)
global: false, // just because of bugs in the web page
lastSeason: false // the same as for "global" property
fetchGlobal( ): Promise( Array )
The fetchGlobal method provides the top 100 of the global ranking.
// example data are fake kappa
return [
{ position: 1, win: 100, lose: 1, elo: 1950, username: 'Ghom' },
{ position: 2, win: 100, lose: 5, elo: 1800, username: 'OTK-Val' },
{ position: 3, win: 200, lose: 120, elo: 1400, username: 'ASK-ing' },
{ position: 4, win: 100, lose: 60, elo: 1310, username: 'BOSS-RNG' },
{ position: 100, win: 50, lose: 50, elo: 900, username: 'Nono42' },
fetchSeason( number|string: ?season = 'last' ): Promise( Array )
The fetchSeason method provides the top 100 of the last season ranking or of the given season.
return [
{ position: 1, win: 100, lose: 1, rank: 30, username: 'Ghom' },
{ position: 2, win: 100, lose: 5, rank: 30, username: 'OTK-Val' },
{ position: 3, win: 200, lose: 120, rank: 30, username: 'ASK-ing' },
{ position: 4, win: 100, lose: 60, rank: 30, username: 'BOSS-RNG' },
{ position: 100, win: 50, lose: 50, rank: 29, username: 'Nono42' },