This package has been deprecated

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Project archived, maybe try `hono` with `hono-adapter-aws-lambda`

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0.13.4 • Public • Published

Lambda Voie

TypeScript AWS

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Project archived

Voie was initially created to migrate some old projects to Typescript and a more modern router engine, aiming to be as effortlessly as possible, as well as a personal experience development (also because there was no known good existing package that meets the needs).
For newer projects, I recommend moving to Hono or Unjs's Nitro/H3.
While a fan of Unjs, currently I would prefer Hono because their documentation covers a lot more things, and their middleware + generics binding + RPC is really good, also things like lambda response stream + compression just work!

Voie (French word for "way/path/lane/route", English for... "Very Opinionated Itinerary Editor"?)
Nah, just a random word I came up for this package, haha.

Voie is a simple router + middleware wrapper/engine for AWS Lambda with the main purpose of making things easier.


  • find-my-way: A crazy fast (used by Fastify) HTTP router, internally uses an highly performant Radix Tree (aka compact Prefix Tree), supports route params, wildcards.
  • Clean syntax: app.route(method, path, handler), chainable to add middlewares easily: Example
  • Packed to relieve headache:
    • event.route: easy access object that contains:
      • { method, path, params: postBody+searchParams+parametricRoute, cookies }
        • postBody: event.body is automatically parsed and added to params if is object type
        • cookies: event.cookies will be parsed to Record type if exists, can be undefined.
    • response(statusCode, body, options): with support for compress
    • plugins:
      • cors: app.use(cors, { routes: ['/corsEnabledPath/*', 'someAPI'] })


Install package:

# npm
npm install lambda-voie

# yarn
yarn add lambda-voie

# pnpm (recommended)
pnpm install lambda-voie


// This package exports as ESM only (index.mjs)
import { Voie } from 'lambda-voie'

Deployed index.mjs example:

import {
  // Built-in cors plugin:
  // Lambda-configured pino-logger:
} from 'lambda-voie'

const app = new Voie({
  // You can pass in your own logger:
  // logger: console

// Using plugins:
app.use(cors, {
  // paths: ['*'] // default enable for all paths
// Its actually just a simple wrapper for:
// app.route('OPTIONS', '*')

app.setDefaultRoute((event, context) => app.respone(400, {
  message: 'Route not found',
  // Voie by default adds a route object to event for easy access: { method, path, params, cookies }
  routeInfo: event.route

// You can access the current instance's logger this way'hi')

// Register the route (GET /test)
app.route('GET', '/test', (event, context) => ({
  statusCode: 200,
  body: 'Success',
  before: event.addedByBefore,
  willBeAddedChangedByAfter: 4,

  alsoAddedByAnotherBefore: event.addedByBefore2,
  .before((event, context) => { event.addedByBefore = 'Hi' })
  // Note that in "after" middlewares, when using the app.response() function,
  // The res body is already stringified/compressed.
  .after((event, context, res) => { res.willBeChangedByAfter = res.willBeChangedByAfter * 4 })

// You can get registered route by calling the same function (omit the handler):
app.route('GET', '/test')
  // Registering more middlewares:
  .before((event, context) => { event.addedByBefore2 = 'Hi' })
  .after((event, context, res) => { res.addedByAfter = 'This wasnt defined' })

// Expected response of GET /test:
// {
//   statusCode: 200,
//   body: 'Success',
//   before: 'Hi',
//   willBeChangedByAfter: 160,
//   alsoAddedByAnotherBefore: 'Hi',
//   addedByAfter: 'This wasnt defined',
// }

// Voie also supports handling trigger events:
app.eventRoute('aws:s3', 'log S3 PutObject', (Record, context) => {
  if (Record.eventName === 'ObjectCreated:Put')`S3 Put: ${}/${Record.s3.object.key}`)

// Export the handler from handle() function and we're ready for Lambda!
export const handler = app.handle()

For advanced use cases, you can extend the class and modify Voie's behavior:

// Override the makeOnHandler to no longer adds route object to event, and instead adds a tracking ID
class MyVoie extends Voie {
  makeOnHandler(route: Route) {
    return this._lookupTransform(({ method, url, event, context, params, store, searchParams }) => {
      // const requestParams = { ...searchParams, ...params }

      // event.route = { method, url, params: requestParams }

      event._trackingId = '🦄'

      return this.routeHandler(route, event, context)


  • [x] Refactor autoCors option

    (currently we have to both set the autoCors option and register the OPTIONS route with autoCors)
    Updated: use the included 'cors' plugin.

  • [ ] Split the base router class to another repo?
  • [ ] Creates a template (boiler-plate) repo
  • [ ] Includes some advanced examples
  • [x] Make it easy to test routes locally

    You could do: app._lookupShims(fakeEvent(method, path, eventSpread))

  • [ ] Find a way to supports?: response streaming


MIT License © 2023 NamesMT

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  • namesmt