LameBoy (Beta)
Lameboy is an interactive AWS Lambda function deployment CLI tool. Lameboy creates/updates functions with new version with every deployment.
So very beta (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
$ npm i lameboy --global
To start lameboy, use the following command in terminal
$ lame
$ lameboy
Lameboy has four functionalities
- Setup AWS Creds
- Init Lambda folder
- Deploy
- Reset
Setup AWS Creds
First time setup. When you run lameboy for the first time, it is going to ask for
- AWS Access Key
- Secret Key
- Region
- Default-Role-ARN
Init Lambda folder
Before deployment, every lambda function folder needs to initialized. This creates a lame.json in the lambda folder. You can set custom values for every lambda by adding/replacing values here.
Once intialized, you can deploy from the root folder where multiple lambda folders are it's subdirectories and you can select multiple lambdas to deploy OR provide direct path of lambda to deploy only one.
If you wan't to change your setup settings, you'll have reset.
$ lame --reset
Knows Issues
- Goes crazy on terminal resize. For now, do not resize the terminal once lameboy has been opened.
- Upcoming issues
- Create Alias option on first deploy
- Allow editing default init values globally
- Fix resizing issue