Laravel Vue Validator
This package allow to display errors from laravel validation rules
! This package needs axios or vue-resource to work !
npm install --save laravel-vue2-validator
Usage Example
If you have in your laravel validation rule :
'name' => 'required|min:2|max:20'
You can display the error using in vue :
<error input="name" />
This error will only be displayed if a 422 error is produced by laravel when the form is submited (when the rule is not satisfied)
To flush errors in a vue component:
Full Example
<template> <form @keydown="$errors.onKeydown($event)"> <input type='text' v-model='name' :inputClass="errorClass"/> <error input="name" /> <button @click="submit">Submit</button></form></template><script> export default { data(){ return{ name: '', errorClass: 'form-error' } }, methods(){ this.$'/submit', {name:}); }, destroyed () { this.$errors.flush() }} </script>