Lightstreamer JMS Extender Web Client
The Lightstreamer JMS Extender Web Client enables any JavaScript application running inside the web browser to act as a JMS client, that is, ready to connect to a JMS broker via Lightstreamer JMS Extender.
The library is designed to be as class-by-class and method-by-method equivalent to JMS API 2.0 as possible.
The library is available as npm package, so you can download and install it through:
npm install lightstreamer-jms-web-client
Then load it from local node_modules
<script src="./node_modules/lightstreamer-jms-web-client/dist/lightstreamer-jms.js"></script>
The library is also available on unpkg, to which you can point directly in the script tag:
<script src=""></script>
Open a session against Lightstreamer JMS Extender, create a Topic Connection and connect to the JMS broker:
jms.TopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection("http://localhost:8080/", "ActiveMQ", null, null, {
onConnectionCreated: function(conn) {
var topicSession = conn.createSession(false, "PRE_ACK");
Create a Topic Subscription and send it to the broker:
var topic = topicSession.createTopic("stocksTopic");
var consumer = topicSession.createConsumer(topic, null);
Listen for messages:
onMessage: function(message) {
var feedMessage = message.getObject();
var key = feedMessage.itemName;
var values = feedMessage.currentValues;
console.log(values["stock_name"] + ": " + values["last_price"]);
- Compatible with JMS Extender since 2.0.0.
- Based on Lightstreamer SDK for Web Clients version 8.0.3 build 1800.
- Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
See detailed changes here.
- API Reference
- Chapter "Client Application Development" of JMS Extender Documentation