Tooltips for lintel.
Getting Started
This module requires Lintel.
If you haven't used Lintel before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to install and use this module. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this module with this command:
bower install lintel-contrib-tooltips --save
Once the module has been installed, you will have to load it in your main SASS file:
This module also includes a JavaScript component, which you will have to load separately.
You can use wiredep or grunt-wiredep to automatically inject files in your build process.
Check the vars file in the sass
folder to see the full list of variables you can customize.
Default value: 3px
Tooltip padding-top and padding-bottom.
Default value: 6px
Tooltip padding-left and padding-right.
Default value: 10px
Default value: $border-radius-base
Default value: $font-size-xs
Default value: true
Enable or disable styles for the default states.
Default value: rgba(0,0,0,.9)
Default value: $tooltip-base-bg
Default value: #fff
Default value: transparentize($state-*, 0.1)
Default value: $tooltip-*-bg
Default value: null
Inherits from $tooltip-base-text
Check the mixins file in the sass
folder to see how you can extend this module.
tooltip-state($bg, $border, $text)
Creates a new tooltip state, including arrow colors for each placement.
You will have to call the jQuery plugin on each element you want to have a tooltip.
One way to do that would be to add data-toggle="tooltip"
to all elements that should have a tooltip and call the following from your javascript:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onShow | function | Callback function to execute every time tooltip is shown. | |
onHide | function | Callback function to execute every time tooltip is hidden. | |
html | Boolean | false | Display HTML content. Note: you must sanitize user input. |
state | string | Tooltip type (ex. primary , error , success ). |
placement | string | 'top' | Top, right, bottom, or left. |
title | string, function, $.Deferred() | Can be a string, function, function that returns a deferred, or a deferred. If using a function, result will be cached. To run function again, reset this.options.title to the same function in onShow . See test/fixtures/tooltip.html for example. |
template | string | see js/tooltip.js |
Template must contain these elements: .tooltip > .tooltip-content . The content of .tooltip-content will only be visible if a promise is used. |
String Title
Placement and State
HTML Content
NOTE: You must sanitize user input.
Async Function
Async Function without Cache
var { var deferred = $; ; return deferred;}; ;
var deferred = $; ; ;
Font Awesome Loading Icon
I have a tooltip.
Title Attribute
I have a tooltip.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Copyright (c) 2015 Marius Craciunoiu. Licensed under the MIT license.