
0.1.1 • Public • Published


live-update-server is tool for pushing WebSockets messages to client pages in response to local filesystem changes.

Example usage

In this example, imagine we have this in our HTML's head:

<link id='main-stylesheet' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="App.css">

We're going to use live-update-server to create a system that refreshes that CSS (without reloading the page) whenever a local stylesheet file (./dist/App.css) changes.

Step 1: Install

npm install --save-dev live-update-server

Step 2: Configure

live-update-server uses a standard configuration object. The default configuration object looks like this:

  targets: {"./dist/": "update"},
  host: "localhost",
  port: 8080,
  options: {},
  callback: function (msg) { console.log(msg); },
  • targets is an object where the keys are files/directories to watch and the values are messages to send when those files/directories change. The default config watches ./dist/ in your project's directory and sends the message "update" on change.
  • host is the host for the client to connect to.
  • port is the port that the server starts on and the client connects to.
  • options is a set of options that are fed to for each target.
  • callback is a function that's called on the client side whenever a message is received. The default callback just logs the message, which isn't very useful. callback can be an actual function, or a string representation of one.

If you want to override the default configuration, there are two ways to do it. First, you can set the liveUpdateConfig field in your package.json file. Second, you can pass a custom configuration file to any of the methods that live-update-server exposes. In our example, we're going to set one field in package.json and pass in the callback later in code.

In our package.json, we'll set the targets field, so that we watch ./dist/App.css.

  "targets": {"./dist/App.css": "update"}

Step 3: Start the server

The easiest way to start a live-update-server instance is to just use the CLI tool, which is called "live-update-server". That will use the configuration in your package.json and fall back to the default configuration when necessary. Alternately, if you're running live-update-server from some kind of task runner, you can call LiveUpdateServer.start(overrideOptions) to start an instance using an alternate configuration. LiveUpdateServer.start returns an object with three fields:

  • config is the actual configuration used
  • watchers is an array of objects returned by (so you can cancel them if necessary)
  • server is the actual WebSockets server instance (see the documentation for the package ws)

Step 4: Create a client

live-update-server is designed to be used in a development build system (e.g. webpack or browserify), so the "client" is provided as a string that can be injected into bundles at build time.


In webpack.config.js:

const webpack = require('webpack');
const LiveUpdateServer = require('live-update-server');
var clientCode = LiveUpdateServer.getClientCode({callback: function (msg) {
  console.log('Updating CSS');
  var sheet = document.getElementById('main-stylesheet');
  sheet.href = sheet.href.split('?')[0] + ('?noCache=' +;
module.exports = {
  /* ...the rest of your webpack configuration... */
  plugins: [new webpack.BannerPlugin({
    raw: true,
    entryOnly: true

This injects a callback into your bundle that refreshes the stylesheet with id 'main-stylesheet' any time a message is received.


We're done! Now change ./dist/App.css on disk and watch the client's stylesheet automatically update.






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  • j-s-n