lixy is live lazy proxy
Live means that it lives wonderful and unpredictable life.
While you call to proxied object it stays a proxy unless you get a primitive value.
const lixy = require('lixy');
const math = {
add (a, b) {
return a + b;
const { add } = lixy.lazy(() => math);
add(5, 3); // 8
math.add = (a, b) => a - b;
add(5, 3); // 2
If the root object will not change, the example above can be simplified:
const { add } = lixy(math);
Note: proxified objects will always have the type function
to handle the
case when you need to replace the source object with a function, eg
math = eval
. If you want to change this behaviour pass the second argument
lixy(getter, { safeType: false })