
0.8.2 • Public • Published

Local Service

Install and manage services for your local development environments.


  • Docker
  • Node (14+)


[~] npm i localservice
[~] npx localservice -h
Usage: npx localservice [options] [command]

Supported Services:
  minio             MinIO object storage (s3 compatible)
  mysql             MySQL database
  postgres          PostgreSQL database

  -V, --version     output the version number
  -v, --verbose     output verbose info (e.g. raw Docker commands)
  -h, --help        display general help and usage info

  info <service>    Display service info (env vars and container status)
  create <service>  Create service container
  stop <service>    Stop service container
  start <service>   Start service container
  push <service>    Push data to service
  remove <service>  Remove service container
  help <command>    Display help for specific <command>

Environment Variables


Key Required Default Description
MINIO_CONTAINER_NAME Y none Name used to identify MinIO Service Docker container
MINIO_EXPOSED_PORT Y 9000 Local network port used to expose MinIO Service
MINIO_EXPOSED_WEB_PORT Y 9001 Local network port used to expose MinIO Web tool
MINIO_IMAGE Y none MinIO Server Docker image for your processor: https://hub.docker.com/r/minio/minio/tags
MINIO_PATH Y none Path to the preferred MinIO Service library file folder
MINIO_PUSH_FILES N none Path to MinIO object storage file glob(s) to push (upload) during first time setup (separated by commas)
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD Y none Username to use when creating the MinIO Service root user
MINIO_ROOT_USER Y none Password to use when creating the MinIO Service root user
MINIO_SERVICE_WAIT_INTERVAL N 1000 Number of milliseconds to wait between MinIO service uptime test retries
MINIO_SERVICE_WAIT_MAX_RETRIES N 30 Maximum number of times to retry MinIO service uptime test before timing out


Key Required Default Description
MYSQL_CHARSET N utf8mb4 Character set used to create a new MySQL database
MYSQL_COLLATE N utf8mb4_bin Character collate used to create a new MySQL database
MYSQL_CONTAINER_NAME Y none Name used to identify MySQL Service Docker container
MYSQL_DATABASE Y none Name used to identify MySQL Service database
MYSQL_EXPOSED_PORT Y 3306 Local network port used to expose MySQL Service
MYSQL_IMAGE Y none MySQL Server Docker image for your processor: https://hub.docker.com/r/mysql/mysql-server/tags
MYSQL_PATH Y /var/lib/mysql Path to the preferred MySQL Service library file folder
MYSQL_PUSH_FILES N none Path to SQL file glob(s) to push (execute) during first time setup (separated by commas)
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Y none Password to use when creating the MySQL Service database root user
MYSQL_SERVICE_WAIT_INTERVAL N 1000 Number of milliseconds to wait between MySQL service uptime test retries
MYSQL_SERVICE_WAIT_MAX_RETRIES N 30 Maximum number of times to retry MySQL service uptime test before timing out


Key Required Default Description
POSTGRES_CONTAINER_NAME Y none Name used to identify PostgreSQL Service Docker container
POSTGRES_DATABASE Y none Name used to identify PostgreSQL Service database
POSTGRES_EXPOSED_PORT Y 5432 Local network port used to expose PostgreSQL Service
POSTGRES_IMAGE Y none PostgreSQL Server Docker image for your processor: https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/tags
POSTGRES_PATH Y /var/lib/postgresql/data Path to the preferred PostgreSQL Service library file folder
POSTGRES_PUSH_FILES N none Path to SQL file glob(s) to push (execute) during first time setup (separated by commas)
POSTGRES_SUPER_USER Y none Username to use when creating the PostgreSQL Service database SuperUser account
POSTGRES_SUPER_PASSWORD Y none Password to use when creating the PostgreSQL Service database SuperUser account
POSTGRES_SERVICE_WAIT_INTERVAL N 1000 Number of milliseconds to wait between PostgreSQL service uptime test retries
POSTGRES_SERVICE_WAIT_MAX_RETRIES N 30 Maximum number of times to retry PostgreSQL service uptime test before timing out


MIT License


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