See API Docs for Log-Harvestor.
This package is specific to NodeJS
. Please see our docs for other supported languages, or use standard HTTP requests.
npm install log-harvestor-node
yarn add log-harvestor-node
Getting Started
This package requires that you have a Log Harvestor account, and Forwarder's created. If you have not done this yet:
- Go to LogHarvestor.com
- Register for a new Account (This is free) Register
- Create a new Forwarder - Link
- Generate a Forwarder Token
Now you can use this forwarder token to send logs, by adding it to a new Forwarder
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN = 'your_forwarder_token'
const fwdr = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN})
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: { title: 'Hello World' } })
Option | Default | Description |
BATCH | false | Batch mode sends logs in batches |
INTERVAL | 10 | Time between batches in seconds |
VERBOSE | false | Verbose mode prints info to the console |
Sending Logs
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN = 'your_forwarder_token'
const fwdr = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN})
/* Log Types
- The log type is a string
- This is the primary way logs are categorized & indexed
fwdr.log({ type: 'any', msg: 'message' })
fwdr.log({ type: 'thing', msg: 'message' })
fwdr.log({ type: 'works', msg: 'message' })
/* Log Messages
- Any valid type that you want
// Numbers
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: 123456789 })
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: 0.000212 })
// Strings
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: 'What is my purpose?' })
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: 'You forward logs...' })
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: '-o_O-' })
// Arrays
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: [1,2,'3'] })
fwdr.log({ type: 'test', msg: ['I', { logs: '<3' }, '!' ] })
// Objects
type: 'test',
msg: {
title: 'Hello World',
desc: {
so: 'long',
and: 'thanks for all the fish!'
trace: '42'
Handling Errors
/* ASYNC */
const example = async () => {
await res = fwdr.log({type: 'hello', msg: 'world'})
// Handle Error Logic
/* Then/Catch */
fwdr.log({type: 'hello', msg: 'world'})
.then(() => {})
.catch(() => {})
Connection Test
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const BAD_TOKEN = 'invalid_token'
const fwdr = new Forwarder({token: BAD_TOKEN})
testConn returns a promise.
You can handle it however you like.
.then(() => {})
.catch(() => {})
Config Validation
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const INVALID_TOKEN = 'invalid token'
const VALID_TOKEN = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImZvcndhcmRlciJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2MTI4OTIwYjNjMzQyNTAwMjFkZGQyMTciLCJpYXQiOjE2MzAwNDg3ODN9.sb8lfpp01CC-y0T9Z5XiIEdy-JBeDHSBD8Gd05bZYaQ'
/* Valid Tokens are JWTs */
const validTest = Forwarder.validateConfig({token: INVALID_TOKEN})
{ valid: true, errors: [] }
const invalidTest = Forwarder.validateConfig({token: VALID_TOKEN})
valid: false,
errors: [
Multiple Forwarders
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN_ONE = 'your_forwarder_token_one'
const fwdrOne = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN_ONE})
const FWDR_TOKEN_TWO = 'your_forwarder_token_two'
const fwdrTwo = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN_TWO})
Same Forwarder - Multiple Configs
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN = 'your_forwarder_token'
const fwdrMain = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN})
const fwdrSecondary = new Forwarder({token: FWDR_TOKEN})
fwderMain.log({type: 'super', msg: 'flexible'})
fwderSecondary.log({type: 'json', msg: 'is awesome'})
This is one of the more complex functionalities of LogHarvestors SDK
Batch Mode, enables the forwarder to send logs on a polling-style interval
To enable batch
just set { batch: true }
when creating the forwarder
Now whenever you create a new log, it will be added to the bucket
The forwarder will check it's bucket
on an interval, and send all the logs within
the bucket in a single request - saving on bandwith.
To control the frequency of the batching, just set the interval { interval: {{ INTEGER }} }
For example:
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN = 'your_forwarder_token'
const fwdr = new Forwarder({
token: FWDR_TOKEN,
batch: true,
interval: 60 // 60 Second interval
To test this, try implementing the snippet bellow:
const { Forwarder } = require('log-harvestor-node');
const FWDR_TOKEN = 'your_forwarder_token'
const fwdr = new Forwarder({
token: FWDR_TOKEN,
batch: true,
interval: 30 // Every 30 seconds, your forwarder will try to send a batch of logs
fwdr.log({type: 'savin', msg: 'bandwidth'})
fwdr.log({type: 'batch', msg: 'mode rocks!'})
{ id: 12341591234, log: { type: 'savin', msg: 'bandwidth' } },
{ id: 76841587912, log: { type: 'batch', msg: 'mode rocks!' } },
setTimeout(() => {
/* No more logs!
}, 32000) // 32 Seconds
- Keep your Logging specific, and consise. This makes searching faster and more accurate
- No need to add timestamps or info about the forwarder. This information is automatically included with the log.