Loop Monitoring is a libs for checking your service is up or down using cronjob and store the report to your MongoDB Database.
Make sure you have NODE and MONGODB.
npm install loop-monitoring
var LoopMonitoring = require('loop-monitoring');
var listService = require('./exampleData.json');
var cronScheduler = "*/2 * * * * *";
var mongoUrl = 'mongodb://localhost/monitoring';
var monitoring = new LoopMonitoring(listService,cronScheduler,mongoUrl)
Monitoring Start
Create a json with key serviceName and serviceUrl
"serviceName":"Service 1",
"serviceName":"Service 2",
"serviceName":"Service 3",
"serviceName":"Service 4",
"serviceName":"Service 5",
You can try to run the code sample in example
If you have any questions, feedback, idea or anything, please drop me a message at prima.yudantra@gmail.com
MIT Copyright © 2017 Prima Yudantra