
0.9.1 • Public • Published

Material Design dinamyc table

AngularJS component for the creation of tables under Material Design specs from a configuration, useful for large aplications where many tables are needed, if you only need one or two tables probably this component is an overkill, in such case it's recommended use de original module of the table in, used by this component.

Demo available in

Getting started - Preparaciones

Prerequisites - Prerequisitos



AngularJS version >= 1.5.0


npm -i md-dytable --save


import {default as MdDyTableModule} from 'md-dytable';
//Injecting the dependency in the root module
angular.module('app', [MdDyTableModule])


import './project-root/node_modules/md-dytable/dist/md-dytable.js';
angular.module('app', ['md-dytable'])


In order to use this component you must place an html snippet like the next in your code - Para usar este componente se debe usar un codigo parecido a este

<md-dytable config="$ctrl.config"
    on-paginate="$ctrl.onPaginate(page, limit)" 
    on-action="$ctrl.accionTabla(name, object)"



Based on

this.config = {
     rowSelect: true,
     multiple: true,
     autoSelect: true,
     rowSelect: true,
     selectId: "",
     rowSelectDisable: ""

Object config

The main reason for creating this component, this object allow you to display the data of your objects in every way soported, adding more as are needed, contact me if you need a better way of the current implementations or have sugestions on what data types add.

The keys in the object config must match the key of the data in the object that you wish to display, the order attribute is used to establish the displaying order of the attibutes of the object in the table row

this.objectConfig = {
     key1: { type: "text", order: 0 },
     key2: {
       type: "date", options: {
         format: ""
       order: 1
     key3: { type: "number", order: 2 },
     key4: { type: "text" order: 3}
     key5: { type: "inputNumber", action: 'input-change', text: "DEPENDE", //configuración para input de número
     options:{depends: "key4", min: 0, max: 10} }//depende del valor que tenga el key4 del objeto el la fila

Supported types

Many types support actions trougth the config value 'action', to use it please refer to handlign actions

type: "checkbox"

key1: {type: "checkbox", order: 0, action: "checkbox"}, // binds the value of the 'key1' to the checkbox and the name of the action
<md-checkbox ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'checkbox)" ng-model="object[conf[0]]" aria-label="{{conf[0]}}"
           ng-change="$ctrl.onAction({name: conf[1].action, object: object})" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">

type: "input-text"

key3: {type: "input-text", order: 0, action: "input-text-change"}, // binds the value of the 'key3' to the input type text and the name of the action executed on change
<md-input-container ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'input-text')" ng-model="object[conf[0]]" aria-label="{{conf[0]}}" ng-class="conf[1].style">
          <input ng-model="object[conf[0]]" ng-change="$ctrl.onAction({name: conf[1].action, object: object})" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">

type: "input-number"


min: Minumun value of the number input

max: Maximun value of the number input

depends: key of the object (row) which makes the input disabled

key4: {type: "input-number", order: 0, options:{min: 0, max: 0, depends: "key1"}, action: "input-text-change"}
<md-input-container ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'input-number')" ng-model="object[conf[0]]" aria-label="{{conf[0]}}" ng-class="conf[1].style">
            <label translate="{{conf[1].text}}"></label>
            <input ng-model="object[conf[0]]"
            ng-change="$ctrl.onAction({name: conf[1].action, object: object})"
             ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled || object[conf[1].options.depends]"

type: "text"

Span that show the value of the key in the object (row)

key4: {type: "text", order: 0}
<span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'text')" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled" translate="{{object[conf[0]]}}">

type: "icon"

Renders an md-icon in the table

key4: {type: "icon", order: 0}
<md-icon ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'icon')" ng-class="conf[1].style">

type: "icon-set"

Given a set of icons, Renders an md-icon in the table that matches the value for that option

key7: { type: "icon-set", options: [
         {value: 1, icon: "person", style: []},
         {value: 2, icon: "settings"}]
<div ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'icon-set')">
  <div ng-repeat="option in conf[1].options">
     <md-icon ng-if="object[conf[0]] == option.value" ng-class="" >

type: "array-text"

Expects that the value of 'key7' be an array of string

key7: { type: "array-text"}
<div ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'array-text')" ng-class="conf[1].style">
  <span ng-repeat="value in object[conf[0]]">
    <span ng-if="!$last"></span>

type: "filter"

Apply an Angular Filter to the value of the given key

filter: The name of the registred filter to be apply

option: Second (optional) useful for the filter function

key7: { type: "filter", filter: "currency", option: "$ ", style: []}
<span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'filter')" ng-class="conf[1].style">
              {{$ctrl.applyFilter(object[conf[0]], conf[1].filter, conf[1].option)}}

type: "child"

Used to show a value of a nested object {key1: value, key7:{childKey7: childValue}}

key7: { type: "child", child: "childKey7" style: []}
 <span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'child')" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">

type: "copy"

Used to show a value a value that is already displayed in another cell

key7: { type: "copy", copy: "childKey7" style: []}
<span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'copy')" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">

type: "filter-copy"

Used to show a value a value that is already displayed in another cell and applying a filter

key7: { type: "filter-copy", copy: "childKey7", filter: "currency", option: "$ ", style: []}
<span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'filter-copy')" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">
              {{$ctrl.applyFilter(object[conf[1].child], conf[1].filter, conf[1].option)}}

type: "image"

Displays an image in the table applying the classes passed

key7: { type: "image", alt: "altImage", style: []}
<img ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'image')" ng-src="{{object[conf[0]]}}" ng-class="conf[1].style" alt="{{conf[1].alt}}"/>

type: "date"

Displays a date object in the specified format

key7: { type: "date", format: "dd-MM-yyyy", style: []}
<span ng-if="(conf[1].type === 'date')" ng-class="conf[1].style" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">
         {{object[conf[0]]|date: conf[1].format}}

type: "switch"

Displays a value as a switch

key7: { type: "switch", trueValue: "si", falseValue: "no", action: "switchChanged", style: []}
<div ng-if="conf[1].type === 'switch'" layout="row">
        <span  flex></span>
          <md-switch ng-if="conf[1].type === 'switch'" ng-model="object[conf[0]]"
          ng-true-value="{{conf[1].trueValue}}" ng-false-value="{{conf[1].falseValue}}"
          ng-change="$ctrl.onAction({name: conf[1].action, object: object})" aria-label="{{conf[0]}}" ng-disabled="conf[1].disabled">
          <span flex></span>


Based on

this.pagination = {
     style: ["pagination-label"], //optional, string array 
     limit: 2, //required
     page: 1, //required, must default to 1
     total: 5, //required
     pageSelect: 1, //optional
     boundaryLinks: true, //boolean, default: false
     label: "{of: 'De', page: 'Página', rowsPerPage: 'Filas por paginas'}", //labels of the pagination
     limitOptions: [5, 10, 15] // Limit options


The table headers, the name is displayed using $translate

this.headers = [
    { name: "header1", numeric: false },
    { name: "header2", numeric: false },
    { name: "header3", numeric: false },
    { name: "header4", numeric: false }


Array of objects to display

var object1 = {
      key1: "value1",
      key2: "value2",
      key3: "value3",
      key4: 1,
      key5: 6
    var object2 = {
      key1: "value1",
      key2: "value2",
      key3: "value3",
      key4: 1,
      key5: 10
    this.objects = [object1, object2];

actions: Array of objects containing the config of the buttons to be added at the end of every row

  let action1 = {
      style: ["md-raised", "md-primary", "md-fab"], //opcional, array de strings nombre de clases a aplciar al elemento
      text: "action1",// texto a mostrar, pasa por "$translate"
      name: "action1", // nombre por el cual se ejecuta en el controlador, vease mas adelante
      icon: {//opcional
        name: "people",//opcional, nombre del icono segun a libreria material icons
        style: [] //opcional, array de strings nombre de clases a aplciar al elemento
      tooltip: {
        text: "ACTION1", //texto a desplegar en el tooltip, se le aplica el filtro $translate
        // direction: "top", //opcional, Direccion en la que se desplega el tooltip, default: bottom
        // style: [], //opcional, array de strings nombre de clases a aplciar al elemento
        // zIndex: 0, //opcional
        // delay: 500, //opcional
        // autohide: true //opcional, default: true
      type: "button"

    let action2 = {
      style: [],
      text: "action2",// texto a mostrar, pasa por "$translate"
      name: "action2", // nombre por el cual se ejecuta en el controlador, vease mas adelante
      model: '', //Nombre de la propiedad del objeto asociada a este switch
      tooltip: {
        style: [],
        zIndex: 0,
        // visible: true,
        // delay: 500,
        direction: "top",
        text: "action switch"
      type: "switch" // hasta ahora solo admite valores switch y button
    this.actions = [action1, action2];

on-paginate: ejecutará una funcion del controlador cada vez que se presione uno de los botones de la paginacion de la tabla, esa funcion debe esperar recibir 3 valores -page = pagina despues del cambio -limit = limite de elementos

//recomendacion de como usar el binding "onAction"
onPaginate(page, limit){
    console.log("page " + page + " limit: " + limit);


on-action: ejecutará una funcion del controlador cada vez que se presione uno de los botones de acciones de la tabla, esa funcion debe esperar recibir dos valores -name = nombre de la accion que se esta ejecutando, equivalente al "name" de una accion del array "actions". -object = objeto correspondiente a la fila en la que se esta ejecutando la accion

//recomendacion de como usar el binding "onAction"
accionTabla(name, object) {
    switch (name) {
      case 'action1':
        //ejecutar algo
      case 'action2':

on-selection y on-deselection: ejecutará una funcion del controlador cada vez que se seleccione/deseleccione una de las filas de la tabla, esa funcion debe esperar recibir el objeto correspondiente a esa fila

    //do something with the selected object (row)
    //do something with the deselected object (row)


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