
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Message Suite - Fisherman

Add some message features to fisherman. Copyrights (c), Simon Sassi 2017

What is the message suite

The message suite is a fisherman middleware that is using the prototype editing available by fisherman It edits the FisherResponse prototype to provide some cool features like:

  • Bot Typing: send a message with a delay to simulate real user typing, with response.send()
  • Embed compatibility: it checks if the bot can send embed, if it can't, it convert the embed to a formatted text

Setting up

npm install --save command-loader-fisherman

Include the middleware to the bot:

const MessageSuite = require("message-suite-fisherman")
var messageSuitePlugin = new MessageSuite({enableTyping: true, enableEmbedCompatibilityMode: true})

Api docs

new MessageSuite(opts)

Creates an instance of MessageSuite.

MessageSuite constructor options

Parameter name Description Type Default value
enableTyping Enable typing when it's a command and response.send() is used Boolean false
defaultTypingCount Default typing count when no typing count is specified in the command's locales Integer 1
defaultTimeout Default timeout in MS to send the message after starting typing when no timeout is specified in the command's locales Integer 1000
enableEmbedCompatibilityMode If it should enable the Compatibilty mode, it will send formatted text instead of an embed if the bot hasn't the perm EMBED_LINKS Boolean true
embedCompatibilityModeFormat The function used to convert the embed to formatted text Function defaultFormat

Setting the embedCompatibilityModeFormat options

This parameter is an option used to parse the embed.

The default value is a simple function who looks like this:

  defaultFormat (embed) {
    var formatted = ''
    if (embed.title) formatted = formatted + '__' + embed.title + '__\n'
    if (embed.description) formatted = formatted + '\n' + embed.description + '\n'
    if (embed.fields) for (var i in embed.fields)formatted = formatted + '=> **' + embed.fields[i].name + '**\n ' + embed.fields[i].value + '\n'
    return formatted

The embed parameter is an Object. This function has to return a string value

Custom timeout and typing count in the command locales property

You can set as well the timeout and the typing count in the command's locales property:

Example with a timeout of 5s and a typing count of 1

register.textCommand('test', {locales: {typingCount:1, typingTimeout:5000}}, function (req, res) {
  console.log("Command trigerred")
  var embed = {
    title: "a test",
    description: "Just a simple test",
    fields: [{name: "Cat title", value: "Guoi daziou duoaoauj dqiupou"},{name: "Cat title", value: "Guoi daziou duoaoauj dqiupou"}]
  res.send("ok", {embed: embed})

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