TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.4 • Public • Published

These libraries ‘latitude/longitude’ decimal degree covering MGRS string and opposit converting.

How to use it

import MgrsPole from './node_modules/mgrs-pole/mgrs-pole.js';

const mgrsPole = new MgrsPole();
let lat = 89.4;
let lon = -124.54;
console.log(mgrsPole.toMgrs(lat, lon));

let mgrs ='ZAJ0193711009';

Run it

node app.js


( 89.4 , -124.54 )  ==>  Y ZH 45127 37769
ZAJ0193711009  ==>  89.00000561585777 179.00034534622264
B AN 12345 67890  ==>  -89.3784881350407 10.305960479100179

How to data type file

npx -p typescript tsc *.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir ./

How to test package


npm install

After install dependencies

npm run test

In the package.json, make shure test script is exist.

  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha --exit test/*.js",
    "type": "npx -p typescript tsc *.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir types"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/node": "^20.6.2",
    "chai": "^4.3.8",
    "mocha": "^10.2.0"

Result of test

$npm run test

> mgrs-pole-test@0.0.2 test
> mocha --exit test/*.js

  North Pole
    To MGRS
      ✔ input ( 89.4 , -124.54 ) => output Y ZH 45127 37769
      ✔ input ( 90.0 ,    0.0  ) => output Z AH 00000 00000
      ✔ input ( 85.49868, 180  ) => output Z AN 00000 00000
      ✔ input ( 84.974211, 174.289458 ) => output Z AN 55555 55555
      ✔ input ( 84.30793,  161.56511  ) => output Z BN 99999 99999
      ✔ input ( 85.4986848, 90 ) => output Z HH 00000 00000
      ✔ input ( 85.49868485,-90 ) => output Y TH 00000 00000
      ✔ input ( 84.92113141, -19.425812 ) => output Y YB 12345 67890
      ✔ input ( 84.30791588, -108.43483423 ) => output Y RJ 99999 99999
      ✔ input ( 84.525201427, 9.46230672 ) => output Z BA 00000 99999
      ✔ input ( 84.30791304032213, -18.434920175075227 ) => output Y YA 00000 99999
    To Degree
      ✔ input Y ZH 45127 37769 => output (89.4, -124.53958)
      ✔ input `Z AH 00000 00000` => output (90, 0)
      ✔ input `Z AN 00000 00000` => output (85.49868, 180)
      ✔ input `Z AN 55555 55555` => output (84.97421, 174.28946)
      ✔ input `Z HH 00000 00000` => output (85.4986848, 90)
      ✔ input `Z TH 00000 00000` => output (85.49868485, -90)
      ✔ input `Y YB 12345 67890` => output (84.92113141, -19.425812)
      ✔ input `Z JJ 00000 00000` => output (84.52521029, 99.46232221)
      ✔ input `Y RJ 99999 99999` => output (84.30791588, -108.43483423)
      ✔ input `Z BA 00000 99999` => output (84.52520142658405, 9.462306722704914)
      ✔ input `Z BN 99999 99999` => output (84.30793, 161.56511)
      ✔ input `Y YA 00000 99999` => output (84.30791304032213, -18.434920175075227)
      ✔ input `31U DQ 48251 11932` => output (48.858193837921434, 2.2944892452301553)
      ✔ input `Z AH 1 6` => output (89.45212493960805, 170.53767779197437)
      ✔ input `Z AH 12 67` => output (89.38692865323186, 169.84573341979976)
      ✔ input `Z AH 123 678` => output (89.37935813037085, 169.71746497072658)
      ✔ input `Z AH 1234 6789` => output (89.37849619026939, 169.698124263963)
      ✔ input `Z AH 12345 67890` => output (89.3784881350407, 169.69403952089982)
      ✔ longitude `1000.0` out of range
      ✔ longitude `-375.0` out of range
      ✔ latitude `94.4` out of range
      ✔ latitude `-94.4` out of range
      ✔ wrong MGRS `Y XX 00000 00000`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `Z KH 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `Z ZP 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `Y BP 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `Z AH`
    Call getOnCirclePointY()
      ✔ input "Z AP 00000 00000" => output "Z AP 00000 66727"
      ✔ input "Z BP 00000 00000" => output "Z BP 00000 59185"
      ✔ input "Z CP 00000 00000" => output "Z CP 00000 36023"
      ✔ input "Z FN 00000 00000" => output "Z FN 00000 95420"
      ✔ input "Z GN 00000 00000" => output "Z GN 00000 33409"
      ✔ input "Z HM 00000 00000" => output "Z HM 00000 41050"
      ✔ input "Z JK 00000 00000" => output "Z JK 00000 90732"
      ✔ input "Y ZP 00000 00000" => output "Y ZP 00000 59185"
      ✔ input "Y YP 00000 00000" => output "Y YP 00000 36023"
      ✔ input "Y XN 00000 00000" => output "Y XN 00000 95420"
      ✔ input "Y UN 00000 00000" => output "Y UN 00000 33409"
      ✔ input "Y TM 00000 00000" => output "Y TM 00000 41050"
      ✔ input "Y SK 00000 00000" => output "Y SK 00000 90732"
      ✔ input "Z AA 00000 00000" => output "Z AA 00000 33273"
      ✔ input "Z BA 00000 00000" => output "Z BA 00000 40815"
      ✔ input "Z CA 00000 00000" => output "Z CA 00000 63977"
      ✔ input "Z FB 00000 00000" => output "Z FB 00000 04580"
      ✔ input "Z GB 00000 00000" => output "Z GB 00000 66591"
      ✔ input "Z HC 00000 00000" => output "Z HC 00000 58950"
      ✔ input "Z JE 00000 00000" => output "Z JE 00000 09268"
      ✔ input "Y ZA 00000 00000" => output "Y ZA 00000 40815"
      ✔ input "Y YA 00000 00000" => output "Y YA 00000 63977"
      ✔ input "Y XB 00000 00000" => output "Y XB 00000 04580"
      ✔ input "Y UB 00000 00000" => output "Y UB 00000 66591"
      ✔ input "Y TC 00000 00000" => output "Y TC 00000 58950"
      ✔ input "Y SE 00000 00000" => output "Y SE 00000 09268"
    Call getOnCirclePointX()
      ✔ input "Z JH 00000 00000" => output "Z JH 66727 00000"
      ✔ input "Z JJ 00000 00000" => output "Z JJ 59185 00000"
      ✔ input "Z JK 00000 00000" => output "Z JK 36023 00000"
      ✔ input "Z HL 00000 00000" => output "Z HL 95420 00000"
      ✔ input "Z HM 00000 00000" => output "Z HM 33409 00000"
      ✔ input "Z GN 00000 00000" => output "Z GN 41050 00000"
      ✔ input "Z CP 00000 00000" => output "Z CP 90732 00000"
      ✔ input "Y RH 00000 00000" => output "Y RH 33273 00000"
      ✔ input "Y RJ 00000 00000" => output "Y RJ 40815 00000"
      ✔ input "Y RK 00000 00000" => output "Y RK 63977 00000"
      ✔ input "Y SL 00000 00000" => output "Y SL 04580 00000"
      ✔ input "Y SM 00000 00000" => output "Y SM 66591 00000"
      ✔ input "Y TN 00000 00000" => output "Y TN 58950 00000"
      ✔ input "Y XP 00000 00000" => output "Y XP 09268 00000"
      ✔ input "Z JG 00000 00000" => output "Z JG 59185 00000"
      ✔ input "Z JF 00000 00000" => output "Z JF 36023 00000"
      ✔ input "Z HE 00000 00000" => output "Z HE 95420 00000"
      ✔ input "Z HD 00000 00000" => output "Z HD 33409 00000"
      ✔ input "Z GC 00000 00000" => output "Z GC 41050 00000"
      ✔ input "Z CB 00000 00000" => output "Z CB 90732 00000"
      ✔ input "Y RG 00000 00000" => output "Y RG 40815 00000"
      ✔ input "Y RF 00000 00000" => output "Y RF 63977 00000"
      ✔ input "Y SE 00000 00000" => output "Y SE 04580 00000"
      ✔ input "Y SD 00000 00000" => output "Y SD 66591 00000"
      ✔ input "Y TC 00000 00000" => output "Y TC 58950 00000"
      ✔ input "Y XB 00000 00000" => output "Y XB 09268 00000"

  South Pole
    To MGRS
      ✔ input (-89.4 , -124.54) => output A ZM 45127 62230
      ✔ input (-90.0 ,    0.0 ) => output B AN 00000 00000
    To Degree
      ✔ input B AN 00000 00000 => output (-90, 0)
      ✔ input A ZN 00000 00000 => output (-89.09931, -90)
      ✔ input B AB 00000 00000 => output (-80.11581108958083, 180)
      ✔ input B AY 00000 00000 => output (-81.01066338749857, 0)
      ✔ input B QN 00000 00000 => output (-81.01066338749857, 90)
      ✔ input A KN 00000 00000 => output (-80.11581108958083, -90)
      ✔ input B KV 00000 00000 => output (-81.10066069064223, 45)
      ✔ input A QV 00000 00000 => output (-80.44664636312663, -48.81407483429035)
      ✔ input B LF 00000 00000 => output (-80.44664636312663, 131.18592516570965)
      ✔ input A QF 00000 00000 => output (-80.44664636312663, -131.18592516570965)
      ✔ input B KW 00000 00000 => output (-80.44664636312663, 41.18592516570965)
      ✔ input B RW 00000 00000 => output (-80.44664636312663, -41.18592516570965)
      ✔ input `B AN 1 6` => output (-89.45212493960805, 9.462322208025617)
      ✔ input `B AN 12 67` => output (-89.38692865323186, 10.154266580200263)
      ✔ input `B AN 123 678` => output (-89.37935813037085, 10.282535029273433)
      ✔ input `B AN 1234 6789` => output (-89.37849619026939, 10.301875736036996)
      ✔ input `B AN 12345 67890` => output (-89.3784881350407, 10.305960479100179)
      ✔ longitude out of range `1000.0`
      ✔ longitude out of range `-375.0`
      ✔ latitude out of range `-94.4`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `B SN 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `A HN 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `B ZY 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `A BY 12345 12345`
      ✔ wrong MGRS `A ZA`
    Call getOnCirclePointY()
      ✔ input "B AZ 00000 00000" => output "B AZ 00000 12951"
      ✔ input "B BZ 00000 00000" => output "B BZ 00000 08449"
      ✔ input "B CY 00000 00000" => output "B CY 00000 94833"
      ✔ input "B FY 00000 00000" => output "B FY 00000 71755"
      ✔ input "B GY 00000 00000" => output "B GY 00000 38585"
      ✔ input "B HX 00000 00000" => output "B HX 00000 94313"
      ✔ input "B JX 00000 00000" => output "B JX 00000 37368"
      ✔ input "B KW 00000 00000" => output "B KW 00000 65251"
      ✔ input "B LV 00000 00000" => output "B LV 00000 73731"
      ✔ input "B PU 00000 00000" => output "B PU 00000 54721"
      ✔ input "B QS 00000 00000" => output "B QS 00000 88528"
      ✔ input "B RP 00000 00000" => output "B RP 00000 69290"
      ✔ input "A ZZ 00000 00000" => output "A ZZ 00000 08449"
      ✔ input "A YY 00000 00000" => output "A YY 00000 94833"
      ✔ input "A XY 00000 00000" => output "A XY 00000 71755"
      ✔ input "A UY 00000 00000" => output "A UY 00000 38585"
      ✔ input "A TX 00000 00000" => output "A TX 00000 94313"
      ✔ input "A SX 00000 00000" => output "A SX 00000 37368"
      ✔ input "A RW 00000 00000" => output "A RW 00000 65251"
      ✔ input "A QV 00000 00000" => output "A QV 00000 73731"
      ✔ input "A PU 00000 00000" => output "A PU 00000 54721"
      ✔ input "A LS 00000 00000" => output "A LS 00000 88528"
      ✔ input "A KP 00000 00000" => output "A KP 00000 69290"
      ✔ input "B AA 00000 00000" => output "B AA 00000 87049"
      ✔ input "B BA 00000 00000" => output "B BA 00000 91551"
      ✔ input "B CB 00000 00000" => output "B CB 00000 05167"
      ✔ input "B FB 00000 00000" => output "B FB 00000 28245"
      ✔ input "B GB 00000 00000" => output "B GB 00000 61415"
      ✔ input "B HC 00000 00000" => output "B HC 00000 05687"
      ✔ input "B JC 00000 00000" => output "B JC 00000 62632"
      ✔ input "B KD 00000 00000" => output "B KD 00000 34749"
      ✔ input "B LE 00000 00000" => output "B LE 00000 26269"
      ✔ input "B PF 00000 00000" => output "B PF 00000 45279"
      ✔ input "B QH 00000 00000" => output "B QH 00000 11472"
      ✔ input "B RL 00000 00000" => output "B RL 00000 30710"
      ✔ input "A ZA 00000 00000" => output "A ZA 00000 91551"
      ✔ input "A YB 00000 00000" => output "A YB 00000 05167"
      ✔ input "A XB 00000 00000" => output "A XB 00000 28245"
      ✔ input "A UB 00000 00000" => output "A UB 00000 61415"
      ✔ input "A TC 00000 00000" => output "A TC 00000 05687"
      ✔ input "A SC 00000 00000" => output "A SC 00000 62632"
      ✔ input "A RD 00000 00000" => output "A RD 00000 34749"
      ✔ input "A QE 00000 00000" => output "A QE 00000 26269"
      ✔ input "A PF 00000 00000" => output "A PF 00000 45279"
      ✔ input "A LH 00000 00000" => output "A LH 00000 11472"
      ✔ input "A KL 00000 00000" => output "A KL 00000 30710"
    Call getOnCirclePointX()
      ✔ input "B RN 00000 00000" => output "B RN 12951 00000"
      ✔ input "B RP 00000 00000" => output "B RP 08449 00000"
      ✔ input "B QQ 00000 00000" => output "B QQ 94833 00000"
      ✔ input "B QR 00000 00000" => output "B QR 71755 00000"
      ✔ input "B QS 00000 00000" => output "B QS 38585 00000"
      ✔ input "B PT 00000 00000" => output "B PT 94313 00000"
      ✔ input "B PU 00000 00000" => output "B PU 37368 00000"
      ✔ input "B LV 00000 00000" => output "B LV 65251 00000"
      ✔ input "B KW 00000 00000" => output "B KW 73731 00000"
      ✔ input "B JX 00000 00000" => output "B JX 54721 00000"
      ✔ input "B GY 00000 00000" => output "B GY 88528 00000"
      ✔ input "B BZ 00000 00000" => output "B BZ 69290 00000"
      ✔ input "B RM 00000 00000" => output "B RM 08449 00000"
      ✔ input "B QL 00000 00000" => output "B QL 94833 00000"
      ✔ input "B QK 00000 00000" => output "B QK 71755 00000"
      ✔ input "B QJ 00000 00000" => output "B QJ 38585 00000"
      ✔ input "B PH 00000 00000" => output "B PH 94313 00000"
      ✔ input "B PG 00000 00000" => output "B PG 37368 00000"
      ✔ input "B LF 00000 00000" => output "B LF 65251 00000"
      ✔ input "B KE 00000 00000" => output "B KE 73731 00000"
      ✔ input "B JD 00000 00000" => output "B JD 54721 00000"
      ✔ input "B GC 00000 00000" => output "B GC 88528 00000"
      ✔ input "B BB 00000 00000" => output "B BB 69290 00000"
      ✔ input "A JN 00000 00000" => output "A JN 87049 00000"
      ✔ input "A JP 00000 00000" => output "A JP 91551 00000"
      ✔ input "A KQ 00000 00000" => output "A KQ 05167 00000"
      ✔ input "A KR 00000 00000" => output "A KR 28245 00000"
      ✔ input "A KS 00000 00000" => output "A KS 61415 00000"
      ✔ input "A LT 00000 00000" => output "A LT 05687 00000"
      ✔ input "A LU 00000 00000" => output "A LU 62632 00000"
      ✔ input "A PV 00000 00000" => output "A PV 34749 00000"
      ✔ input "A QW 00000 00000" => output "A QW 26269 00000"
      ✔ input "A RX 00000 00000" => output "A RX 45279 00000"
      ✔ input "A TY 00000 00000" => output "A TY 11472 00000"
      ✔ input "A YZ 00000 00000" => output "A YZ 30710 00000"
      ✔ input "A JM 00000 00000" => output "A JM 91551 00000"
      ✔ input "A KL 00000 00000" => output "A KL 05167 00000"
      ✔ input "A KK 00000 00000" => output "A KK 28245 00000"
      ✔ input "A KJ 00000 00000" => output "A KJ 61415 00000"
      ✔ input "A LH 00000 00000" => output "A LH 05687 00000"
      ✔ input "A LG 00000 00000" => output "A LG 62632 00000"
      ✔ input "A PF 00000 00000" => output "A PF 34749 00000"
      ✔ input "A QE 00000 00000" => output "A QE 26269 00000"
      ✔ input "A RD 00000 00000" => output "A RD 45279 00000"
      ✔ input "A TC 00000 00000" => output "A TC 11472 00000"
      ✔ input "A YB 00000 00000" => output "A YB 30710 00000"

  209 passing (33ms)

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    Dev Dependencies (3)

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