Backend agnostic data store and editor for react and redux
npm install
npm run-script build
Before You Start
Microcastle uses react for rendering, redux for it's data flow, and immutable.js for perfomance reasons. Before you get started with microcastle you should have a good understanding of them and also how a unidirectional data flow works.
How Does Microcastle Work
Microcastle comes in two main parts: a data store and an editor that edits data in that store.
The store is a simple database like object with a layout similar to other common databases: schemas (analogous to tables) which contain entries (analogous to rows) which then contain attributes (analogous to columns). You are responsible for providing microcastle with schemas for your data, the initial state of your data and then rendering the data on your site.
The editor is overlaid the page and supports many data types (text, arrays, images, etc). you are responsible for providing hooks for the user to open the editor.
Setting Up Microcastle
to set up microcastle in your project
npm install microcastle --save
import it in your project
import Microcastle from 'microcastle';
connect the editor and the database to your reducers
const reducer = combineReducers({
microcastle: Microcastle.MicrocastleDataStore.reducer,
microcastleEditor: Microcastle.MicrocastleEditorStore.reducer,
setup an initial state for both in your redux store
const initalState = {
microcastleEditor: new Immutable.Map({}),
microcastle: Immutable.fromJS({
People: {
Bob: {
job: 'Middle Manager',
lastName: 'Bobson',
const store = createStore(reducer, initialState);
define the schemas you are going to use
const mySchemas = {
People: {
attributes: {
job: {
type: 'text',
onChange: handleJobChangeFn,
lastName: {
type: 'text',
onChange: handleLastNameChangeFn,
onNew: handleNewFn,
onEdit: handleEditFn,
then include the editor component somewhere at the top of your react app but below your redux provider
<Microcastle.MicrocastleEditor schemas={mySchemas} />
now you need to actually use it in your site
Using It On Your Site
Connect your component to the microcastle schemas it needs
const connectedComponent = Microcastle.Microcastle(myComponent, ["People"]);
your component will then have a prop called microcastle (the dispatch method too) that can be used to get data
const bobsJon = this.props.microcastle.get('People', 'Bob', 'job');
and to open the editor dispatch an event
const openEditorForBobsJob = () => {
Microcastle.MicrocastleEditorStore.actions. editSingle(
'People', 'Bob', 'job',
this.props.microcastle.get('People', 'Bob', 'job')
return <a onClick={openEditorForBobsJob}>Edit</a>;
it's as simple as that
Editor Actions
Microcastle.MicrocastleEditorStore.actions.editSingle(schemaName, entryID, attributeName, currentValue)
Open the editor and edit a single attribute.
Microcastle.MicrocastleEditorStore.actions.editEntry(schemaName, entryID, currentValue)
Open the editor and edit a single an entire entry.
Open the editor and create a new entry.
Store Actions
Microcastle.DataStore.actions.updateData(schemaName, entryID, attributeName, value)
Update a attribute in the datastore
Microcastle.DataStore.actions.insertData(schemaName, entryID, entryValue)
Insert a new entry into the datastore
Connector Function
Microcastle.Microcastle(component, arrayOfSchemasToConnect)
Connected Props
props.microcastle.get(schemaName, entryID, attributeName)
Gets the value of attribute
Returns immutable js map of {entryName: {attributeName: attributeValue}}
Get all entries in a schema.
Editor Component
<Microcastle.MicrocastleEditor schemas={schemas} />
The Schema needs to be in the layout of:
attributes: {
type: 'TYPE_NAME',
options?: {
subtype?: 'TYPE_NAME',
suboptions?: { ... },
OnNew Function
takes: createdEntry
must return: Promise that resolves to an object of {EntryID: Entry}
You must specify this function, in it you should sync with your server or edit the entry however you want. Example:
onNew: (v) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let rand = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
resolve({[rand]: v});
OnEdit Function
takes: editedEntry
must return: Promise that resolves to an Entry
You must specify this function, in it you should sync with your server or edit the entry however you want. Example:
onNew: (v) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onChange Function
takes: changedAttribute
must return: Promise that resolves to the attribute value
You must specify this function, in it you should sync with your server or edit the attribute value however you want. Example:
onChange: (v) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Simple Text field
Options: None
Options: None
Array of another type
Options: subtype
Lets user pick a field from another Schema
Options: relative
Dropdown field
Options: choices (array)