
0.8.6 • Public • Published


A component factory for Mithril.


  • class based component
  • attribute validation
  • default attributes
  • mixins
  • localized css
  • powerful class name generator for component's root dom
  • transparent communicatin with componnent's root dom from hyperscript


  • Mithril 1.x.x

For Mithril 0.2.x please use version 0.5.x



npm install mithril-componentx


bower install mithril-componentx


mithril-componentx works with all the modern browsers. For old ones please use shim like this.

Quick overview

import Component from "mithril-componentx";
class Grid extends Component {
    getClassList (vnode) {
        return [
    view ({attrs, children, state}) {
        return m("div", attrs.rootAttrs, vnode.children);
let grid = new Grid();
class Page extends Component {
    validateAttrs (attrs) {
        if (!attrs.heading) throw Error("Heading is required.");
        if (!attrs.content) throw Error("Content is required.");
    view (vnode) {
        return m("div", vnode.attrs.heading, vnode.attrs.content);
let page = new Page();
class ItemsPage extends Page {
    getDefaultAttrs (attrs) {
        return {
            heading: m("h1", "List of awesome stuff."),
            content: m(grid, /*list of stuff*/)
let itemsPage = new ItemsPage();
m.render(document.body, itemsPage);

Create a component

import Component from "mithril-componentx";
class Page extends Component {
    oninit (vnode) {
        // do some initialization
    onremove (vnode) {
        // do some clean up
    validateAttrs (attrs) {
        if (!attrs.heading) throw Error("Heading is required.");
        if (!attrs.content) throw Error("Content is required.");
    view (vnode) {
        return m("div", vnode.attrs.heading, vnode.attrs.content);

Using a component

let page = new Page();
// throws exception "Heading is required."
m(page, {
    heading: m("h1", "A heading"),
    content: m("p", "A content")

Extending a component

Specify a base for new component. New properties overrides base properties. However the base component is available at new component's base property.

class Button extends Component {
    getClassList (vnode) {
        return [
    submit (e) {
        /* submit form */
    view (vnode) {
        return m(attrs.root, attrs.rootAttrs, {onclick: this.submit}, "Submit")
class PrimaryButton extends Button {
    getClassList (vnode) {
        let classList = super.getClassList(vnode);
        return classList;

Validate attributes

Every time a component is mounted or updated, its validateAttrs method is called. One should check attributes and raise exception as per required.

In the example below rendering page without heading or content will throw error.

import Component from "mithril-componentx";
class Page extends Component {
    validateAttrs (attrs) {
        if (!attrs.heading) throw Error("Heading is required.");
        if (!attrs.content) throw Error("Content is required.");
    view (vnode) {
        return m("div", vnode.attrs.heading, vnode.attrs.content);
let page = new Page();
// throws exception "Heading is required."
// won't throw error
m(page, {
    heading: m("h1", "A heading"),
    content: m("p", "A content")

Default attributes

Components can have default attributes which are merged with attributes passed by user. User passed attributes override default attributes.

class RedButton extends Component {
    getDefaultAttrs (vnode) {
        return {color: "red"};
    getClassList (vnode) {
        return ["ui", attrs.color, "button"]
    view (vnode) {
        return m("button", vnode.attrs.rootAttrs, vnode.children);
let redButton = new RedButton();
// change color to blue
m(redButton, {color: "blue"}, "Blue button");


Components can be composed out of mixins. Mixins are plain javascript objects not a class. Attach mixins at component's prototype chain because mixins are applied while instanciating an object.

let buttonValidator : {
    validateAttrs (attrs) {
        if (!attrs.label) throw Error("Please pass a label for the button.");
let roundedCorners: {
    getDefaultAttrs (vnode) {
        return {
            style: {
                "border-radius": "5px"
let sharpCorners: {
    getDefaultAttrs (vnode) {
        return {
            style: {
                "border-radius": "0px"
class Button1 extends Component {
    view (vnode) {
        return m("button", vnode.attrs.rootAttrs, vnode.attrs.label);
Button1.prototype.mixins = [buttonValidator, roundedCorners];
class Button2 extends Component {
    view (vnode) {
        return m("button", vnode.attrs.rootAttrs, vnode.attrs.label);
Button2.prototype.mixins = [buttonValidator, sharpCorners];

Localized styling

The main problem with css is they reside in separate files and they are static. One solution to this problem is inline styles. The components created with this component factory already support styling component's root dom. But still inline styling suffers from following problem:

  • does not support pseudo classes
  • does not support media query
  • styles applied at parent element does not affect its child elements

mithril-componentx supports localized styling. Components can define getStyle() method which returns JSON. Thus returned JSON is converted to proper CSS and attached to head just before component is mounted to the DOM. The style is attached only once per component type.

class Dialog extends Component {
    getStyle (vnode) {
        // The JSON is one to one mapping of CSS as we will see later.
        // If a property is in 'camelCase', it will be converted to 'snake-case'.
        // The selector must start with root dom, in this example its ".tble",
        // check the root dom at the view.
        return {
            ".tbl": {
                "display": "table",
                "height": "100%"
            ".tbl .tbl-cl": {
                "display": "table-cell",
                "vertical-align": "middle",
                "textAlign": "center" // 'textAlign' be converted to 'text-align'
    view (vnode) {
        // rootAttrs has attribute which helps localize the style
        // in this case its [data-component=Dialog]
        return m(".tbl", vnode.attrs.rootAttrs,
            m(".tbl-cl", vnode.children));

The style in above example is attached to head in following format.

<style id="Dialog-style">
// data-component is the attribute of root dom
[data-component=Dialog].tbl {
  display: table;
  height: 100%;
[data-component=Dialog].tbl .tbl-cl {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  text-align: center;

Passing attributes to root of a component

Attributes like id, style, on* (event handlers), data-* and class are made availabe at vnode.attrs.rootAttrs.

class Button extends Component {
    view (vnode) {
        let rootAttrs = vnode.attrs.rootAttrs;
        return m("button", rootAttrs, vnode.children);
let button = new Button();
m(button, {id: "aButton", onclick: acallback, "data-item": 1, style: {color: "red"}}, "Like");
// vnode.attrs.rootAttrs = {id: "aButton", onclick: acallback, "data-item": 1, style: {color: "red"}}

Override isRootAttr method to change the default behaviour.

class Button extends Component {
    isRootAttr (key) {
        return /^(onclick|style)$/.test(key)? true: false;
    view (vnode) {
        let rootAttrs = vnode.attrs.rootAttrs;
        return m("button", rootAttrs, vnode.children);
let button = new Button();
m(button, {id: "aButton", onclick: acallback, "data-item": 1, style: {color: "red"}}, "Like");
// vnode.attrs.rootAttrs = {onclick: acallback,style: {color: "red"}}

Class name for component's root

Class name for component's root is generated from getClassList() and is made available at vnode.attrs.rootAttrs.className. Falsy values like null, undefined, fals and '' are excluded while generating class string. User supplied class is merged with component's class list.

class Button extends Component {
    getClassList (vnode) {
        return [
            attrs.loading && "loading",
            attrs.disabled && "disabled",
    view (vnode) {
        return m("button", vnode.attrs.rootAttrs, children);
let button = new Button();
m(button, {disabled: true, class: "blue"}, "Click");
// <button class="ui disabled blue button"></button>

Isolated component

Isolated components can be individually redrawn without diffing entire Mithril app. Any component which implements isolatedView() method can be individually redrawn using redraw() method.

The dom returned by isolatedView() is rendered at the root dom return by view(). The isolated components do redraw in response to global app redraw. To completly isolate it from app return false from onbeforeupdate.

View example below live here.

class Clock extends Component {
  oninit (vnode) {
    this.timer = setInterval(() => {
      this.time = new Date() + "";
    }, 1000);
  onremove (vnode) {
  isolatedView (vnode) {
    console.log("@ clock isolated view");
    return m("span", this.time);
  view (vnode) {
    console.log("@ clock root element");
    return m("h1");
var clock = new Clock();
class App extends Component { 
  view (vnode) {
    console.log("@ app");
    return m("div", m(clock));
var app = new App();
m.mount(document.body, app);


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