
0.5.6 • Public • Published


Helpers to assist with the development of Mozu Code Actions

This package is currently a prerelease.

This contains pre-release code. It may have behaviors or rely on features that don't work in Mozu production environments. Use with caution!



This package contains several utility methods for common tasks inside actions.


You may need to parse an application key. This function takes an application key as a string, and returns an object with namespace, id, and version properties.

var parseAppKey = require('mozu-action-helpers/parse-app-key');
var d = parseAppKey('abc123.exampleapp.1.0.1');
assert(d.namespace === 'abc123');
assert( === 'exampleapp');
assert(d.version === '1.0.0');


This function takes a context and returns relevant app metadata.

var getAppInfo = require('mozu-action-helpers/get-app-info');
var info = getAppInfo(context);
assert(info.namespace === 'abc123');
assert( === 'exampleapp');
assert(info.version === '1.0.0');

(Currently this is very similar to parseAppKey, but it is meant to be more general; in the future it may return much more app information than just what is in the key.)


The installers provide convenient wrappers for common CMS, platform, and entity tasks that code action authors will find themselves frequently doing. Each one is basically a thin layer around a Mozu Node SDK instance, so you must pass an API context to the constructors. In a Code Action, that API context will be provided by the context object.


This module contains methods for adding your action to the enabled actions configuration for a tenant. It is meant to be used in a custom function for the embedded.platform.applications.install action, and its enableActions method accepts the context from that action.

var ActionInstaller = require('mozu-action-helpers/installers/actions')();
var actionInstaller = new ActionInstaller(context.apiContext);
actionInstaller.enableActions(context).then(callback.bind(null, null), callback);
Modifying Settings and Adding Configuration

The .enableActions method takes two more optional arguments.

Global Configuration The first is a function that can create or update a global app-level configuration object. The configuration object can have any key-value pairs; a business user will be able to update this in the Action Settings JSON editor, and your custom functions will receive this configurtion in the context.configuration object.

If you supply a configurator function as the second argument to enableActions, it will receive any existing configuration for this app as its argument. This way, you can update existing configurations if they need to change.

actionsInstaller.enableActions(context, function(appConfig) {
  appConfig = appConfig || {};
  // let's say that in your new version, the `widget` config is an array now.
  appConfig.widgets = appConfig.widgets || [];
  if (appConfig.widget) {
    delete appConfig.widget;
  return appConfig;

Per-Function Setting Transforms The second optional argument you can pass to .enableActions is an object of transform functions named after your custom functions. These transform functions are how you can modify Arc.js runtime settings for custom functions, like logLevel and timeoutMilliseconds, and also how you can provide individual configuration objects for each custom function, via the configuration property. Each property on the object should be named after one of your custom functions; its value is a function that will receive the existing settings.

actionsInstaller.enableActions(context, null, {
  '': function(settings) {
    settings.logLevel = 'DEBUG';
    return settings;
  'customFunctionName2': function(settings) {
    settings.timeoutMilliseconds = 20000;
    settings.configuration = Object.assign({}, settings.configuration, {
      debugSomeExternalCall: true
    return settings;


This module contains methods for modifying documentList, and documentListType, and documentType definitions. See

The upsertSiteList method performs an "upsert"; it will create the documentList if it doesn't exist, and update it if it does.

var CmsInstaller = require('mozu-action-helpers/installers/cms');
// some json for the list type definition
var myListType = require('/cmsMetaData/myListType.json');
var cmsInstaller = new CmsInstaller(context.apiContext);
//update the namespaces to the current app 
cmsInstaller.updateListNamespace(myListType, context);
//update or add the list type
cmsInstaller.upsertSiteList(myListType).then(callback.bind(null, null), callback);


This module contains methods for modifying entityList definitions. See

The upsertList method performs an "upsert"; it will create the entityList if it doesn't exist, and update it if it does.

var EntityInstaller = require('mozu-action-helpers/installers/entities');
var myListType = require('/entityMetaData/myListType.json');
var entityInstaller = new EntityInstaller(context);
entityInstaller.upsertList(myListType).then(callback.bind(null, null), callback);

The enableEntitiesForTenant method will turn on the hidden setting that makes the "Content/Entity" menu option visible in the Settings menu in admin. It requires a tenantId in the client context (which it will automatically receive in the code action custom function, if you supply the content.apiContext as context) but needs no arguments.

entityInstaller.enableEntitiesForTenant().then(function() {


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) Volusion Inc. Licensed under the MIT license.

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