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0.4.0 • Public • Published


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Async multi-producer, multi-consumer FIFO queue communication utilies. This is an experimental Typescript library for working with asynchronous streams of data with a similar API to Rust standard module mpsc.

The core building block of this library is function onceChannel which returns a Promise with the resolve function.

function onceChannel() {
  let resolve;
  const promise = new Promise((r) => (resolve = r));
  return [resolve, promise];

On top of onceChannel is built function channel which returns a Sender and Receiver.

channel<T>(): [Sender<T>, Receiver<T>]

Sender and Receiver classes loosely follow the API of Rust Sender and Receiver.

class Sender<T> {
  send(...arg: NonNullable<T>[]): boolean;

class Receiver<T> {
  recv(): Promise<T | null>;
  close(): boolean;
  forEach(f: (arg: T) => unknown): Promise<void>;
  collect(): Promise<T[]>;

Sender.send method takes non-nullable argument because null is used to denote that Receiver has been closed. Receiver also implements asyncIterator protocol to enable it being used in a for loop.

for await (const msg of receiver) {
  // ...

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    • rasmusmerzin