
1.0.1 • Public • Published


This is a node module / command line utility (depending on how you use it) to allow easier scheduling of "tasks" to be broadcasted on an MQTT network at a given time.


If you are installing this as a command line utility, use

npm install -g mqtt-scheduler

This will install the mqtt-scheduler globally and allow you to use it as a command line utility.

If you wish to use this as a module to access additional functionality, use

npm install --save mqtt-scheduler

within your node application.

The task file

The task file is used in either use-case. The file is a simple text file where each new line is a new task, and columns between tasks are single-tab delimited.

A typical file is:

garden lights		9am		garden/lights	on

This would create a task called lights, which would broadcast the topic "garden/lights" with the body of "on" every day at 9 am.

The columns for the file are as follows:

  1. Task name

  2. Time. Date.js is used internally for decent human language parsing of intervals/times.

  3. MQTT Topic

  4. Message payload

Command Line Usage

The simplest way to invoke mqtt-scheduler is passing both the host and file.

mqtt-scheduler --file pathToFile --host mqtt_host_address

CLI options/flags are:

  • -h / --host - Your MQTT host. Required.
  • -p / --port - Your MQTT port. Defaults to 1883, the MQTT default port.
  • -i / --id - Your MQTT client id - defaults to "mqtt_scheduler".
  • -u / --username - Your MQTT connection username, if required.
  • -P / --password - Your MQTT connection password, if required.
  • -f / --file - The path to the scheduled tasks file. Required.

Programmatic usage

const MQTTSCheduler = require('mqtt-scheduler');
var scheduler = new MQTTScheduler(opts, cb);

WHERE opts is an object with the following attributes:

  • host - Required - the address of your mqtt server
  • port - Defaults to 1883 - the port your mqtt server is listening on
  • clientId - defaults to mqtt_scheduler - the client id reported to the mqtt server
  • username - the username to log into the mqtt server (if required)
  • password - the password to log into the mqtt server (if requrired)
  • onConnect - function that is fired off when connection to the MQTT server occurs
  • onMessage - function that fires off when the client receives a message from the MQTT server
  • onError - function that is fired off when the MQTT client within the scheduler encounters an error
  • onClose - function that is fired off when the MQTT client connection closes
  • onTaskFire - function that is fired off when a task is triggered. It passes the task into the function

cb is an optional callback that will report an error or success of connection to the MQTT server.




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