Word Counter CLI
Welcome to the Word Counter CLI, a command-line interface for counting words in a given paragraph. This project is built with TypeScript, Inquirer, Chalk Animation, and Boxen, providing an engaging experience for users to count words interactively.
- 🌈 Colorful CLI interface powered by Chalk Animation
- 🔄 Smooth animations for an interactive feel
- 📝 Real-time word counting based on user input
- 🚀 Simple and intuitive user input handling with Inquirer
Installation & Usage
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mubeendev3/typescript-projects.git
- Change into the project directory:
cd 06-WordCounterProject
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the Word Counter CLI:
npx mubeen-wordcounter
- Follow the prompts to enter your paragraph and count words.
How to Use
- Enter the paragraph you want to analyze.
- View the total word count for the given paragraph.
- Choose whether to try counting words again or exit the program.
npx mubeen-wordcounter
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please report them on the GitHub repository.
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