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0.0.7 • Public • Published

Data Structures Module


A various collection of data structures, including linked lists, stacks, queues, sets, and more, for Node.js and JavaScript projects. Simplify complex data operations and promote code reusability in web servers, utilities, and data-intensive apps with seamless CommonJS and ESM integration.

Key Data Structures

  • Linked List: A flexible linked list implementation for dynamic data storage and manipulation.
  • Stack: A stack data structure for managing data in a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) manner.
  • Queue: A queue data structure for managing data in a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) manner.
  • Sets: A set data structure for handling unique values and set operations.


  • Efficient Data Management: Easily handle and organize data with optimized data structures.
  • Code Reusability: Encapsulate common data operations, reducing code duplication.
  • Interoperability: Import and use the toolbox seamlessly in CommonJS and ESM environments.

Use Cases

  • Use linked lists for managing data with dynamic insertions and deletions.
  • Employ stacks and queues for algorithmic operations or task scheduling.
  • Utilize sets for maintaining unique collections of data.

Getting Started

  1. Install npm package to your project

    npm i my-data-structures

  2. Usage

  • ESM
    import { linkedList } from 'my-data-structures';

    const list = new LinkedList();
  • CommonJS
    const { linkedList } = require('my-data-structures');

    const list = new LinkedList();

Consult the documentation for details.



Representing a stack data structure.

property/method params return description
.push(element) element: any undefined add an element to the end of the stack
.pop() element: any / null remove the last element
.peek() element: any / null get the last element
.isEmpty() boolean check is the stack empty or not
.size() number get the stack size (length)
.clear() undefined remove all stack items


The simple queue data structure.

property/method params return description
.enqueue(element) element: any undefined add an element to the queue
.dequeue() element: any / null remove the element from the queue
.front() element: any / null get the first queue element
.isEmpty() boolean check is the queue emptynot
.size() number get the queue length
.clear() undefined remove all queue items

Linked List

Linked list data structure.

property/method params return description
.append(data) data: any undefined add an element to the end of the linked list
.insert(position, data) position: number, data: any boolean insert an element to the specified position in the linked list
.remove(data) data: any data: any / null remove an element from the list
.removeAt(position) position: number data: any / null remove an element by the position
.indexOf(data) data: any index: number to find the element index
.toArray() array to convert linked list to an array

Doubly Linked List

Doubly Linked list data structure.

property/method params return description
.insert(position, data) position: number, data: any boolean insert an element to the specified position
.remove(data) data: any data: any / null remove an element from the list
.removeAt(position) position: number data: any / null remove an element by the position
.indexOf(data) data: any index: number to find the element index
.toArray() array to convert doubly linked list to an array

Extended set

Custom set data structure with extra methods.

property/method params return description
.union(otherSet) otherSet: any Set: any Given two sets, this returns a new set with elements from both the given sets
.intersection(otherSet) otherSet: any Set: any Given two sets, this returns a new set with the elements that exist in both sets
.difference(otherSet) otherSet: any Set: any Given two sets, this returns a new set with all the elements that exist in the first set and do not exist in the second set
.subset(otherSet) otherSet: any boolean This confirms whether a given set is a subset of another set

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