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Not an ORM (NAORM) for SQLite

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A Command Line Interface for generating TypeScript from SQLite files.

NAORM (pronounced “norm”) is a CLI tool that bridges the gap between SQLite and TypeScript. It allows you to maintain your database schema, queries, and other statements in SQL files, then generates corresponding TypeScript for you to import into your application. It is a fast and lightweight alternative to using an ORM.

Try NAORM now on Stackblitz!

Key Features:

  1. Develop SQLite code in SQL files, use it within TypeScript
  2. Generate TypeScript models for any SQL table, view, or query result
  3. Write JSDoc comments in SQL, see them in VS Code's IntelliSense
  4. Accommodate dates, booleans, BigInts, JSON, and more with type safety

Screen capture of a SQL view being edited in VS Code, with the corresponding TypeScript model updating automatically.


For more on NAORM, check out the author's blog on Medium.

Getting Started

Install the naorm-sqlite CLI

npm i -D naorm-sqlite

Run the Not an ORM initializer and follow the prompts to set up your configuration

npx naorm init

Generate your TypeScript

npx naorm generate

How it Works

Many TypeScript projects use SQLite, but maintaining SQL in a TypeScript code base is challenging and fraught with pitfalls. And while using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool can solve certain problems, it also comes with learning curves and limitations for SQL developers. Not an ORM for SQLite allows SQLite projects to leverage the benefits of TypeScript with a SQL-first approach.

Not an ORM lets you develop all kinds of SQLite statements in SQL files, then use these statements in your TypeScript application. This allows you to leverage the ecosystem available for SQLite development, such as alexcvzz's VS Code extension and the standalone tool DB Browser for SQLite. No more maintaining SQL in JS/TS strings! And though it is "Not an ORM", it can generate TypeScript classes or interfaces for any SQLite table, view, or query result.

Not an ORM is generally compatible with most ways of using SQLite and TypeScript together, including within Node.js applications, hybrid web apps, and the browser. Behind the scenes, Not an ORM utilizes better-sqlite3. However, your application can use any SQLite plugin or library that you choose.

Not an ORM does not directly interact with your application's SQLite database, nor does it have any components for your application's runtime. Rather, Not an ORM uses better-sqlite3 to maintain a copy of your database's schema in your development environment, which it then utilizes to generate TypeScript models and metadata that you can use in your project.

Not an ORM handles three main categories of SQLite statements:


To generate TypeScript for a database table, add a SQL file containing a CREATE TABLE statement such as the one below to your database directory.

	Id INT,
	Country TEXT

After running npx naorm generate, a TypeScript file will be generated with an interface representing the model of a record in the table, a constant array of column definitions, and a constant string containing the SQL statement from the source file.

export interface Airport  {
	"Id": number | null;
	"IATACode": string | null;
	"Country": string | null;

export const AirportColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null
		"columnName": "IATACode",
		"sourceColumn": "IATACode",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "TEXT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "string | null",
		"jsDocComment": null
		"columnName": "Country",
		"sourceColumn": "Country",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "TEXT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "string | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

export const AirportSQL = `CREATE TABLE Airport (
	Id INT,
	Country TEXT

The same approach can be used for CREATE TABLE....AS statements, and for CREATE VIEW statements such as the one below. Note that tables created in attached databases, as well as all CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statements, are not currently supported. See the Limitations section for more details.

CREATE VIEW vwFlightOrigin AS
FROM Flight AS F
JOIN Airport AS A
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id

After running npx naorm generate, a similar TypeScript file will be generated.

export interface vwFlightOrigin  {
	"Id": number | null;
	"OriginAirportId": number | null;
	"DestinationAirportId": number | null;
	"IATACode": string | null;

export const vwFlightOriginColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null
		"columnName": "OriginAirportId",
		"sourceColumn": "OriginAirportId",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null
		"columnName": "DestinationAirportId",
		"sourceColumn": "DestinationAirportId",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null
		"columnName": "IATACode",
		"sourceColumn": "IATACode",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "TEXT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "string | null",		
		"jsDocComment": null

export const vwFlightOriginSQL = `CREATE VIEW vwFlightOrigin AS
FROM Flight AS F
JOIN Airport AS A
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id`;

All columns from the table or view's resulting column set will be included in the generated interface and list of columns, even if the query uses * syntax instead of explicitly specifying column names. This is possible because Not an ORM does not obtain column names or types by parsing your SQL statements. Instead, Not an ORM uses better-sqlite3 to execute your CREATE statement in an empty database, then obtains the column metadata from the updated database file.

When creating tables and views, the order of execution is important, since certain tables and views depend on others. In the example above, the view vwFlightOrigin depends on the tables Flight and Airport. These tables, as well as the columns referenced, must be defined elsewhere in your database directory for the generation to succeed. To determine the order in which to execute the CREATE statements, Not an ORM analyzes your SQL files for dependencies. For more information on how this works, as well as the limitations to the process, see the SQL Dependency Analysis section.

Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements

In SQLite, the types of Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, and DELETE. While a SELECT statement will always return columns (though not necessarily rows), the remaining statement types may or may not return columns, depending on whether or not the RETURNING clause is utilized.

Unlike CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW statements, DML statements in SQLite can contain parameters. Not an ORM does not need to know how the parameters will be used in order to calculate the resulting columns. However, all tables, views, and columns referenced in the DML statement must be defined elsewhere in your database directory, so that it can compile successfully.

To generate TypeScript for a DML statement, add a SQL file containing the statement to your database directory, such as the one below, which is placed in a file called query-flights.sql.

SELECT Id FROM Flights WHERE FlightNumber = ?;

For DML statements that return columns, Not an ORM will generate TypeScript similar to what is generated for tables and views. Since DML statements don't have natural identifiers akin to a table or view name, the name of the file containing the statement is used to determine the name of the interface and constants in the TypeScript file.

export interface queryFlights  {
	"Id": number | null;

export const queryFlightsColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

export const queryFlightsSQL = `SELECT Id FROM Flights WHERE FlightNumber = ?`;

If you prefer to specify how the TypeScript interface and constants will be named, you can add a SQL comment above the statement with the syntax NAORM-ID: <your-variable-name>.

-- NAORM-ID: deleteFlight

Not an ORM will recognize the comment and use the value within the generated TypeScript.

export interface deleteFlight  {
	"Id": number | null;

export const deleteFlightColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

export const deleteFlightSQL = `DELETE FROM Flight WHERE FlightNumber = ? RETURNING Id;`;

Not an ORM will also process DML Statements that do not return columns. The statement must still be able to compile, meaning that all tables, views, and columns referenced in the statement must be defined elsewhere in your database directory.

/* NAORM-ID: updateFlight */
UPDATE Flight SET DestinationAirport = ? WHERE Id = ?;

The generated TypeScript file will only contain the SQL statement from the source file.

export const updateFlightSQL = `UPDATE Flight SET DestinationAirport = ? WHERE Id = ?;`;

All other SQLite statements

All SQL statements other than CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and DML statements are treated by Not an ORM as strings. Not an ORM will not attempt to compile or otherwise validate them, however, they can still be used to generate TypeScript constants.

-- NAORM-ID: createAirportIndex

The generated TypeScript file will only contain the string constant with the SQL statement from the source file.

export const createAirportIndexSQL = `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Airport_IX1 ON Airport(Id);`;

Multiple SQLite statements can be included in the same file, separated by semi-colons, and Not an ORM will still process them. In the example below, the two statements are placed in a file named create-aiport-indices.sql.


If alternate statement identifiers are not specified using the NAORM-ID syntax, then the generated TypeScript will append indices to ensure uniqueness. Additionally, an array will be exported containing the all of the statements, in the same order in which they were defined in the source file, so that your application can easily execute them as a batch, if desired.

export const createAirportIndicesSQL = `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Airport_IX1 ON Airport(IATACode);`;
export const createAirportIndices_1SQL = `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Airport_IX2 ON Airport(Id);`;

export const createAirportIndicesSQLStatements = [

SQLite statements of any type, including CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW statements, DML statements, and other statements, can all be included in the same file. Not an ORM will process each of the statements accordingly and include all of the output for each statement in the generated TypeScript file.

Finally, all TypeScript generated by Not an ORM is exported via a barrel file, so that your application can easily import it, as below.

import { vwFlightOrigin, deleteFlightColumns, createAirportIndex } from '<path-to>/naorm-barrel.ts';

SQL Dependency Analysis

Since Not an ORM learns your database's schema by running your CREATE TABLE and CREATE VIEW statements, each of these must be able to compile and execute without error. Similarly, Not an ORM must be able to compile, though not execute, each of your DML statements to determine the columns that would be returned. This means that Not an ORM needs to process each of these statements in the correct order such that none fail because a referenced table, view, or column does not exist in the database.

To acheive this, Not an ORM analyzes dependencies between your SQL statements. Note that this analysis is performed at the level of each statement within each SQL file, rather than for the files themselves. Dependencies are not analyzed for statements other than CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and DML statements, because Not an ORM will not attempt to compile these.

When running the generate command, Not an ORM will attempt to identify dependencies before compiling any SQLite statements. Following this, a list of all statements and their identified dependencies, in the order to be followed for compilation and execution, is saved to the naorm-dependencies.json file within the generated output directory. If two statements are found to directly or indirectly depend on each other, Not an ORM will throw a Circular Dependency error.

Overriding Dependencies

Not an ORM's dependency identification process is not perfect - it tends to err on the side of identifying too many dependencies, rather than too few. This usually has little noticable effect, unless it causes a circular dependency to be mis-identified.

In this scenario, or in any other scenario where Not an ORM mis-identifies a dependency, you can specify overrides in naorm-config.json. If the skipStatementCompilation property is set to true for any statement, it will be excluded from the entire chain of dependencies, and the generated TypeScript will not contain an interface or list of columns for it.

"statementOverrides": [{
	"statementIdentifier": "Passenger",
	"skipStatementCompilation": true,
	"dependentOn": [],
	"notDependentOn": []
	"statementIdentifier": "vwFlightOrigins",
	"skipStatementCompilation": false,
	"dependentOn": ["Flight", "Airport"],
	"notDependentOn": []
	"statementIdentifier": "queryFlights_1",
	"skipStatementCompilation": false,
	"dependentOn": [],
	"notDependentOn": ["Passenger"]

JSDoc Annotations

One great advantage of developing in TypeScript is the ability to use JSDoc comments to enhance your code editing experience, communicate with other developers, and generate API documentation. Normally, when generating TypeScript, this ability is lost. However, Not an ORM provides a mechanism to maintain JSDoc comments within your SQL files and have them appear in your generated TypeScript, where they will be recognized by VS Code's IntelliSense feature.

To use this feature with SQL columns, place a JSDoc comment (beginning with /**) in your SQL file before the column that it is describing.

	Id INT,
	/** 3-letter International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Location Identifier */
	/** 2-letter ALPHA-2 Country Code from ISO 3166 */
	Country TEXT

This will generate a TypeScript model with the JSDoc comment included above the property, where it can be picked up by VS Code's IntelliSense.

export interface Airport  {
	"Id": number;
	/** 3-letter International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Location Identifier */
	"IATACode": string;
	/** 2-letter ALPHA-2 Country Code from ISO 3166 */
	"Country": string;

JSDoc Comments added to a column definition within a CREATE TABLE statement will automatically pass through to any TypeScript interface where the column is returned by the source statement. However, the comment can be overridden in the statement returning the column.

CREATE VIEW vwFlightOrigin AS
SELECT F.Id AS FlightId, 
/** The IATA Code for the flight's origin airport */
FROM Flight AS F
JOIN Airport AS A
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id

In this example, the JSDoc comment for Country comes from the source table definition, while the comment for IATACode comes from the CREATE VIEW statement.

export interface vwFlightOrigin  {
	"FlightId": number;
	/** The IATA Code for the flight's origin airport */
	"IATACode": string;
	/** 2-letter ALPHA-2 Country Code from ISO 3166 */
	"Country": string;

You can also add a JSDoc comment before an entire SQL statement.

/** A view for flights, with information about their origin airport */
CREATE VIEW vwFlightOrigin AS
SELECT F.Id AS FlightId, F.FlightNumber, A.IATACode, A.Country
FROM Flight AS F
JOIN Airport AS A
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id

This will cause the comment it to appear in the generated TypeScript above both the interface and the string containing the SQL.

/** A view for flights, with information about their origin airport */
export interface vwFlightOrigin  {
/** A view for flights, with information about their origin airport */
export const vwFlightOriginSQL = `CREATE VIEW vwFlightOrigin AS

This feature can be used in combination with the ability to specify variable names using NAORM-ID: syntax, which can be placed either inside the JSDoc comment, or in a separate comment.

/** NAORM-ID: airportIdIndex
	Command to create a unique index on the Airport Id 

-- NAORM-ID: airportIATACodeIndex
/** Command to create a unique index on the Airport IATACode */
/** NAORM-ID: airportIdIndex
	Command to create a unique index on the Airport Id 
export const airportIdIndexSQL = `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Airport_IX1 ON Airport(IATACode);`;

/** Command to create a unique index on the Airport IATACode */
export const airportIATACodeIndexSQL = `CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Airport_IX2 ON Airport(IATACode);`;

export const createAirportIndicesSQLStatements = [

SQLite Nuances

The SQL language, and SQLite's implementation in particular, contain some nuances that present challenges for generating TypeScript, particularly when it comes to determining the names and types of columns in a statement's resulting column set.

Duplicate Column Names

In SQLite, it is perfectly valid to include two columns with the same name in a statement.

FROM Airport AS A 
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id;

It's even valid to include the same exact column twice.

SELECT Id, Id FROM Airport;

Of course, a TypeScript interface or class requires unique property names. Different SQLite plugins for JavaScript/TypeScript may handle this problem differently. The easiest, best, and most universal way to solve for this is by using a column alias in your SQL statement.

SELECT A.Id, F.Id AS FlightId
FROM Airport AS A 
ON F.OriginAirportId = A.Id;

Adding a column alias to any column with an ambiguous name will ensure consistent results. Additionally, it prevents you from having to rely on SQLite's automatically generated column names, use of which is explicitly discouraged in the SQLite documentation.

Expression Columns

In SQLite, it is common to use Expressions in DML statements.


It is possible to have a TypeScript property named Count(*), and Not an ORM will not prevent you from trying to create one. However, this is not ideal, as it would only be accessible with bracket notation. For expressions, it is best to use a column alias, as descried in the last section.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS AirportCount FROM Airport;

However, even with column aliases, SQL expressions remain problematic for generating TypeScript due to nature of SQLite's flexible typing system. SQLite does not assign either a Declared Type or a Type Affinity to expression columns, even straightforward ones like COUNT(*), except in certain circumstances. Without additional information, Not an ORM will by default assign a type of any to any expression columns within your generated TypeScript interface.

To solve for this, you can add a C-style comment in your SQL statement containing the SQLite Declared Type that you would like to associate to the expression, using the syntax NAORM-TYPE: <your-declared-type>. Such a comment must be placed directly after the column alias - it must be before any comma, parentheses, or other non-whitespace characters. Not an ORM will recognize the comment and use it to calculate the type for your TypeScript model.

	COUNT(*) AS FlightCount /* NAORM-TYPE: INT */,
	AVERAGE(Capacity) AS AverageCapacity /* NAORM-TYPE: REAL */,
	SUM(Capacity) AS TotalCapacity /* NAORM-TYPE: INT */
FROM Flight;

Untyped Column Definitions

In SQLite, it is possible to define a column without a Declared Type. In this case, a NAORM-TYPE: comment can be placed directly after the column name, before any constraints, and it will be used when generating TypeScript.

	Id INT,
	Country /* NAORM-TYPE: TEXT */

It is also possible to add comments using the NAORM-TYPE: syntax to override the Declared Type that was specified in a column definition.


In this scenario, the value in the comment will be utilized instead of the table column's Declared Type.

export interface vwAirportId  {
	"Id": string | null;

export const vwFlightOriginColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Flight",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": "TEXT",
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "string | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

NOT NULL Constraints

NOT NULL constraints are used in SQLite to prevent columns from containing null values. These are commonly used in combination with a default value, autoincrement, or trigger that operates at the database level to populate non-null data into such a column.

This may mean that your application needs to work with models that allow null values for properties corresponding to columns with NOT NULL constraints, especially when creating records where certain columns will have values populated by database logic upon insertion.

By default, Not an ORM will not consider NOT NULL constraints, and will generate TypeScript interfaces that allow null values for all properties by using a union type such as string | null. However, you can change the default behavior using Custom Type Conventions.

Additionally, if desired, you can explicitly indicate NOT NULL within a NAORM-TYPE: comment immediately after a column name to override the behavior for the column.


This will generate TypeScript models that do not contain the union type containing null for the property.

export interface Airport  {
	"Id": number;

export const AirportColumns = [
		"columnName": "Id",
		"sourceColumn": "Id",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "INT",
		"naormTypeComment": "INT NOT NULL",
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "number",
		"jsDocComment": null

TypeScript will treat this interface differently depending on your TS version and configuration settings such as the strictNullChecks option.

Custom Type Conventions

Unlike other SQL implementations, SQLite does not enforce static, rigid typing. Instead, it implements its own unique flexible typing system with a limited set of Storage Classes and Type Affinities. While this architecture has many advantages, it presents challenges in mapping to TypeScript - after all, SQLite does not even have a dedicated type for boolean values. Similarly, while many data elements such as dates, timestamps, and other complex structures can be stored safely in TEXT or BLOB format, it is valuable to have TypeScript models that represent your data model in their most useful form for your application, rather than representing only the form used for persistance.

To solve these problems, Not an ORM defines a concept called a Type Convention. This is the mechanism by which Not an ORM determines which type to assign to a property in a generated TypeScript class or interface. Type Conventions operate based on the Declared Type of a column in SQLite, rather than its Type Affinity, and are completely customizable within your project. This greatly expands the options available for model generation, and can be extended to handle JavaScript Date objects, BigInt objects, structured JSON data, and more.

The TypeScript snippets in the examples above were all generated using Not an ORM's default Type Conventions, which map the Declared Types of SQL columns to TypeScript types using rules similar to the ones used by SQLite to map Declared Types to Type Affinities. Custom Type Conventions can be defined in the naorm-config.json file. The concepts utilized in these configurations are described sequentially in the sections below by way of example.

IMPORTANT: Not an ORM does not convert or cast any data within your application's runtime. Not an ORM is a Command Line Interface which should only be used to generate TypeScript prior to your application's TS compilation. NAORM generates TypeScript interfaces following the configured conventions, so that you can implement type conversion logic within your application in a type-safe way. Your application is responsible for converting types at runtime.

Custom Type Conventions for Booleans

A classic type-handling issue arises with booleans in TypeScript, which are typically stored in SQLite in INTEGER columns with value 0 or 1. However, using an alternate Declared Type when defining a column will allow Not an ORM to reference it later and generate a TypeScript interface with a boolean type.

For example, the CREATE TABLE statement below defines a column, IsCancelled, with a Declared Type of BOOLINT.

	IsCancelled BOOLINT

Of course, BOOLINT is not a standard SQL data type in any major SQL implementation, but SQLite does not require it to be. SQLite will assign a Type Affinity of INT to this column, following its rules for doing so.

In the Custom Type Convention Set below, the Declared Type of BOOLINT is configured to map to a TypeScript boolean.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": [],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "BOOLINT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "boolean"

After running npx naorm generate with the above configuration, the generated TypeScript interface contains the IsCancelled property with a type of boolean | null, rather than number | null.

export interface Flight  {
	"IsCancelled": boolean | null;

If you are using SQLite's STRICT mode for your table, you will not be able to define a column with a Declared Type other than the ones allowed. However, you can still use a NAORM-TYPE: comment, as below.


Not an ORM will always generate TypeScript based on the NAORM-TYPE: comment if one is specified.

export interface Flight  {
	"IsCancelled": boolean | null;

Custom Type Conventions for Non-Nullable Columns

By default, NAORM does not consider NOT NULL constraints when generating TypeScript.


However, the inferNotNullFromColumn option allows you to change this behavior.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": true,
		"importStatements": [],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "BOOLINT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "boolean"

When the inferNotNullFromColumn property is set to true, NAORM will recognize the NOT NULL constraint from the underlying column definition, and will not apply null as a Union Type in the generated TypeScript.

export interface Flight  {
	"IsCancelled": boolean;

Additionally, you can use a separate Declared Type in a NAORM-TYPE: comment, along with a Custom Type Convention, to distinguish how NAORM should generate the TypeScript for a specific type of nullable column. This can be useful if you'd like to enforce a NOT NULL constraint at the database level without enforcing it in TypeScript.


In this example, the union type boolean | null is specified as a string within the Custom Type Convention.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": true,
		"importStatements": [],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "BOOLINT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "boolean"
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "NULLABLE_BOOLINT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "boolean | null"

In this case, the null type is included as a Union Type due to its presence in the convention set, even though the column is defined as NOT NULL in the database.

export interface Flight  {
	"IsCancelled": boolean;
	"IsDelayed": boolean | null;

Custom Type Conventions for Dates

Another type-handling issue arises with date and date/time values, since SQLite does not have a dedicated type for either. The JavaScript Date object contains date, time, and time zone information, which can be properly stored and queried in SQLite as TEXT, INT, or REAL. There is no concept of a date-only value in JavaScript, however, you may want to store one in SQLite, using a format such as a date-only ISO string (e.g. 2022-12-20).

The CREATE TABLE statement below defines three columns with Declared Types ending in TEXT, so that SQLite will assign a Type Affinity of TEXT to these columns.

	DepartureTime DATETIME_TEXT,
	InspectionDate DATE_TEXT

In the Custom Type Convention Set below, all three of the Declared Types are configured to map to a Date within the generated TypeScript model.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": [],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "DATETIME_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "Date"
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "DATETIME_OFFSET_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "Date"
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "DATE_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "Date"

After running npx naorm generate with the above configuration, the generated TypeScript interface contains all three properties with a type of Date | null. Your application can then decide how to convert these properties to and from your desired TEXT form when saving and retrieving data.

export interface Flight  {
	"DepartureTime": Date | null;
	"ArrivalTime": Date | null;
	"InspectionDate": Date | null;

You may want to use a library like Moment.js or Luxon to work with dates and times in your TypeScript application, and you can specify your own Declared Types to facilitate this.


In the Custom Type Convention Set below, the LUXON_DATETIME_TEXT is mapped to Luxon's DateTime type, which, unlike a JavaScript Date, is not natively recognized by TypeScript. The type must be imported from Luxon's library, which is accomplished by adding the appropriate import statement to the convention set.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": ['import { DateTime } from "luxon";'],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "LUXON_DATETIME_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "DateTime"

After running npx naorm generate with the above configuration, the generated TypeScript file contains the import statement as well as the interface.

import { DateTime } from "luxon";

export interface Flight  {
	"DepartureTime": DateTime | null;

Custom Type Conventions for Complex Types

There may be instances where you would like to store a JSON string, representing some data with a complex type in your application, as TEXT in SQLite. This can be acheived with a similar approach to dates, by defining a column with your own custom Declared Type.


In this scenario, your FlightPlan type is probably defined somewhere within your code base, rather than in another library, so you may need to use a relative path in your import statement. This is possible by defining the path relative to the directory containing your naorm-config.json file.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": ['import { FlightPlan } from "<path-to>/flight-plan.ts";'],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "FLIGHT_PLAN_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "FlightPlan"

After running npx naorm generate with the above configuration, the generated TypeScript file contains the import statement, with the appropriate relative path, as well as the interface utilizing the type.

import { FlightPlan } from "../../<path-to>/flight-plan.ts";

export interface Flight  {
	"FlightPlan": FlightPlan | null;

Multiple Custom Type Convention Sets

There may be instances where it is helpful to generate multiple TypeScript models for the same set of columns in SQLite. In the above example of the complex data structure, your application's user interface, search algorithm, etc. may prefer to work with the data in its parsed form, but the same data may need to be sent to another application or database in its raw string form. NAORM allows you to generate a TypeScript model for each scenario.


The configuration file below contains two Custom Type Convention Sets, each with a unique value specificed for name.

"customTypeConventionSets": [
		"name": "Raw",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": [],
		"typeConventions": []
		"name": "Parsed",
		"typescriptConstruct": "interface",
		"extends": null,
		"inferNotNullFromColumn": false,
		"importStatements": ['import { FlightPlan } from "../helpers/flight-plan.ts";'],
		"typeConventions": [{
			"sqliteDeclaredType": "FLIGHT_PLAN_TEXT",
			"typescriptGeneratedType": "FlightPlan"

After running npx naorm generate with the above configuration, the generated TypeScript file contains two interfaces, each with the name of the convention set appended to the statement identifier. The two constants containing the columns follow the same approach.

import { FlightPlan } from "../../../../helpers/flight-plan.ts";

export interface FlightRaw  {
	"FlightPlan": string | null;

export interface FlightParsed  {
	"FlightPlan": FlightPlan | null;

export const FlightRawColumns = [
		"columnName": "FlightPlan",
		"sourceColumn": "FlightPlan",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "FLIGHT_PLAN_TEXT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "string | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

export const FlightParsedColumns = [
		"columnName": "FlightPlan",
		"sourceColumn": "FlightPlan",
		"sourceTable": "Airport",
		"sourceDatabase": "main",
		"declaredType": "FLIGHT_PLAN_TEXT",
		"naormTypeComment": null,
		"typeScriptTypeAnnotation": "FlightPlan | null",
		"jsDocComment": null

export const FlightSQL = `SELECT FlightPlan /* FLIGHT_PLAN_TEXT */ FROM Flights WHERE FlightNumber = ?`;


Not an ORM does not solve every problem facing TypeScript + SQLite developers. It is meant to be a lightweight tool that accomplishes a few key tasks. It is not, after all, an ORM library.

Below are some examples of items that Not an ORM, by design, does not do:

  • Not an ORM generates TypeScript, not SQL - it is not a query builder. However, it aims to be compatible with query builders such as SQL Bricks and Knex. One strategy for using these in combinaiton would be to maintain complex SELECT statements in SQL files, utilizing Not an ORM to generate TypeScript models, but leaving certain clauses like WHERE and ORDER BY to be dynamically generated by a query builder at runtime.

  • Not an ORM does not convert or cast data from one type to another within your application's runtime - your application is responsible for this. Not an ORM simply makes it possible to do so in a type-safe way.

  • Not an ORM does not attempt to parse or otherwise understand the content of your SQL statements, except in a few limited ways that are necessary in order to carry out its functions. A full parsing algorithm, such as the one used by SQLite itself, would need to be quite sophisticated, and is beyond the scope of this tool.

Besides these, there are also certain limitations when it comes to Not an ORM's intended functionality:

  • Not an ORM does not currently compile statements other than CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and DML statements. Therefore, you could write invalid SQL in a different type of statement, and Not an ORM will not throw an error or complain. As such, you may not realize something is wrong until your application tries to run the statement. In a future enhancement, it may become possible to compile a such statements, or perhaps a subset of them, as an additional validation mechanism.

  • Not an ORM does not currently support virtual tables, nor any View or DML statement that depends on a virtual table. This may be possible in a future enhancement.

  • Not an ORM does not support attached databases, and is unlikely to do so in the near future.

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