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1.0.4 • Public • Published


A NativeScript plugin that provides easy access to the native Segment SDKs. Largely based on this repository.


tns plugin add nativescript-segment

For access to the native SDK type definitions, specify the definitions in your references.d.ts

/// <reference path="./node_modules/nativescript-segment/platforms/android/typings/android.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./node_modules/nativescript-segment/platforms/ios/typings/ios.d.ts" />

Warning: Depending on your project structure, the paths shown above may be inaccurate.



All interaction with the library should be done via static function calls on the Segment import since both iOS and Android SDKs instantiate Segment as a singleton once the method configure has been successfully called.

const config: SegmentConfig = {
    trackLifeCycleEvents: true,
    recordScreenViews: true
Segment.configure(SEGMENT_KEY, config); // SEGMENT_KEY being your secret key
import { Segment } from 'nativescript-segment';

public someInteraction(type: string) {

For more advanced uses, or if it is required to access the base SDK methods, you can access the SDK's shared instance

// iOS
Segment.ios.track('some event');

// Android'some event');

Warning: accessing the SDK's methods directly potentially requires converting to native object and collection types

Platform specifics


Requires the internet permission if not already enabled in your app.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

iOS best practice

In your application's delegate:

import { Segment } from 'nativescript-segment';

public applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application, launchOptions): boolean {
    const config = {
        setDebug: true; // set to show full debug logging by the native APIs
    Segment.configure(key, config);
    return true;



const config: SegmentConfig = {
    trackLifeCycleEvents: true,
    recordScreenViews: true
Segment.configure('your segment write key', config);

SegmentConfig Properties (all optional)

Property Default Description
trackLifeCycleEvents true enable or disable auto tracking life-cycle events
recordScreenViews true enable or disable auto tracking of screen views
options Default integration options, see SegmentOptions
proxyUrl null forward all Segment calls through a proxy
setLogging false set base INFO logging in Android SDK and plugin itself
setDebug false Sets full debug logging in Android and iOS
middlewaresAndroid [] List of middlewares for Android. Applied in the order based on the array. See here for more info
middlewaresIOS [] List of middlewares for iOS. Applied in the order based on the array. See here for more info

SegmentOptions Properties (all optional)

Property Default Description
useAll true enables all integrations (default for Segment SDKs)
excluded [] exclude Segment from integrating with the specified services
included [] include Segment integration with the specified services (note: this will only take affect if useAll is set to false)


Identify the current user. Additional traits are supported, and custom traits are available.

const traits: SegmentTraits = {
    firstName: 'Dave',
    email: ''
const customTraits: any {
    favoriteColor: 'blue'
Segment.identify('userId', traits, customTraits);

SegmentTraits Properties (all optional)

Please see Segment's official spec for all available traits and their descriptions.


Track an event.

Segment.track('Some event');

const properties = {
    productName: 'Bread',
    revenue: 4
Segment.track('Product Purchased', properties);

Please see Segment's official spec for details on properties to add to track calls.


Manually record a screen view by name and optional category. Category is a default option for Android, but for iOS it will concatenate category and name into the same screen.

Segment.screen('signup', 'verify password');

Please see Segment's official spec for details on screen calls.


Associate current user with a group. A user can belong to multiple groups."0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632", {
  name: "Initech", 
  industry: "Technology",
  employees: 329, 
  plan: "enterprise", 
  "total billed": 830

Please see Segment's official spec for details on group calls.


alias is how you associate one identity with another.


Please see Segment's official spec for details on alias calls.


Disables or enables all analytics, remains set throughout app restarts.



Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

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    • rhanb