This driver adds HDANYWHERE MHUB support to NEEO. the driver includes:
MHUB system controll
- INPUT and OUTPUT selection
- MHUB system power.
In the NEEO app search for: HDA, HDANYWHERE, MHUB
- Exposes the on MHUB installed uControl drivers to NEEO.
In the NEEO app search for: HDA, HDANYWHERE, uControl
Custom Pronto HEX
- Expose custom build drivers to NEEO. Simply add pronto HEX to build a custom driver.
- Edit customDriver.js to add custom drivers.
In the NEEO app search for: HDA, HDANYWHERE, Custom Pronto HEX
Running the driver.
The use of this driver requires:
- NodeJs to be installed.
- MDNS resolving. (install bonjour SDK service on windows./ Install avahi on linux.).
- A system where the driver can continuously run.
Download the driver files and extract them, Use a terminal/command prompt and go to the extracted folder.
Install dependencies with "npm install".
Start the driver with "npm start".
For debugging, edit Debug_driver.js and adjust IP and port number. then run it with "node Debug_driver.js"
This code is written by Niels de Klerk. I'm a tech enthousiast and I code intergrations for fun. Feel free to use my work both private or commercialy for free as in beer. you can buy me one at https://www.paypal.me/NielsdeKlerk Are you part of a company and want to sponsor my work? feel free to contact me.
Version history:
Version 0.3.1
- added NPM module hdamhub
Version 0.3.0
- Code cleaning.
- disabled customDriver.js. To enable it edit devices\mhub\index.js
- Added Reboot.
- Added Power Cycle.
- Added Identify.
Version 0.2.4
- Increased performance.
Version 0.2.2
- Bugfix.
Version 0.2.1
- Fixed uControl IO id.
- Fixed Pronto Hex.
Version 0.2.0
- uControl implemented
- Custom drivers implemented. (Edit. customDriver.js)
Version 0.1.2
- Added Ucontrol device discovery
Version 0.1.1
- Changed INPUT selection labeling to "INPUT TO "
- Changed INPUT selection naming to "INPUT HDMI " // Complying to SDK Naming convention.
- Started to work on uControl driver.
Version 0.1.0
- Discovery is working.
- Dynamic assignments of input(/output) buttons.
- Lets NEEO controll power state and input/output of MHUB devices.