This package has been deprecated

Author message:

Package has been moved to @t00nday/nestjs-pdf starting at v2.0.0, hence this is no longer supported

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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Nestjs PDF Generator

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A simple PDF generator module for nestjs framework.

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Installation is as simple as running:

npm install nestjs-pdf


yarn add nestjs-pdf.


A basic usage example:

  1. Register the module as a dependency in the module where pdf will be generated:


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { PDFModule } from 'nestjs-pdf';
    imports: [
        // ... other modules
            view: {
                root: '/path/to/template',
                engine: 'pug',
export class AppModule { };

The module could also be registered asynchronously using the registerAsync method.

Examples below:

  • Using factory provider approach
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { PDFModule, PDFModuleOptions, } from 'nestjs-pdf';
    imports: [
        // ... other modules
            useFactory: (): PDFModuleOptions => ({
                view: {
                    root: '/path/to/template',
                    engine: 'pug',
export class AppModule { };
  • Using class or existing provider approach:


import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { PDFOptionsFactory, PDFModuleOptions } from 'nestjs-pdf';
export class PdfConfigService implements PDFOptionsFactory {
    createPdfOptions(): PDFModuleOptions {
        return {
            view: {
                root: 'path/to/template',
                engine: 'pug',

The PdfConfigService SHOULD implement the PDFOptionsFactory, MUST declare the createPdfOptions method and MUST return PDFModuleOptions object.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { PdfConfigService } from './pdf-config.service';
import { PDFModule, PDFModuleOptions, } from 'nestjs-pdf';
    imports: [
        // ... other modules
            useClass: PdfConfigService
export class AppModule { };
  1. Inject into service as a dependency:


import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
export class AppService {
        // ...other dependencies...
        @InjectPdf() pdf: PDF,
    ) { }
    async generatePdf() {
        await this.pdf({
            filename: './filename.pdf', // where pdf will be generated. Generally comprises of the path and filename
            template: 'templateName',
        }); // This will generate the pdf file at process.cwd() + './filename.pdf'.


Module options

This library uses the html-pdf npm package by marcbachmann under the hood which in turn uses phantomjs by ariya for the html-to-pdf conversion, consolidate by tj as html engine parser allowing users to specify their desired engine, as well as juice by Automattic for inlining resources.

The configuration object received by the register method is as below:

export interface PDFModuleOptions {
    name?: string;
    view: ViewOptions;
    juice?: JuiceOptions;

The name option would be the name of the module used for retrieval from the dependencies tree.

The ViewOptions can be further broken down into:

export interface ViewOptions {
    root: string;
    engine: engine;
    extension?: string;
    engineOptions?: ViewEngineOptions;


  • root (required) is the location of the template(s). This MUST be a directory.
  • engine (required) MUST be a string name of the engines supported by the consolidate engine parser listed here.
  • extension (optional) SHOULD be provided where the file extension of the engine used is different from its name. e.g. a swig template would use .html as its file extension which is quite different from the engine name. Detailed example found here
  • engineOptions (optional) is a JavaScript object representation of the configuration options of engine used.

The JuiceOptions is exactly the same as required in the juice package specifications here.

PDF method options

The options received by the pdf function is as below:

import { CreateOptions } from 'html-pdf';
export interface PdfOptions extends CreateOptions {
    filename?: string;
    template: string;
    viewportSize?: ViewPortSize;
    locals?: {
        [key: string]: any;

This is an extension of the CreateOptions as provided by the @types/html-pdf.

The filename (optional) options MUST be a string. This should be the path to the pdf file (created when pdf is generated) to be generated. Where filename is not given the file will be generated at:

import { join } from "path";
import { tmpdir } from "os";
join(tmpdir(), `html-pdf-${}.pdf`);

The template (required) option is the name the directory housing the template html. This MUST be a directory (name) available in the root directory provided in the ViewOptions. The directory must provide a html.<extension> file. i.e. if using pug engine, the directory must provide a html.pug file.

The viewportSize (optional) option is used to simulate the view of the screen when the pdf is grabbed.

The locals (optional) option is an object that provides variables accessible within the html template(s).


Contributions are welcome.


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