
1.2.0 • Public • Published


Upload source maps to new relic as part of a webpack build.


yarn add new-relic-source-map-webpack-plugin --dev or npm install new-relic-source-map-webpack-plugin --save-dev


Instantiate the plugin and add it to your plugins array.

applicationId, nrAdminKey, and staticAssetUrl are required unless noop is true. Full list of options in the next section.

const NewRelicSourceMapPlugin = require('new-relic-source-map-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new NewRelicSourceMapPlugin({
            applicationId: 'YOUR NEW RELIC APP ID',
            nrAdminKey: process.env.NR_ADMIN_KEY,
            staticAssetUrl: '',
            noop: typeof process.env.NR_ADMIN_KEY === 'undefined', // upload source maps in prod builds only

If you're using releaseName and releaseId, make sure one or both are unique per build and that you use the newrelic.addRelease method in your code to identify the release.


Property Type Description
applicationId string applicationId as defined here
nrAdminKey string Admin Key as defined here
staticAssetUrl string the domain your production assets are served from. Written as a complete url. Example: ""
staticAssetUrlBuilder function A function for building the production url your js file is built from. Will be called for every javascript file with four arguments: staticAssetUrl, the public path from your webpack config, the filename, and the webpack stats instance. Defaults to ${removeLastCharIfSlash(url)}${removeLastCharIfSlash(publicPath)}/${file}
extensionRegex regex a regex used to find js files. Defaults to /\.js$/
noop boolean control boolean that decides whether or not to run the plugin. Set to true for builds where you don't want to upload assets to new relic.
releaseName string [Optional] unique identifier for the release name
releaseId string [Optional] unique version for the release identifier
errorCallback function [Optional] A function for error callback. Default is console.warn(`New Relic sourcemap upload error: ${err}`)

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