Want a peek before downloading? There is a demo avaliable here
Latest release:
v.1.0 released! (23/12/19)
Compare multiple score profiles, play as animation or navigate using the navigation menu.
Watch the graphic change over time in a cool evolution animation.
Check the score-polygon-comparer section for details.
- Added more customization options for the score-polygon-component.Details in Extra Customization section.
- In your Angular project:
npm i ng-score-polygon --save
- Import the ScorePolygonModule in your Angular app.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { ScorePolygonModule } from 'ng-score-polygon';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, ScorePolygonModule],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Basic usage ng-score-component
This component automaticaly generates regular N-side polygons for a list of scores. This can be specialy apealing to display rated lists from 3 to 12 elements.
The component is totaly responsive, and most of the the styling is customizable. Check the Customization section for details.
Create your scores, with the following format:
{ label: string; score: number; markerImage?: string; }
- Label: The name of the entity represented by a score.
- Score: A score in a scale from 0 to 10.
- markerImage (optional): Path to the background image representing the score. If used, should be square-shaped to be properly displayed.
- Example:
userScores = [
{ label: 'Proactivity', score: 8, markerImage: './assets/a.jpg' },
{ label: 'Effort', score: 7, markerImage: './assets/b.jpg' },
{ label: 'Creativity', score: 8, markerImage: './assets/c.jpg' }
Define the component in your template.
<ng-score-polygon [scores]="userScores"></ng-score-polygon>
Extra Customization:
Colors and maker´s format can be changed using [property binding].
NEW! [config]
If you want to set up multiple variables at once, just send the configuration as a plain
js object. Keys are listed below. Just send the ones you actualy want to change, the
rest of variables will remain with the last value assigned or the default.
Colors (string)
Variable | Description |
[ scorePolygonColor ] |
Sets color of the score polygon. |
[ comparePolygonColor ] |
Sets color of the compare polygon. ( NEW!) |
[ maxScorePolygonColor ] |
Sets color of the wrapper polygon. |
[ innerLinesColor ] |
Sets color of the lines from edge to center of polygon. |
[ iconBorderColor ] |
Sets color of the icons border. |
[ outerCircleColor ] |
Sets color for the surrounding circle. |
Labels & Text (boolean)
Variable | Description | Default |
[ showText ] |
Enables/disables the score labels at the polygon edges. | false |
[ showIcons ] |
Enable/disables a rounded icon at the polygon edges. | true |
[showPercentPolygons] |
Enables/disables small polygons from outside to the center with 10% separation. | true |
[ showOuterCircle ] |
Shows/hides the circle surrounding the polygon | true |
ng-score-polygon-comparer ( NEW!)
This component provides a visible control UI that allows user to navigate between multiple score sets, or play them as a slide show.
Just provide the score sets, and it will automaticaly configurate the ng-score-polygon component for you.
<ng-score-polygon [scoreSets]="userScores"></ng-score-polygon>
interface ScoreSet {
scores: [{ score: number; label: string; markerImage?: string }];
setName: string;
const myScores = [
{ setName: 'January', scores: [{ energy: 10, proactivity: 10 }]}
{ setName: 'February', scores: [{ energy: 8.5, proactivity: 6.5}]
Aditional config
Variable | Description | Default |
[ autoplay ] |
Begins the slide when the component loads | true |
[ loop ] |
Enables/disables the score labels at the polygon edges. | true |
[ speed ] |
Time between a slide and the next (ms) | 1500 |
[ delay ] |
Time before animation starts. (ms) | 1500 |
[ config ] |
The config that will be set in the score-polygon. Check Extra customization section for the complete list. |
Hi! I´m Fer Ayguavives Oti, an Angular enthusiast. I am avaliable for hire! If you like what you see, this component was usefull to your project or want to contact for a job offer, here is my contact. Any feedback will be apreciated! :)
- Contact:
- Github:
- Linkdin: