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1.2.2 • Public • Published


Angular 2+ library for connecting with RESTful API.

ng2-restful is deprecated. Please switch to the ngx-restful

Minimum required version of @angular/core:>=2.4.3 and @angular/http:>=2.4.3


Install library into your project using Node package manager (NPM).

npm install ng2-restful --save


This library does not contains an Angular2 module with exported components and service, but instead, provides two classes and one interface:

  • RestService<T extends Serializable<T>> - an abstract class which your services need to extend in order to use provided REST methods
  • GenericResponse - model class returned from custom GET and POST requests performed from RestService
  • Serializable<T> - interface which your model classes need to implement in order to be automatically serialized/deserialized when sent/received from REST API

Using this RESTful pattern classes allows you to follow best practices for transferring and mapping entity objects from server to your client application. And also, provides a level of consistency to your Angular2 application.

Creating model

Model classes, which represents resource from your REST API need to implement Serializable interface and it's two methods:

  • serialize(): string - transforms current state of model object to JSON object
  • deserialize(input: any): T - transforms response JSON object from API to model object

Exmaple typescript model class (models/article.model.ts):

import {Serializable} from 'ng2-restful';
import {ArticleType} from './article-type.model';

export class Article implements Serializable<Article> {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    content: string;
    articleType: ArticleType;
    createdBy: string;
    created: Date;
    updated: Date;

    serialize(): string {
        return JSON.stringify(this, (key, value) => {
            return value;

    deserialize(input: any): Article { =; =;
        this.conent = input.content;
        // ArticleType is also a model class which implements Serializable<T>
        this.articleType = new ArticleType().deserialize(input.articleType);
        this.createdBy = input.createdBy;
        this.created = new Date(input.created);
        this.updated = new Date(input.updated);
        return this;

Implementing service

When model class is implemented, then REST service for that particular resource (model) can be created. Create new class as service with Angular2 annotation @Injectable() which extends RestService, then create constructor and implement abstract method getBaseUrlPath(): string.

Example typescript service class (services/article.service.ts):

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http} from '@angular/http';

import {RestService} from 'ng2-restful';
import {GenericResponse} from 'ng2-restful';
import {Article} from '../models/article.model';

export class ArticleService extends RestService<Article> {

    constructor(private http: Http) {
        super(http, Article);
    // This is relative url path on the same host as the angular2 application is served.
    // You can also use full URL path like: , just make sure
    // that Cross-Origin requests are allowed on that API server.
    getBaseUrlPath(): string {
        return 'api/articles'; 

    // Here you can override handleError method to perform specific actions when error is catched during HTTP request
    // duration. You could also forward error here and handle it when using this service in other components.
    handleError(error: any): Promise<any> {
        // throw error; If you want to handle error in another catch(..) block
        return Promise.reject(error.message || error);
    // Optionally, you can perform non-RESTful request using get() or post() methods
    // Returned value is promise of GenericResponse object which is described below.
    public nonRESTfulRequest(articleId: number): Promise<GenericResponse> {
         return this.get({id: articleId}, this.getBaseUrlPath() + '/check/article');

When performing updateOne(), deleteOne(), createOn() or non-RESTful requests using get() or post() methods from RestService, then returned value is GenericResponse. GenericResponse contains three fields:

  • success - true if request was successful, false otherwise
  • description - Optional description of requested result
  • data - map with custom values in format: key -> value

It's structure is following:

import {Serializable} from './serializable';

export class GenericResponse implements Serializable<GenericResponse> {
    success: boolean;
    description: string;
    data: Map<string, string> = new Map();

    serialize(): string {
        return JSON.stringify(this);

    deserialize(input: any): GenericResponse {
        this.success = input.success;
        this.description = input.description;

        for (let key in {
            if ( {

        return this;

Interacting with API

To use your newly created and implemented service, just inject service into the angular2 @Component's constructor and use it as follows:

import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core";

import {ArticleService} from "../services/article.service";
import {Article} from "../models/article.model";

    selector: 'article',
    templateUrl: 'article.component.html'
export class ArticleComponent implements OnInit {
    private articles: Article[] = [];
    private article: Article;
    private newArticle: Article = new Article();

    constructor(private articleService: ArticleService) {
    ngOnInit(): void {
        // Get all articles with empty parameters list
        this.articleService.query({}).then((articles: Article[]) => {
            this.articles = articles;
        // Query articles with URL parameters
        this.articleService.query({typeId: 3, page: 1, limit: 10}).then((articles: Article[]) => {
            this.articles = articles;
        // Get one article with provided id
        this.articleService.getOne(5).then((article: Article) => {
            this.article = article;
        // Create new article with provided article model object
        this.articleService.createOne(this.newArticle).then((response: GenericResponse) => {
            if (repsonse.success) {
                console.log("Article created! Description: " + response.description);
                console.log("New article id is: " +'id');
            } else {
                console.log("Failed creating article");
        // Update one article with provided article model object which must have id
        this.articleService.updateOne(this.article).then((response: GenericResponse) => {
            if (repsonse.success) {
                console.log("Article updated! Description: " + response.description);
            } else {
                console.log("Failed updating article");
        // Delete one article with provided id
        this.articleService.deleteOne( GenericResponse) => {
            if (repsonse.success) {
                console.log("Article deleted! Description: " + response.description);
            } else {
                console.log("Failed deleting article");
        // Custom service request
        this.articleService.nonRESTfulRequest( GenericResponse) => {
            if (repsonse.success) {
                console.log("Request successful! Description: " + response.description);
                console.log("Returned someValue: " +'someValue')):
            } else {
                console.log("Request failed");

Complete overview of all available methods provided by RestService:

Service method Arguments HTTP method Return type
get parameters: any, path: string, *options: RequestOptions GET Promise<GenericResponse>
post body: any, path: string, *options: RequestOptions POST Promise<GenericResponse>
query parameters: any, *path: string GET Promise<T[]>
getOne id: number, *path: string GET Promise<T>
createOne model: T, *path: string POST Promise<GenericResponse>
updateOne model: T, *path: string PUT Promise<GenericResponse>
deleteOne id: number, *path: string DELETE Promise<GenericResponse>

Parameters marked with * are optional.




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  • lujo