Angular wrapper for animate-css-grid
Installing and usage
npm install --save animate-css-grid
npm install --save ngx-animate-css-grid
Load the module for your app
; @
Use directive in you component template
<!-- grid class --> <!-- each grid item must have a single direct child --> Item title Item body
You can provide optional config and listen to events:
<!-- grid class --> <!-- each grid item must have a single direct child --> Item title Item body
Available configuration options:
// int: default is 0 ms
stagger: 100,
// int: default is 250 ms
duration: 500
// string: default is 'easeInOut'
easing: 'backInOut',
onStart // called with list of HTMLElements about to animateonEnd // called with list of HTMLElements that just finished animating
Helper functions available through the directive reference
// use it to force update after inline style changes // remove animations but not the grid itself
For more detailed documentation with all the supported options see: animate-css-grid