Angular Elastic DataTable Component
A minimalist DataTable-based component for Angular with elastic pagination.
npm install ngx-elastic-datatable --save
Import the ElasticDatatable Module and add it to the imports of your application module.
import { ElasticDatatableModule } from 'ngx-elastic-datatable'
imports: [ ElasticDatatableModule ],
declarations: [ ... ],
bootstrap: [ ... ]
export class YourModule { }
Call the component from within a template.
<ngx-elastic-datatable [config]="config"
And you're set!
The elastic datatable component has an emitter named didSelectedRow
launched when a row is selected, and also has an emitter named didChangedTotalPages
launched when the datatable has recalculated the number of rows to show per page (mainly due to browser window resize).
The elastic datatable component should be called with the parameters listed below.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items |
array | An array of groups with lists of rows. |
columns |
array | An array describing the columns of the datatable. |
config |
array | An array with the configuration of the datatable. |
currentPage |
number | The page number to be shown in the datatable. |
filterString |
string | Text to be filtered in the datatable rows. |
filterGroupId |
string | The group id to be filtered in the datatable rows. |
Example of data structure to be used as items
public data: Array<any> = [
'id': '1',
'name': 'Area 1',
'groupHeaderClassName': 'context-list-subheader',
'id': '128',
'num': '128',
'name': 'Masferrer Serrat Albert',
'hours': '35h',
'selected': true
}, {
'id': '244',
'num': '244',
'name': 'Puig Guitart Sílvia',
'hours': '22h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '432',
'num': '432',
'name': 'Masferrer Puig Pau',
'hours': '24h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '784',
'num': '784',
'name': 'Masferrer Pellisser Carlos',
'hours': '28h',
'selected': false
'id': '2',
'name': 'Area 2',
'groupHeaderClassName': 'context-list-subheader',
'id': '264',
'num': '264',
'name': 'Serrat Comas Montserrat',
'hours': '21h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '841',
'num': '841',
'name': 'Masferrer Serrat Laura',
'hours': '25h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '472',
'num': '472',
'name': 'Serrat Oltra Salvador',
'hours': '29h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '548',
'num': '548',
'name': 'Serrat Oltra Alba',
'hours': '20h',
'selected': false
}, {
'id': '328',
'num': '328',
'name': 'Serrat Comas Jaume',
'hours': '23h',
'selected': false
Example of data structure to be used as columns
public columns:Array<any> = [
title: 'NÚM',
name: 'num',
headerClassName: 'employee-list-fields-num',
cellClassName: 'employee-list-item-num'
}, {
title: 'NOMBRE',
name: 'name',
headerClassName: 'employee-list-fields-name',
cellClassName: 'employee-list-item-name'
}, {
title: 'H',
name: 'hours',
headerClassName: 'employee-list-fields-hours',
cellClassName: 'employee-list-item-hours'
Example of data structure to be used as config
public config:any = {
paging: true,
sorting: {columns: this.columns},
filtering: { filterString: '',
columnName: 'name' },
groupSelectorPlaceholder: 'Filtrar por estructura o organización'