This project lets the user see a zoomed preview of a portion of an image (as we can see the zoomed image preview in the product detail pages of Amazon and Flipkart websites)
Table of Contents
Step 1 : -
To add ngx-img-zoom-viewer open a terminal in your root directory and run the following command
npm i ngx-img-zoom-viewer
this will add the depandancy in your package.json file,
Step 2 : -
Add NGXimgZoomViewer in your app.module.ts file
import { NGXImgZoomViewerModule } from 'ngx-img-zoom-viewer' @NgModule ({ ..., imports: [ ..., NGXImgZoomViewerModule ], ... }) ...
Now we are Free to use NGXimgZoomViewer we can start using it by just adding
In template
<ngx-img-zoom-viewer [src]="url" > </ngx-img-zoom-viewer>
In TypeScript class
url = ""
there we have added some costomization that can help user to control the behavior of ngx-img-zoom-viwer
Config Interface
interface imgZoomViewerConfig { imgHeight?: number; megnification?: number; priviewBoxSize?: { height?: number; }; }
in order to use config please follow given steps :-
In Template File
<ngx-img-zoom-viewer [src]="url" [config]="config" > </ngx-img-zoom-viewer>
In TypeScript File
import { imgZoomViewerConfig } from 'ngx-zoom-viewer'; ... config: imgZoomViewerConfig = { imgHeight: 400; // will fix the size of image megnification: 2.5; // will handle magnification of image ( control zooming power ) priviewBoxSize?: { height?: 350; // handel the height of preview box }; } ...
note : - all the css units are in pixel only
If you have any questions about the project you can reach out to me via email or GitHub with the information below.
GitHub : vaibhavdubay