a benchmark util for Node.js.
You can use it test every function, get a report like this:
Benchmark test at Fri Sep 07 2012 01:53:53 GMT+0800 (CST):
getAsync(123, cb)
Number of totaol request: 1000, CONCURRENT users: 10
Time taken for tests: 0.398 seconds
Complete requests: 1000
Failed requests: 0
Requests per second: 2512.56 [#/sec]
Time per request: 2.81 [ms]
Max response time: 87[ms] Response time distribute:
Response time | Num | Proportion
0 ~ 5 | 940 | 94.00%
5 ~ 10 | 40 | 4.00%
10 ~ 20 | 10 | 1.00%
20 ~ 30 | 0 | 0.00%
30 ~ 40 | 0 | 0.00%
40 ~ 50 | 4 | 0.40%
50 ~ 80 | 4 | 0.40%
80 ~ 100 | 2 | 0.20%
100 ~ 200 | 0 | 0.00%
200 ~ 300 | 0 | 0.00%
300 ~ 500 | 0 | 0.00%
500 ~ 1000 | 0 | 0.00%
1000 ~ 2000 | 0 | 0.00%
2000 ~ 3000 | 0 | 0.00%
> 3000 | 0 | 0.00%
- Use nbm:
nbm [options]
example:./benchmark -c conf.js -l out.log -t md
-c, --config input config file path, array of inputs [required]
-l, --log -l FILE, LOG to FILE.
-t, --logType log type, could be markdown/md, default text
- In conf.js, must exports a array of
. Theseoptions
are forlib/benchmark
var rewire = ;var methods = ;/** * * * * * * * * @type */moduleexports = requests: 10000 concurrent: 500 type: 'async' method: methodsgetAsync args: 123 result: 123 description: 'getAsync(123, cb)' requests: 10000 concurrent: 500 type: 'async' method: methods args: 123 result: 123 description: '_privateGet(123, cb)' ;
Just like upside, use rewire can get the private method to be tested.
npm install -g node-benchmark
- more test
method support- api